import collections import os import sys from subprocess import check_call from . import click from .exceptions import IncompatibleRequirements, UnsupportedConstraint from .utils import flat_map, format_requirement, key_from_ireq, key_from_req PACKAGES_TO_IGNORE = [ '-markerlib', 'pip', 'pip-tools', 'pip-review', 'pkg-resources', 'setuptools', 'wheel', ] def dependency_tree(installed_keys, root_key): """ Calculate the dependency tree for the package `root_key` and return a collection of all its dependencies. Uses a DFS traversal algorithm. `installed_keys` should be a {key: requirement} mapping, e.g. {'django': from_line('django==1.8')} `root_key` should be the key to return the dependency tree for. """ dependencies = set() queue = collections.deque() if root_key in installed_keys: dep = installed_keys[root_key] queue.append(dep) while queue: v = queue.popleft() key = key_from_req(v) if key in dependencies: continue dependencies.add(key) for dep_specifier in v.requires(): dep_name = key_from_req(dep_specifier) if dep_name in installed_keys: dep = installed_keys[dep_name] if dep_specifier.specifier.contains(dep.version): queue.append(dep) return dependencies def get_dists_to_ignore(installed): """ Returns a collection of package names to ignore when performing pip-sync, based on the currently installed environment. For example, when pip-tools is installed in the local environment, it should be ignored, including all of its dependencies (e.g. click). When pip-tools is not installed locally, click should also be installed/uninstalled depending on the given requirements. """ installed_keys = {key_from_req(r): r for r in installed} return list(flat_map(lambda req: dependency_tree(installed_keys, req), PACKAGES_TO_IGNORE)) def merge(requirements, ignore_conflicts): by_key = {} for ireq in requirements: if is not None and not ireq.editable: msg = ('pip-compile does not support URLs as packages, unless they are editable. ' 'Perhaps add -e option?') raise UnsupportedConstraint(msg, ireq) key = or key_from_req(ireq.req) if not ignore_conflicts: existing_ireq = by_key.get(key) if existing_ireq: # NOTE: We check equality here since we can assume that the # requirements are all pinned if ireq.specifier != existing_ireq.specifier: raise IncompatibleRequirements(ireq, existing_ireq) # TODO: Always pick the largest specifier in case of a conflict by_key[key] = ireq return by_key.values() def diff(compiled_requirements, installed_dists): """ Calculate which packages should be installed or uninstalled, given a set of compiled requirements and a list of currently installed modules. """ requirements_lut = { or key_from_req(r.req): r for r in compiled_requirements} satisfied = set() # holds keys to_install = set() # holds InstallRequirement objects to_uninstall = set() # holds keys pkgs_to_ignore = get_dists_to_ignore(installed_dists) for dist in installed_dists: key = key_from_req(dist) if key not in requirements_lut or not requirements_lut[key].match_markers(): to_uninstall.add(key) elif requirements_lut[key].specifier.contains(dist.version): satisfied.add(key) for key, requirement in requirements_lut.items(): if key not in satisfied and requirement.match_markers(): to_install.add(requirement) # Make sure to not uninstall any packages that should be ignored to_uninstall -= set(pkgs_to_ignore) return (to_install, to_uninstall) def sync(to_install, to_uninstall, verbose=False, dry_run=False, pip_flags=None, install_flags=None): """ Install and uninstalls the given sets of modules. """ if not to_uninstall and not to_install: click.echo("Everything up-to-date") if pip_flags is None: pip_flags = [] if not verbose: pip_flags += ['-q'] if os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV'): # find pip via PATH pip = 'pip' else: # find pip in same directory as pip-sync entry-point script pip = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])), 'pip') if to_uninstall: if dry_run: click.echo("Would uninstall:") for pkg in to_uninstall: click.echo(" {}".format(pkg)) else: check_call([pip, 'uninstall', '-y'] + pip_flags + sorted(to_uninstall)) if to_install: if install_flags is None: install_flags = [] if dry_run: click.echo("Would install:") for ireq in to_install: click.echo(" {}".format(format_requirement(ireq))) else: package_args = [] for ireq in sorted(to_install, key=key_from_ireq): if ireq.editable: package_args.extend(['-e', str( or ireq.req)]) else: package_args.append(str(ireq.req)) check_call([pip, 'install'] + pip_flags + install_flags + package_args) return 0