from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import functools
import sys
import traceback
from tornado.concurrent import Future
from tornado import gen
from tornado.httpclient import HTTPError, HTTPRequest
from tornado.log import gen_log, app_log
from tornado.simple_httpclient import SimpleAsyncHTTPClient
from tornado.template import DictLoader
from tornado.testing import AsyncHTTPTestCase, gen_test, bind_unused_port, ExpectLog
from tornado.test.util import unittest, skipBefore35, exec_test
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler
import tornado.websocket # noqa
from tornado.util import _websocket_mask_python
except ImportError:
# The unittest module presents misleading errors on ImportError
# (it acts as if websocket_test could not be found, hiding the underlying
# error). If we get an ImportError here (which could happen due to
# TORNADO_EXTENSION=1), print some extra information before failing.
from tornado.websocket import WebSocketHandler, websocket_connect, WebSocketError, WebSocketClosedError
from tornado import speedups
except ImportError:
speedups = None
class TestWebSocketHandler(WebSocketHandler):
"""Base class for testing handlers that exposes the on_close event.
This allows for deterministic cleanup of the associated socket.
def initialize(self, close_future, compression_options=None):
self.close_future = close_future
self.compression_options = compression_options
def get_compression_options(self):
return self.compression_options
def on_close(self):
self.close_future.set_result((self.close_code, self.close_reason))
class EchoHandler(TestWebSocketHandler):
def on_message(self, message):
yield self.write_message(message, isinstance(message, bytes))
except WebSocketClosedError:
class ErrorInOnMessageHandler(TestWebSocketHandler):
def on_message(self, message):
1 / 0
class HeaderHandler(TestWebSocketHandler):
def open(self):
methods_to_test = [
functools.partial(self.write, 'This should not work'),
functools.partial(self.redirect, 'http://localhost/elsewhere'),
functools.partial(self.set_header, 'X-Test', ''),
functools.partial(self.set_cookie, 'Chocolate', 'Chip'),
functools.partial(self.set_status, 503),
for method in methods_to_test:
# In a websocket context, many RequestHandler methods
# raise RuntimeErrors.
raise Exception("did not get expected exception")
except RuntimeError:
self.write_message(self.request.headers.get('X-Test', ''))
class HeaderEchoHandler(TestWebSocketHandler):
def set_default_headers(self):
self.set_header("X-Extra-Response-Header", "Extra-Response-Value")
def prepare(self):
for k, v in self.request.headers.get_all():
if k.lower().startswith('x-test'):
self.set_header(k, v)
class NonWebSocketHandler(RequestHandler):
def get(self):
class CloseReasonHandler(TestWebSocketHandler):
def open(self):
self.on_close_called = False
self.close(1001, "goodbye")
class AsyncPrepareHandler(TestWebSocketHandler):
def prepare(self):
yield gen.moment
def on_message(self, message):
class PathArgsHandler(TestWebSocketHandler):
def open(self, arg):
class CoroutineOnMessageHandler(TestWebSocketHandler):
def initialize(self, close_future, compression_options=None):
super(CoroutineOnMessageHandler, self).initialize(close_future,
self.sleeping = 0
def on_message(self, message):
if self.sleeping > 0:
self.write_message('another coroutine is already sleeping')
self.sleeping += 1
yield gen.sleep(0.01)
self.sleeping -= 1
class RenderMessageHandler(TestWebSocketHandler):
def on_message(self, message):
self.write_message(self.render_string('message.html', message=message))
class WebSocketBaseTestCase(AsyncHTTPTestCase):
def ws_connect(self, path, **kwargs):
ws = yield websocket_connect(
'ws://' % (self.get_http_port(), path),
raise gen.Return(ws)
def close(self, ws):
"""Close a websocket connection and wait for the server side.
If we don't wait here, there are sometimes leak warnings in the
yield self.close_future
class WebSocketTest(WebSocketBaseTestCase):
def get_app(self):
self.close_future = Future()
return Application([
('/echo', EchoHandler, dict(close_future=self.close_future)),
('/non_ws', NonWebSocketHandler),
('/header', HeaderHandler, dict(close_future=self.close_future)),
('/header_echo', HeaderEchoHandler,
('/close_reason', CloseReasonHandler,
('/error_in_on_message', ErrorInOnMessageHandler,
('/async_prepare', AsyncPrepareHandler,
('/path_args/(.*)', PathArgsHandler,
('/coroutine', CoroutineOnMessageHandler,
('/render', RenderMessageHandler,
], template_loader=DictLoader({
'message.html': '{{ message }}',
def get_http_client(self):
# These tests require HTTP/1; force the use of SimpleAsyncHTTPClient.
return SimpleAsyncHTTPClient()
def tearDown(self):
super(WebSocketTest, self).tearDown()
def test_http_request(self):
# WS server, HTTP client.
response = self.fetch('/echo')
self.assertEqual(response.code, 400)
def test_missing_websocket_key(self):
response = self.fetch('/echo',
headers={'Connection': 'Upgrade',
'Upgrade': 'WebSocket',
'Sec-WebSocket-Version': '13'})
self.assertEqual(response.code, 400)
def test_bad_websocket_version(self):
response = self.fetch('/echo',
headers={'Connection': 'Upgrade',
'Upgrade': 'WebSocket',
'Sec-WebSocket-Version': '12'})
self.assertEqual(response.code, 426)
def test_websocket_gen(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/echo')
yield ws.write_message('hello')
response = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(response, 'hello')
yield self.close(ws)
def test_websocket_callbacks(self):
'ws://' % self.get_http_port(),
ws = self.wait().result()
response = self.wait().result()
self.assertEqual(response, 'hello')
self.close_future.add_done_callback(lambda f: self.stop())
def test_binary_message(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/echo')
ws.write_message(b'hello \xe9', binary=True)
response = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(response, b'hello \xe9')
yield self.close(ws)
def test_unicode_message(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/echo')
ws.write_message(u'hello \u00e9')
response = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(response, u'hello \u00e9')
yield self.close(ws)
def test_render_message(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/render')
response = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(response, 'hello')
yield self.close(ws)
def test_error_in_on_message(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/error_in_on_message')
with ExpectLog(app_log, "Uncaught exception"):
response = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertIs(response, None)
yield self.close(ws)
def test_websocket_http_fail(self):
with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
yield self.ws_connect('/notfound')
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 404)
def test_websocket_http_success(self):
with self.assertRaises(WebSocketError):
yield self.ws_connect('/non_ws')
def test_websocket_network_fail(self):
sock, port = bind_unused_port()
with self.assertRaises(IOError):
with ExpectLog(gen_log, ".*"):
yield websocket_connect(
'ws://' % port,
def test_websocket_close_buffered_data(self):
ws = yield websocket_connect(
'ws://' % self.get_http_port())
# Close the underlying stream.
yield self.close_future
def test_websocket_headers(self):
# Ensure that arbitrary headers can be passed through websocket_connect.
ws = yield websocket_connect(
HTTPRequest('ws://' % self.get_http_port(),
headers={'X-Test': 'hello'}))
response = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(response, 'hello')
yield self.close(ws)
def test_websocket_header_echo(self):
# Ensure that headers can be returned in the response.
# Specifically, that arbitrary headers passed through websocket_connect
# can be returned.
ws = yield websocket_connect(
HTTPRequest('ws://' % self.get_http_port(),
headers={'X-Test-Hello': 'hello'}))
self.assertEqual(ws.headers.get('X-Test-Hello'), 'hello')
self.assertEqual(ws.headers.get('X-Extra-Response-Header'), 'Extra-Response-Value')
yield self.close(ws)
def test_server_close_reason(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/close_reason')
msg = yield ws.read_message()
# A message of None means the other side closed the connection.
self.assertIs(msg, None)
self.assertEqual(ws.close_code, 1001)
self.assertEqual(ws.close_reason, "goodbye")
# The on_close callback is called no matter which side closed.
code, reason = yield self.close_future
# The client echoed the close code it received to the server,
# so the server's close code (returned via close_future) is
# the same.
self.assertEqual(code, 1001)
def test_client_close_reason(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/echo')
ws.close(1001, 'goodbye')
code, reason = yield self.close_future
self.assertEqual(code, 1001)
self.assertEqual(reason, 'goodbye')
def test_write_after_close(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/close_reason')
msg = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertIs(msg, None)
with self.assertRaises(WebSocketClosedError):
def test_async_prepare(self):
# Previously, an async prepare method triggered a bug that would
# result in a timeout on test shutdown (and a memory leak).
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/async_prepare')
res = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(res, 'hello')
def test_path_args(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/path_args/hello')
res = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(res, 'hello')
def test_coroutine(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/coroutine')
# Send both messages immediately, coroutine must process one at a time.
yield ws.write_message('hello1')
yield ws.write_message('hello2')
res = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(res, 'hello1')
res = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(res, 'hello2')
def test_check_origin_valid_no_path(self):
port = self.get_http_port()
url = 'ws://' % port
headers = {'Origin': '' % port}
ws = yield websocket_connect(HTTPRequest(url, headers=headers))
response = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(response, 'hello')
yield self.close(ws)
def test_check_origin_valid_with_path(self):
port = self.get_http_port()
url = 'ws://' % port
headers = {'Origin': '' % port}
ws = yield websocket_connect(HTTPRequest(url, headers=headers))
response = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(response, 'hello')
yield self.close(ws)
def test_check_origin_invalid_partial_url(self):
port = self.get_http_port()
url = 'ws://' % port
headers = {'Origin': '' % port}
with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
yield websocket_connect(HTTPRequest(url, headers=headers))
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 403)
def test_check_origin_invalid(self):
port = self.get_http_port()
url = 'ws://' % port
# Host is, which should not be accessible from some other
# domain
headers = {'Origin': ''}
with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
yield websocket_connect(HTTPRequest(url, headers=headers))
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 403)
def test_check_origin_invalid_subdomains(self):
port = self.get_http_port()
url = 'ws://localhost:%d/echo' % port
# Subdomains should be disallowed by default. If we could pass a
# resolver to websocket_connect we could test sibling domains as well.
headers = {'Origin': 'http://subtenant.localhost'}
with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm:
yield websocket_connect(HTTPRequest(url, headers=headers))
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 403)
if sys.version_info >= (3, 5):
NativeCoroutineOnMessageHandler = exec_test(globals(), locals(), """
class NativeCoroutineOnMessageHandler(TestWebSocketHandler):
def initialize(self, close_future, compression_options=None):
super().initialize(close_future, compression_options)
self.sleeping = 0
async def on_message(self, message):
if self.sleeping > 0:
self.write_message('another coroutine is already sleeping')
self.sleeping += 1
await gen.sleep(0.01)
self.sleeping -= 1
class WebSocketNativeCoroutineTest(WebSocketBaseTestCase):
def get_app(self):
self.close_future = Future()
return Application([
('/native', NativeCoroutineOnMessageHandler,
def test_native_coroutine(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/native')
# Send both messages immediately, coroutine must process one at a time.
yield ws.write_message('hello1')
yield ws.write_message('hello2')
res = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(res, 'hello1')
res = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(res, 'hello2')
class CompressionTestMixin(object):
MESSAGE = 'Hello world. Testing 123 123'
def get_app(self):
self.close_future = Future()
return Application([
('/echo', EchoHandler, dict(
def get_server_compression_options(self):
return None
def get_client_compression_options(self):
return None
def test_message_sizes(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect(
# Send the same message three times so we can measure the
# effect of the context_takeover options.
for i in range(3):
response = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(response, self.MESSAGE)
self.assertEqual(ws.protocol._message_bytes_out, len(self.MESSAGE) * 3)
self.assertEqual(ws.protocol._message_bytes_in, len(self.MESSAGE) * 3)
yield self.close(ws)
class UncompressedTestMixin(CompressionTestMixin):
"""Specialization of CompressionTestMixin when we expect no compression."""
def verify_wire_bytes(self, bytes_in, bytes_out):
# Bytes out includes the 4-byte mask key per message.
self.assertEqual(bytes_out, 3 * (len(self.MESSAGE) + 6))
self.assertEqual(bytes_in, 3 * (len(self.MESSAGE) + 2))
class NoCompressionTest(UncompressedTestMixin, WebSocketBaseTestCase):
# If only one side tries to compress, the extension is not negotiated.
class ServerOnlyCompressionTest(UncompressedTestMixin, WebSocketBaseTestCase):
def get_server_compression_options(self):
return {}
class ClientOnlyCompressionTest(UncompressedTestMixin, WebSocketBaseTestCase):
def get_client_compression_options(self):
return {}
class DefaultCompressionTest(CompressionTestMixin, WebSocketBaseTestCase):
def get_server_compression_options(self):
return {}
def get_client_compression_options(self):
return {}
def verify_wire_bytes(self, bytes_in, bytes_out):
self.assertLess(bytes_out, 3 * (len(self.MESSAGE) + 6))
self.assertLess(bytes_in, 3 * (len(self.MESSAGE) + 2))
# Bytes out includes the 4 bytes mask key per message.
self.assertEqual(bytes_out, bytes_in + 12)
class MaskFunctionMixin(object):
# Subclasses should define self.mask(mask, data)
def test_mask(self):
self.assertEqual(self.mask(b'abcd', b''), b'')
self.assertEqual(self.mask(b'abcd', b'b'), b'\x03')
self.assertEqual(self.mask(b'abcd', b'54321'), b'TVPVP')
self.assertEqual(self.mask(b'ZXCV', b'98765432'), b'c`t`olpd')
# Include test cases with \x00 bytes (to ensure that the C
# extension isn't depending on null-terminated strings) and
# bytes with the high bit set (to smoke out signedness issues).
class PythonMaskFunctionTest(MaskFunctionMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def mask(self, mask, data):
return _websocket_mask_python(mask, data)
@unittest.skipIf(speedups is None, "tornado.speedups module not present")
class CythonMaskFunctionTest(MaskFunctionMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def mask(self, mask, data):
return speedups.websocket_mask(mask, data)
class ServerPeriodicPingTest(WebSocketBaseTestCase):
def get_app(self):
class PingHandler(TestWebSocketHandler):
def on_pong(self, data):
self.write_message("got pong")
self.close_future = Future()
return Application([
('/', PingHandler, dict(close_future=self.close_future)),
], websocket_ping_interval=0.01)
def test_server_ping(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/')
for i in range(3):
response = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(response, "got pong")
yield self.close(ws)
# TODO: test that the connection gets closed if ping responses stop.
class ClientPeriodicPingTest(WebSocketBaseTestCase):
def get_app(self):
class PingHandler(TestWebSocketHandler):
def on_ping(self, data):
self.write_message("got ping")
self.close_future = Future()
return Application([
('/', PingHandler, dict(close_future=self.close_future)),
def test_client_ping(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/', ping_interval=0.01)
for i in range(3):
response = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(response, "got ping")
yield self.close(ws)
# TODO: test that the connection gets closed if ping responses stop.
class MaxMessageSizeTest(WebSocketBaseTestCase):
def get_app(self):
self.close_future = Future()
return Application([
('/', EchoHandler, dict(close_future=self.close_future)),
], websocket_max_message_size=1024)
def test_large_message(self):
ws = yield self.ws_connect('/')
# Write a message that is allowed.
msg = 'a' * 1024
resp = yield ws.read_message()
self.assertEqual(resp, msg)
# Write a message that is too large.
ws.write_message(msg + 'b')
resp = yield ws.read_message()
# A message of None means the other side closed the connection.
self.assertIs(resp, None)
self.assertEqual(ws.close_code, 1009)
self.assertEqual(ws.close_reason, "message too big")
# TODO: Needs tests of messages split over multiple
# continuation frames.