
0.3 (unreleased)

- The ``glob_data_files`` hook became a pre-command hook for the install_data
  command instead of being a setup-hook.  This is to support the additional
  functionality of requiring data_files with relative destination paths to be
  install relative to the package's install path (i.e. site-packages).

- Dropped support for and deprecated the easier_install custom command.
  Although it should still work, it probably won't be used anymore for
  stsci_python packages.

- Added support for the ``build_optional_ext`` command, which replaces/extends
  the default ``build_ext`` command.  See the README for more details.

- Added the ``tag_svn_revision`` setup_hook as a replacement for the
  setuptools-specific tag_svn_revision option to the egg_info command.  This
  new hook is easier to use than the old tag_svn_revision option: It's
  automatically enabled by the presence of ``.dev`` in the version string, and
  disabled otherwise.

- The ``svn_info_pre_hook`` and ``svn_info_post_hook`` have been replaced with
  ``version_pre_command_hook`` and ``version_post_command_hook`` respectively.
  However, a new ``version_setup_hook``, which has the same purpose, has been
  added.  It is generally easier to use and will give more consistent results
  in that it will run every time is run, regardless of which command
  is used.  ``stsci.distutils`` itself uses this hook--see the `setup.cfg` file
  and `stsci/distutils/` for example usage.

- Instead of creating an `` module, the new ``version_`` hooks create
  a file called ``.  In addition to the SVN info that was included
  in ``, it includes a ``__version__`` variable to be used by the
  package's ``.  This allows there to be a hard-coded
  ``__version__`` variable included in the source code, rather than using
  pkg_resources to get the version.

- In ``, the variables previously named ``__svn_version__`` and
  ``__full_svn_info__`` are now named ``__svn_revision__`` and

- Fixed a bug when using stsci.distutils in the installation of other packages
  in the ``stsci.*`` namespace package.  If stsci.distutils was not already
  installed, and was downloaded automatically by distribute through the
  setup_requires option, then ``stsci.distutils`` would fail to import.  This
  is because the way the namespace package (nspkg) mechanism currently works,
  all packages belonging to the nspkg *must* be on the import path at initial
  import time.

  So when installing, for example, if ```` is imported
  from within the source code at install time, but before ``stsci.distutils``
  is downloaded and added to the path, the ``stsci`` package is already
  imported and can't be extended to include the path of ``stsci.distutils``
  after the fact.  The easiest way of dealing with this, it seems, is to
  delete ``stsci`` from ``sys.modules``, which forces it to be reimported, now
  the its ``__path__`` extended to include ``stsci.distutil``'s path.

0.2.2 (2011-11-09)

- Fixed check for the issue205 bug on actual setuptools installs; before it
  only worked on distribute.  setuptools has the issue205 bug prior to version

- Improved the fix for the issue205 bug, especially on setuptools.
  setuptools, prior to 0.6c10, did not back of sys.modules either before
  sandboxing, which causes serious problems.  In fact, it's so bad that it's
  not enough to add a sys.modules backup to the current sandbox: It's in fact
  necessary to monkeypatch setuptools.sandbox.run_setup so that any subsequent
  calls to it also back up sys.modules.

0.2.1 (2011-09-02)

- Fixed the dependencies so that setuptools is requirement but 'distribute'
  specifically.  Previously installation could fail if users had plain
  setuptools installed and not distribute

0.2 (2011-08-23)

- Initial public release