from itertools import chain from django.apps import apps from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.admin.utils import ( NotRelationField, flatten, get_fields_from_path, ) from django.core import checks from django.core.exceptions import FieldDoesNotExist from django.db import models from django.db.models.constants import LOOKUP_SEP from django.forms.models import ( BaseModelForm, BaseModelFormSet, _get_foreign_key, ) from django.template.engine import Engine def check_admin_app(app_configs, **kwargs): from django.contrib.admin.sites import all_sites errors = [] for site in all_sites: errors.extend(site.check(app_configs)) return errors def check_dependencies(**kwargs): """ Check that the admin's dependencies are correctly installed. """ errors = [] # contrib.contenttypes must be installed. if not apps.is_installed('django.contrib.contenttypes'): missing_app = checks.Error( "'django.contrib.contenttypes' must be in INSTALLED_APPS in order " "to use the admin application.", id="admin.E401", ) errors.append(missing_app) # The auth context processor must be installed if using the default # authentication backend. try: default_template_engine = Engine.get_default() except Exception: # Skip this non-critical check: # 1. if the user has a non-trivial TEMPLATES setting and Django # can't find a default template engine # 2. if anything goes wrong while loading template engines, in # order to avoid raising an exception from a confusing location # Catching ImproperlyConfigured suffices for 1. but 2. requires # catching all exceptions. pass else: if ('django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth' not in default_template_engine.context_processors and 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend' in settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS): missing_template = checks.Error( "'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth' must be in " "TEMPLATES in order to use the admin application.", id="admin.E402" ) errors.append(missing_template) return errors class BaseModelAdminChecks: def check(self, admin_obj, **kwargs): errors = [] errors.extend(self._check_autocomplete_fields(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_raw_id_fields(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_fields(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_fieldsets(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_exclude(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_form(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_filter_vertical(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_filter_horizontal(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_radio_fields(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_prepopulated_fields(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_view_on_site_url(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_ordering(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_readonly_fields(admin_obj)) return errors def _check_autocomplete_fields(self, obj): """ Check that `autocomplete_fields` is a list or tuple of model fields. """ if not isinstance(obj.autocomplete_fields, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='autocomplete_fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E036') else: return list(chain.from_iterable([ self._check_autocomplete_fields_item(obj, obj.model, field_name, 'autocomplete_fields[%d]' % index) for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.autocomplete_fields) ])) def _check_autocomplete_fields_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label): """ Check that an item in `autocomplete_fields` is a ForeignKey or a ManyToManyField and that the item has a related ModelAdmin with search_fields defined. """ try: field = model._meta.get_field(field_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label, model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E037') else: if not field.many_to_many and not isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey): return must_be( 'a foreign key or a many-to-many field', option=label, obj=obj, id='admin.E038' ) related_admin = obj.admin_site._registry.get(field.remote_field.model) if related_admin is None: return [ checks.Error( 'An admin for model "%s" has to be registered ' 'to be referenced by %s.autocomplete_fields.' % ( field.remote_field.model.__name__, type(obj).__name__, ), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E039', ) ] elif not related_admin.search_fields: return [ checks.Error( '%s must define "search_fields", because it\'s ' 'referenced by %s.autocomplete_fields.' % ( related_admin.__class__.__name__, type(obj).__name__, ), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E040', ) ] return [] def _check_raw_id_fields(self, obj): """ Check that `raw_id_fields` only contains field names that are listed on the model. """ if not isinstance(obj.raw_id_fields, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='raw_id_fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E001') else: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_raw_id_fields_item(obj, obj.model, field_name, 'raw_id_fields[%d]' % index) for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.raw_id_fields) )) def _check_raw_id_fields_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label): """ Check an item of `raw_id_fields`, i.e. check that field named `field_name` exists in model `model` and is a ForeignKey or a ManyToManyField. """ try: field = model._meta.get_field(field_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label, model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E002') else: if not field.many_to_many and not isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey): return must_be('a foreign key or a many-to-many field', option=label, obj=obj, id='admin.E003') else: return [] def _check_fields(self, obj): """ Check that `fields` only refer to existing fields, doesn't contain duplicates. Check if at most one of `fields` and `fieldsets` is defined. """ if obj.fields is None: return [] elif not isinstance(obj.fields, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E004') elif obj.fieldsets: return [ checks.Error( "Both 'fieldsets' and 'fields' are specified.", obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E005', ) ] fields = flatten(obj.fields) if len(fields) != len(set(fields)): return [ checks.Error( "The value of 'fields' contains duplicate field(s).", obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E006', ) ] return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_field_spec(obj, obj.model, field_name, 'fields') for field_name in obj.fields )) def _check_fieldsets(self, obj): """ Check that fieldsets is properly formatted and doesn't contain duplicates. """ if obj.fieldsets is None: return [] elif not isinstance(obj.fieldsets, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='fieldsets', obj=obj, id='admin.E007') else: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_fieldsets_item(obj, obj.model, fieldset, 'fieldsets[%d]' % index) for index, fieldset in enumerate(obj.fieldsets) )) def _check_fieldsets_item(self, obj, model, fieldset, label): """ Check an item of `fieldsets`, i.e. check that this is a pair of a set name and a dictionary containing "fields" key. """ if not isinstance(fieldset, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option=label, obj=obj, id='admin.E008') elif len(fieldset) != 2: return must_be('of length 2', option=label, obj=obj, id='admin.E009') elif not isinstance(fieldset[1], dict): return must_be('a dictionary', option='%s[1]' % label, obj=obj, id='admin.E010') elif 'fields' not in fieldset[1]: return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s[1]' must contain the key 'fields'." % label, obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E011', ) ] elif not isinstance(fieldset[1]['fields'], (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option="%s[1]['fields']" % label, obj=obj, id='admin.E008') fields = flatten(fieldset[1]['fields']) if len(fields) != len(set(fields)): return [ checks.Error( "There are duplicate field(s) in '%s[1]'." % label, obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E012', ) ] return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_field_spec(obj, model, fieldset_fields, '%s[1]["fields"]' % label) for fieldset_fields in fieldset[1]['fields'] )) def _check_field_spec(self, obj, model, fields, label): """ `fields` should be an item of `fields` or an item of fieldset[1]['fields'] for any `fieldset` in `fieldsets`. It should be a field name or a tuple of field names. """ if isinstance(fields, tuple): return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_field_spec_item(obj, model, field_name, "%s[%d]" % (label, index)) for index, field_name in enumerate(fields) )) else: return self._check_field_spec_item(obj, model, fields, label) def _check_field_spec_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label): if field_name in obj.readonly_fields: # Stuff can be put in fields that isn't actually a model field if # it's in readonly_fields, readonly_fields will handle the # validation of such things. return [] else: try: field = model._meta.get_field(field_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: # If we can't find a field on the model that matches, it could # be an extra field on the form. return [] else: if (isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField) and not field.remote_field.through._meta.auto_created): return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' cannot include the ManyToManyField '%s', " "because that field manually specifies a relationship model." % (label, field_name), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E013', ) ] else: return [] def _check_exclude(self, obj): """ Check that exclude is a sequence without duplicates. """ if obj.exclude is None: # default value is None return [] elif not isinstance(obj.exclude, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='exclude', obj=obj, id='admin.E014') elif len(obj.exclude) > len(set(obj.exclude)): return [ checks.Error( "The value of 'exclude' contains duplicate field(s).", obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E015', ) ] else: return [] def _check_form(self, obj): """ Check that form subclasses BaseModelForm. """ if not issubclass(obj.form, BaseModelForm): return must_inherit_from(parent='BaseModelForm', option='form', obj=obj, id='admin.E016') else: return [] def _check_filter_vertical(self, obj): """ Check that filter_vertical is a sequence of field names. """ if not isinstance(obj.filter_vertical, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='filter_vertical', obj=obj, id='admin.E017') else: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_filter_item(obj, obj.model, field_name, "filter_vertical[%d]" % index) for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.filter_vertical) )) def _check_filter_horizontal(self, obj): """ Check that filter_horizontal is a sequence of field names. """ if not isinstance(obj.filter_horizontal, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='filter_horizontal', obj=obj, id='admin.E018') else: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_filter_item(obj, obj.model, field_name, "filter_horizontal[%d]" % index) for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.filter_horizontal) )) def _check_filter_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label): """ Check one item of `filter_vertical` or `filter_horizontal`, i.e. check that given field exists and is a ManyToManyField. """ try: field = model._meta.get_field(field_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label, model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E019') else: if not field.many_to_many: return must_be('a many-to-many field', option=label, obj=obj, id='admin.E020') else: return [] def _check_radio_fields(self, obj): """ Check that `radio_fields` is a dictionary. """ if not isinstance(obj.radio_fields, dict): return must_be('a dictionary', option='radio_fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E021') else: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_radio_fields_key(obj, obj.model, field_name, 'radio_fields') + self._check_radio_fields_value(obj, val, 'radio_fields["%s"]' % field_name) for field_name, val in obj.radio_fields.items() )) def _check_radio_fields_key(self, obj, model, field_name, label): """ Check that a key of `radio_fields` dictionary is name of existing field and that the field is a ForeignKey or has `choices` defined. """ try: field = model._meta.get_field(field_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label, model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E022') else: if not (isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey) or field.choices): return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which is not an " "instance of ForeignKey, and does not have a 'choices' definition." % ( label, field_name ), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E023', ) ] else: return [] def _check_radio_fields_value(self, obj, val, label): """ Check type of a value of `radio_fields` dictionary. """ from django.contrib.admin.options import HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL if val not in (HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL): return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' must be either admin.HORIZONTAL or admin.VERTICAL." % label, obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E024', ) ] else: return [] def _check_view_on_site_url(self, obj): if not callable(obj.view_on_site) and not isinstance(obj.view_on_site, bool): return [ checks.Error( "The value of 'view_on_site' must be a callable or a boolean value.", obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E025', ) ] else: return [] def _check_prepopulated_fields(self, obj): """ Check that `prepopulated_fields` is a dictionary containing allowed field types. """ if not isinstance(obj.prepopulated_fields, dict): return must_be('a dictionary', option='prepopulated_fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E026') else: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_prepopulated_fields_key(obj, obj.model, field_name, 'prepopulated_fields') + self._check_prepopulated_fields_value(obj, obj.model, val, 'prepopulated_fields["%s"]' % field_name) for field_name, val in obj.prepopulated_fields.items() )) def _check_prepopulated_fields_key(self, obj, model, field_name, label): """ Check a key of `prepopulated_fields` dictionary, i.e. check that it is a name of existing field and the field is one of the allowed types. """ try: field = model._meta.get_field(field_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label, model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E027') else: if isinstance(field, (models.DateTimeField, models.ForeignKey, models.ManyToManyField)): return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which must not be a DateTimeField, " "a ForeignKey, a OneToOneField, or a ManyToManyField." % (label, field_name), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E028', ) ] else: return [] def _check_prepopulated_fields_value(self, obj, model, val, label): """ Check a value of `prepopulated_fields` dictionary, i.e. it's an iterable of existing fields. """ if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option=label, obj=obj, id='admin.E029') else: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_prepopulated_fields_value_item(obj, model, subfield_name, "%s[%r]" % (label, index)) for index, subfield_name in enumerate(val) )) def _check_prepopulated_fields_value_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label): """ For `prepopulated_fields` equal to {"slug": ("title",)}, `field_name` is "title". """ try: model._meta.get_field(field_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label, model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E030') else: return [] def _check_ordering(self, obj): """ Check that ordering refers to existing fields or is random. """ # ordering = None if obj.ordering is None: # The default value is None return [] elif not isinstance(obj.ordering, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='ordering', obj=obj, id='admin.E031') else: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_ordering_item(obj, obj.model, field_name, 'ordering[%d]' % index) for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.ordering) )) def _check_ordering_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label): """ Check that `ordering` refers to existing fields. """ if field_name == '?' and len(obj.ordering) != 1: return [ checks.Error( "The value of 'ordering' has the random ordering marker '?', " "but contains other fields as well.", hint='Either remove the "?", or remove the other fields.', obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E032', ) ] elif field_name == '?': return [] elif LOOKUP_SEP in field_name: # Skip ordering in the format field1__field2 (FIXME: checking # this format would be nice, but it's a little fiddly). return [] else: if field_name.startswith('-'): field_name = field_name[1:] if field_name == 'pk': return [] try: model._meta.get_field(field_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label, model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E033') else: return [] def _check_readonly_fields(self, obj): """ Check that readonly_fields refers to proper attribute or field. """ if obj.readonly_fields == (): return [] elif not isinstance(obj.readonly_fields, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='readonly_fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E034') else: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_readonly_fields_item(obj, obj.model, field_name, "readonly_fields[%d]" % index) for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.readonly_fields) )) def _check_readonly_fields_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label): if callable(field_name): return [] elif hasattr(obj, field_name): return [] elif hasattr(model, field_name): return [] else: try: model._meta.get_field(field_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' is not a callable, an attribute of '%s', or an attribute of '%s.%s'." % ( label, obj.__class__.__name__, model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name ), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E035', ) ] else: return [] class ModelAdminChecks(BaseModelAdminChecks): def check(self, admin_obj, **kwargs): errors = super().check(admin_obj) errors.extend(self._check_save_as(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_save_on_top(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_inlines(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_list_display(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_list_display_links(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_list_filter(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_list_select_related(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_list_per_page(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_list_max_show_all(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_list_editable(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_search_fields(admin_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_date_hierarchy(admin_obj)) return errors def _check_save_as(self, obj): """ Check save_as is a boolean. """ if not isinstance(obj.save_as, bool): return must_be('a boolean', option='save_as', obj=obj, id='admin.E101') else: return [] def _check_save_on_top(self, obj): """ Check save_on_top is a boolean. """ if not isinstance(obj.save_on_top, bool): return must_be('a boolean', option='save_on_top', obj=obj, id='admin.E102') else: return [] def _check_inlines(self, obj): """ Check all inline model admin classes. """ if not isinstance(obj.inlines, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='inlines', obj=obj, id='admin.E103') else: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_inlines_item(obj, obj.model, item, "inlines[%d]" % index) for index, item in enumerate(obj.inlines) )) def _check_inlines_item(self, obj, model, inline, label): """ Check one inline model admin. """ inline_label = inline.__module__ + '.' + inline.__name__ from django.contrib.admin.options import InlineModelAdmin if not issubclass(inline, InlineModelAdmin): return [ checks.Error( "'%s' must inherit from 'InlineModelAdmin'." % inline_label, obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E104', ) ] elif not inline.model: return [ checks.Error( "'%s' must have a 'model' attribute." % inline_label, obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E105', ) ] elif not issubclass(inline.model, models.Model): return must_be('a Model', option='%s.model' % inline_label, obj=obj, id='admin.E106') else: return inline(model, obj.admin_site).check() def _check_list_display(self, obj): """ Check that list_display only contains fields or usable attributes. """ if not isinstance(obj.list_display, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='list_display', obj=obj, id='admin.E107') else: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_list_display_item(obj, obj.model, item, "list_display[%d]" % index) for index, item in enumerate(obj.list_display) )) def _check_list_display_item(self, obj, model, item, label): if callable(item): return [] elif hasattr(obj, item): return [] elif hasattr(model, item): # getattr(model, item) could be an X_RelatedObjectsDescriptor try: field = model._meta.get_field(item) except FieldDoesNotExist: try: field = getattr(model, item) except AttributeError: field = None if field is None: return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which is not a " "callable, an attribute of '%s', or an attribute or method on '%s.%s'." % ( label, item, obj.__class__.__name__, model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name ), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E108', ) ] elif isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField): return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' must not be a ManyToManyField." % label, obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E109', ) ] else: return [] else: try: model._meta.get_field(item) except FieldDoesNotExist: return [ # This is a deliberate repeat of E108; there's more than one path # required to test this condition. checks.Error( "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which is not a callable, " "an attribute of '%s', or an attribute or method on '%s.%s'." % ( label, item, obj.__class__.__name__, model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name ), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E108', ) ] else: return [] def _check_list_display_links(self, obj): """ Check that list_display_links is a unique subset of list_display. """ from django.contrib.admin.options import ModelAdmin if obj.list_display_links is None: return [] elif not isinstance(obj.list_display_links, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list, a tuple, or None', option='list_display_links', obj=obj, id='admin.E110') # Check only if ModelAdmin.get_list_display() isn't overridden. elif obj.get_list_display.__func__ is ModelAdmin.get_list_display: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_list_display_links_item(obj, field_name, "list_display_links[%d]" % index) for index, field_name in enumerate(obj.list_display_links) )) return [] def _check_list_display_links_item(self, obj, field_name, label): if field_name not in obj.list_display: return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which is not defined in 'list_display'." % ( label, field_name ), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E111', ) ] else: return [] def _check_list_filter(self, obj): if not isinstance(obj.list_filter, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='list_filter', obj=obj, id='admin.E112') else: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_list_filter_item(obj, obj.model, item, "list_filter[%d]" % index) for index, item in enumerate(obj.list_filter) )) def _check_list_filter_item(self, obj, model, item, label): """ Check one item of `list_filter`, i.e. check if it is one of three options: 1. 'field' -- a basic field filter, possibly w/ relationships (e.g. 'field__rel') 2. ('field', SomeFieldListFilter) - a field-based list filter class 3. SomeListFilter - a non-field list filter class """ from django.contrib.admin import ListFilter, FieldListFilter if callable(item) and not isinstance(item, models.Field): # If item is option 3, it should be a ListFilter... if not issubclass(item, ListFilter): return must_inherit_from(parent='ListFilter', option=label, obj=obj, id='admin.E113') # ... but not a FieldListFilter. elif issubclass(item, FieldListFilter): return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' must not inherit from 'FieldListFilter'." % label, obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E114', ) ] else: return [] elif isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): # item is option #2 field, list_filter_class = item if not issubclass(list_filter_class, FieldListFilter): return must_inherit_from(parent='FieldListFilter', option='%s[1]' % label, obj=obj, id='admin.E115') else: return [] else: # item is option #1 field = item # Validate the field string try: get_fields_from_path(model, field) except (NotRelationField, FieldDoesNotExist): return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which does not refer to a Field." % (label, field), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E116', ) ] else: return [] def _check_list_select_related(self, obj): """ Check that list_select_related is a boolean, a list or a tuple. """ if not isinstance(obj.list_select_related, (bool, list, tuple)): return must_be('a boolean, tuple or list', option='list_select_related', obj=obj, id='admin.E117') else: return [] def _check_list_per_page(self, obj): """ Check that list_per_page is an integer. """ if not isinstance(obj.list_per_page, int): return must_be('an integer', option='list_per_page', obj=obj, id='admin.E118') else: return [] def _check_list_max_show_all(self, obj): """ Check that list_max_show_all is an integer. """ if not isinstance(obj.list_max_show_all, int): return must_be('an integer', option='list_max_show_all', obj=obj, id='admin.E119') else: return [] def _check_list_editable(self, obj): """ Check that list_editable is a sequence of editable fields from list_display without first element. """ if not isinstance(obj.list_editable, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='list_editable', obj=obj, id='admin.E120') else: return list(chain.from_iterable( self._check_list_editable_item(obj, obj.model, item, "list_editable[%d]" % index) for index, item in enumerate(obj.list_editable) )) def _check_list_editable_item(self, obj, model, field_name, label): try: field = model._meta.get_field(field_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: return refer_to_missing_field(field=field_name, option=label, model=model, obj=obj, id='admin.E121') else: if field_name not in obj.list_display: return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which is not " "contained in 'list_display'." % (label, field_name), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E122', ) ] elif obj.list_display_links and field_name in obj.list_display_links: return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' cannot be in both 'list_editable' and 'list_display_links'." % field_name, obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E123', ) ] # If list_display[0] is in list_editable, check that # list_display_links is set. See #22792 and #26229 for use cases. elif (obj.list_display[0] == field_name and not obj.list_display_links and obj.list_display_links is not None): return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' refers to the first field in 'list_display' ('%s'), " "which cannot be used unless 'list_display_links' is set." % ( label, obj.list_display[0] ), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E124', ) ] elif not field.editable: return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which is not editable through the admin." % ( label, field_name ), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E125', ) ] else: return [] def _check_search_fields(self, obj): """ Check search_fields is a sequence. """ if not isinstance(obj.search_fields, (list, tuple)): return must_be('a list or tuple', option='search_fields', obj=obj, id='admin.E126') else: return [] def _check_date_hierarchy(self, obj): """ Check that date_hierarchy refers to DateField or DateTimeField. """ if obj.date_hierarchy is None: return [] else: try: field = get_fields_from_path(obj.model, obj.date_hierarchy)[-1] except (NotRelationField, FieldDoesNotExist): return [ checks.Error( "The value of 'date_hierarchy' refers to '%s', which " "does not refer to a Field." % obj.date_hierarchy, obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E127', ) ] else: if not isinstance(field, (models.DateField, models.DateTimeField)): return must_be('a DateField or DateTimeField', option='date_hierarchy', obj=obj, id='admin.E128') else: return [] class InlineModelAdminChecks(BaseModelAdminChecks): def check(self, inline_obj, **kwargs): errors = super().check(inline_obj) parent_model = inline_obj.parent_model errors.extend(self._check_relation(inline_obj, parent_model)) errors.extend(self._check_exclude_of_parent_model(inline_obj, parent_model)) errors.extend(self._check_extra(inline_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_max_num(inline_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_min_num(inline_obj)) errors.extend(self._check_formset(inline_obj)) return errors def _check_exclude_of_parent_model(self, obj, parent_model): # Do not perform more specific checks if the base checks result in an # error. errors = super()._check_exclude(obj) if errors: return [] # Skip if `fk_name` is invalid. if self._check_relation(obj, parent_model): return [] if obj.exclude is None: return [] fk = _get_foreign_key(parent_model, obj.model, fk_name=obj.fk_name) if in obj.exclude: return [ checks.Error( "Cannot exclude the field '%s', because it is the foreign key " "to the parent model '%s.%s'." % (, parent_model._meta.app_label, parent_model._meta.object_name ), obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E201', ) ] else: return [] def _check_relation(self, obj, parent_model): try: _get_foreign_key(parent_model, obj.model, fk_name=obj.fk_name) except ValueError as e: return [checks.Error(e.args[0], obj=obj.__class__, id='admin.E202')] else: return [] def _check_extra(self, obj): """ Check that extra is an integer. """ if not isinstance(obj.extra, int): return must_be('an integer', option='extra', obj=obj, id='admin.E203') else: return [] def _check_max_num(self, obj): """ Check that max_num is an integer. """ if obj.max_num is None: return [] elif not isinstance(obj.max_num, int): return must_be('an integer', option='max_num', obj=obj, id='admin.E204') else: return [] def _check_min_num(self, obj): """ Check that min_num is an integer. """ if obj.min_num is None: return [] elif not isinstance(obj.min_num, int): return must_be('an integer', option='min_num', obj=obj, id='admin.E205') else: return [] def _check_formset(self, obj): """ Check formset is a subclass of BaseModelFormSet. """ if not issubclass(obj.formset, BaseModelFormSet): return must_inherit_from(parent='BaseModelFormSet', option='formset', obj=obj, id='admin.E206') else: return [] def must_be(type, option, obj, id): return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' must be %s." % (option, type), obj=obj.__class__, id=id, ), ] def must_inherit_from(parent, option, obj, id): return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' must inherit from '%s'." % (option, parent), obj=obj.__class__, id=id, ), ] def refer_to_missing_field(field, option, model, obj, id): return [ checks.Error( "The value of '%s' refers to '%s', which is not an attribute of '%s.%s'." % ( option, field, model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name ), obj=obj.__class__, id=id, ), ]