# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ clint.textui.progress ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module provides the progressbar functionality. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys import time import crayons from .environments import PIPENV_COLORBLIND, PIPENV_HIDE_EMOJIS STREAM = sys.stderr MILL_TEMPLATE = "%s %s %i/%i\r" DOTS_CHAR = "." if os.name != "nt": if PIPENV_HIDE_EMOJIS: if PIPENV_COLORBLIND: BAR_FILLED_CHAR = "=" BAR_EMPTY_CHAR = "-" else: BAR_FILLED_CHAR = str(crayons.green("=", bold=True)) BAR_EMPTY_CHAR = str(crayons.black("-")) else: if PIPENV_COLORBLIND: BAR_FILLED_CHAR = "▉" BAR_EMPTY_CHAR = " " else: BAR_FILLED_CHAR = str(crayons.green("▉", bold=True)) BAR_EMPTY_CHAR = str(crayons.black("▉")) else: BAR_FILLED_CHAR = "=" BAR_EMPTY_CHAR = "-" if (sys.version_info[0] >= 3) and (os.name != "nt"): BAR_TEMPLATE = u" %s%s%s %i/%i — {0}\r".format(crayons.black("%s")) else: if os.name == "nt": BAR_TEMPLATE = " %s%s%s %i/%i - %s\r" else: BAR_TEMPLATE = " %s%s%s %i/%i — %s\r" MILL_CHARS = ["|", "/", "-", "\\"] # How long to wait before recalculating the ETA ETA_INTERVAL = 1 # How many intervals (excluding the current one) to calculate the simple moving # average ETA_SMA_WINDOW = 9 class Bar(object): def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.done() return False # we're not suppressing exceptions def __init__( self, label="", width=32, hide=None, empty_char=BAR_EMPTY_CHAR, filled_char=BAR_FILLED_CHAR, expected_size=None, every=1, ): self.label = label self.width = width self.hide = hide # Only show bar in terminals by default (better for piping, logging etc.) if hide is None: try: self.hide = not STREAM.isatty() except AttributeError: # output does not support isatty() self.hide = True self.empty_char = empty_char self.filled_char = filled_char self.expected_size = expected_size self.every = every self.start = time.time() self.ittimes = [] self.eta = 0 self.etadelta = time.time() self.etadisp = self.format_time(self.eta) self.last_progress = 0 if self.expected_size: self.show(0) def show(self, progress, count=None): if count is not None: self.expected_size = count if self.expected_size is None: raise Exception("expected_size not initialized") self.last_progress = progress if (time.time() - self.etadelta) > ETA_INTERVAL: self.etadelta = time.time() self.ittimes = self.ittimes[-ETA_SMA_WINDOW:] + [ -(self.start - time.time()) / (progress + 1) ] self.eta = ( sum(self.ittimes) / float(len(self.ittimes)) * (self.expected_size - progress) ) self.etadisp = self.format_time(self.eta) x = int(self.width * progress / self.expected_size) if not self.hide: if ( progress % self.every == 0 # True every "every" updates or progress == self.expected_size # And when we're done ): STREAM.write( BAR_TEMPLATE % ( self.label, self.filled_char * x, self.empty_char * (self.width - x), progress, self.expected_size, self.etadisp, ) ) STREAM.flush() def done(self): self.elapsed = time.time() - self.start elapsed_disp = self.format_time(self.elapsed) if not self.hide: # Print completed bar with elapsed time STREAM.write( BAR_TEMPLATE % ( self.label, self.filled_char * self.width, self.empty_char * 0, self.last_progress, self.expected_size, elapsed_disp, ) ) STREAM.write("\n") STREAM.flush() def format_time(self, seconds): return time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(seconds)) def bar( it, label="", width=32, hide=None, empty_char=BAR_EMPTY_CHAR, filled_char=BAR_FILLED_CHAR, expected_size=None, every=1, ): """Progress iterator. Wrap your iterables with it.""" count = len(it) if expected_size is None else expected_size with Bar( label=label, width=width, hide=hide, empty_char=BAR_EMPTY_CHAR, filled_char=BAR_FILLED_CHAR, expected_size=count, every=every, ) as bar: for i, item in enumerate(it): yield item bar.show(i + 1) def dots(it, label="", hide=None, every=1): """Progress iterator. Prints a dot for each item being iterated""" count = 0 if not hide: STREAM.write(label) for i, item in enumerate(it): if not hide: if i % every == 0: # True every "every" updates STREAM.write(DOTS_CHAR) sys.stderr.flush() count += 1 yield item STREAM.write("\n") STREAM.flush() def mill(it, label="", hide=None, expected_size=None, every=1): """Progress iterator. Prints a mill while iterating over the items.""" def _mill_char(_i): if _i >= count: return " " else: return MILL_CHARS[(_i // every) % len(MILL_CHARS)] def _show(_i): if not hide: if ( _i % every == 0 # True every "every" updates or _i == count # And when we're done ): STREAM.write(MILL_TEMPLATE % (label, _mill_char(_i), _i, count)) STREAM.flush() count = len(it) if expected_size is None else expected_size if count: _show(0) for i, item in enumerate(it): yield item _show(i + 1) if not hide: STREAM.write("\n") STREAM.flush()