from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.sessions.backends.base import SessionBase
from django.core import signing

class SessionStore(SessionBase):

    def load(self):
        Load the data from the key itself instead of fetching from some
        external data store. Opposite of _get_session_key(), raise BadSignature
        if signature fails.
            return signing.loads(
                # This doesn't handle non-default expiry dates, see #19201
        except Exception:
            # BadSignature, ValueError, or unpickling exceptions. If any of
            # these happen, reset the session.
        return {}

    def create(self):
        To create a new key, set the modified flag so that the cookie is set
        on the client for the current request.
        self.modified = True

    def save(self, must_create=False):
        To save, get the session key as a securely signed string and then set
        the modified flag so that the cookie is set on the client for the
        current request.
        self._session_key = self._get_session_key()
        self.modified = True

    def exists(self, session_key=None):
        This method makes sense when you're talking to a shared resource, but
        it doesn't matter when you're storing the information in the client's
        return False

    def delete(self, session_key=None):
        To delete, clear the session key and the underlying data structure
        and set the modified flag so that the cookie is set on the client for
        the current request.
        self._session_key = ''
        self._session_cache = {}
        self.modified = True

    def cycle_key(self):
        Keep the same data but with a new key. Call save() and it will
        automatically save a cookie with a new key at the end of the request.

    def _get_session_key(self):
        Instead of generating a random string, generate a secure url-safe
        base64-encoded string of data as our session key.
        return signing.dumps(
            self._session, compress=True,

    def clear_expired(cls):