# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function from datetime import datetime, timedelta import re import sys from numpy import nan import numpy as np import pytest from pandas import (DataFrame, compat, option_context) from pandas.compat import StringIO, lrange, u, PYPY import pandas.io.formats.format as fmt import pandas as pd import pandas.util.testing as tm from pandas.tests.frame.common import TestData # Segregated collection of methods that require the BlockManager internal data # structure class TestDataFrameReprInfoEtc(TestData): def test_repr_empty(self): # empty foo = repr(self.empty) # noqa # empty with index frame = DataFrame(index=np.arange(1000)) foo = repr(frame) # noqa def test_repr_mixed(self): buf = StringIO() # mixed foo = repr(self.mixed_frame) # noqa self.mixed_frame.info(verbose=False, buf=buf) @pytest.mark.slow def test_repr_mixed_big(self): # big mixed biggie = DataFrame({'A': np.random.randn(200), 'B': tm.makeStringIndex(200)}, index=lrange(200)) biggie.loc[:20, 'A'] = nan biggie.loc[:20, 'B'] = nan foo = repr(biggie) # noqa def test_repr(self): buf = StringIO() # small one foo = repr(self.frame) self.frame.info(verbose=False, buf=buf) # even smaller self.frame.reindex(columns=['A']).info(verbose=False, buf=buf) self.frame.reindex(columns=['A', 'B']).info(verbose=False, buf=buf) # exhausting cases in DataFrame.info # columns but no index no_index = DataFrame(columns=[0, 1, 3]) foo = repr(no_index) # noqa # no columns or index self.empty.info(buf=buf) df = DataFrame(["a\n\r\tb"], columns=["a\n\r\td"], index=["a\n\r\tf"]) assert "\t" not in repr(df) assert "\r" not in repr(df) assert "a\n" not in repr(df) def test_repr_dimensions(self): df = DataFrame([[1, 2, ], [3, 4]]) with option_context('display.show_dimensions', True): assert "2 rows x 2 columns" in repr(df) with option_context('display.show_dimensions', False): assert "2 rows x 2 columns" not in repr(df) with option_context('display.show_dimensions', 'truncate'): assert "2 rows x 2 columns" not in repr(df) @pytest.mark.slow def test_repr_big(self): # big one biggie = DataFrame(np.zeros((200, 4)), columns=lrange(4), index=lrange(200)) repr(biggie) def test_repr_unsortable(self): # columns are not sortable import warnings warn_filters = warnings.filters warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning, module=".*format") unsortable = DataFrame({'foo': [1] * 50, datetime.today(): [1] * 50, 'bar': ['bar'] * 50, datetime.today() + timedelta(1): ['bar'] * 50}, index=np.arange(50)) repr(unsortable) fmt.set_option('display.precision', 3, 'display.column_space', 10) repr(self.frame) fmt.set_option('display.max_rows', 10, 'display.max_columns', 2) repr(self.frame) fmt.set_option('display.max_rows', 1000, 'display.max_columns', 1000) repr(self.frame) tm.reset_display_options() warnings.filters = warn_filters def test_repr_unicode(self): uval = u('\u03c3\u03c3\u03c3\u03c3') # TODO(wesm): is this supposed to be used? bval = uval.encode('utf-8') # noqa df = DataFrame({'A': [uval, uval]}) result = repr(df) ex_top = ' A' assert result.split('\n')[0].rstrip() == ex_top df = DataFrame({'A': [uval, uval]}) result = repr(df) assert result.split('\n')[0].rstrip() == ex_top def test_unicode_string_with_unicode(self): df = DataFrame({'A': [u("\u05d0")]}) if compat.PY3: str(df) else: compat.text_type(df) def test_bytestring_with_unicode(self): df = DataFrame({'A': [u("\u05d0")]}) if compat.PY3: bytes(df) else: str(df) def test_very_wide_info_repr(self): df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 20), columns=tm.rands_array(10, 20)) repr(df) def test_repr_column_name_unicode_truncation_bug(self): # #1906 df = DataFrame({'Id': [7117434], 'StringCol': ('Is it possible to modify drop plot code' ' so that the output graph is displayed ' 'in iphone simulator, Is it possible to ' 'modify drop plot code so that the ' 'output graph is \xe2\x80\xa8displayed ' 'in iphone simulator.Now we are adding ' 'the CSV file externally. I want to Call' ' the File through the code..')}) result = repr(df) assert 'StringCol' in result def test_latex_repr(self): result = r"""\begin{tabular}{llll} \toprule {} & 0 & 1 & 2 \\ \midrule 0 & $\alpha$ & b & c \\ 1 & 1 & 2 & 3 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} """ with option_context("display.latex.escape", False, 'display.latex.repr', True): df = DataFrame([[r'$\alpha$', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3]]) assert result == df._repr_latex_() # GH 12182 assert df._repr_latex_() is None @tm.capture_stdout def test_info(self): io = StringIO() self.frame.info(buf=io) self.tsframe.info(buf=io) frame = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 3)) frame.info() frame.info(verbose=False) def test_info_wide(self): from pandas import set_option, reset_option io = StringIO() df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 101)) df.info(buf=io) io = StringIO() df.info(buf=io, max_cols=101) rs = io.getvalue() assert len(rs.splitlines()) > 100 xp = rs set_option('display.max_info_columns', 101) io = StringIO() df.info(buf=io) assert rs == xp reset_option('display.max_info_columns') def test_info_duplicate_columns(self): io = StringIO() # it works! frame = DataFrame(np.random.randn(1500, 4), columns=['a', 'a', 'b', 'b']) frame.info(buf=io) def test_info_duplicate_columns_shows_correct_dtypes(self): # GH11761 io = StringIO() frame = DataFrame([[1, 2.0]], columns=['a', 'a']) frame.info(buf=io) io.seek(0) lines = io.readlines() assert 'a 1 non-null int64\n' == lines[3] assert 'a 1 non-null float64\n' == lines[4] def test_info_shows_column_dtypes(self): dtypes = ['int64', 'float64', 'datetime64[ns]', 'timedelta64[ns]', 'complex128', 'object', 'bool'] data = {} n = 10 for i, dtype in enumerate(dtypes): data[i] = np.random.randint(2, size=n).astype(dtype) df = DataFrame(data) buf = StringIO() df.info(buf=buf) res = buf.getvalue() for i, dtype in enumerate(dtypes): name = '%d %d non-null %s' % (i, n, dtype) assert name in res def test_info_max_cols(self): df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 5)) for len_, verbose in [(5, None), (5, False), (10, True)]: # For verbose always ^ setting ^ summarize ^ full output with option_context('max_info_columns', 4): buf = StringIO() df.info(buf=buf, verbose=verbose) res = buf.getvalue() assert len(res.strip().split('\n')) == len_ for len_, verbose in [(10, None), (5, False), (10, True)]: # max_cols no exceeded with option_context('max_info_columns', 5): buf = StringIO() df.info(buf=buf, verbose=verbose) res = buf.getvalue() assert len(res.strip().split('\n')) == len_ for len_, max_cols in [(10, 5), (5, 4)]: # setting truncates with option_context('max_info_columns', 4): buf = StringIO() df.info(buf=buf, max_cols=max_cols) res = buf.getvalue() assert len(res.strip().split('\n')) == len_ # setting wouldn't truncate with option_context('max_info_columns', 5): buf = StringIO() df.info(buf=buf, max_cols=max_cols) res = buf.getvalue() assert len(res.strip().split('\n')) == len_ def test_info_memory_usage(self): # Ensure memory usage is displayed, when asserted, on the last line dtypes = ['int64', 'float64', 'datetime64[ns]', 'timedelta64[ns]', 'complex128', 'object', 'bool'] data = {} n = 10 for i, dtype in enumerate(dtypes): data[i] = np.random.randint(2, size=n).astype(dtype) df = DataFrame(data) buf = StringIO() # display memory usage case df.info(buf=buf, memory_usage=True) res = buf.getvalue().splitlines() assert "memory usage: " in res[-1] # do not display memory usage cas df.info(buf=buf, memory_usage=False) res = buf.getvalue().splitlines() assert "memory usage: " not in res[-1] df.info(buf=buf, memory_usage=True) res = buf.getvalue().splitlines() # memory usage is a lower bound, so print it as XYZ+ MB assert re.match(r"memory usage: [^+]+\+", res[-1]) df.iloc[:, :5].info(buf=buf, memory_usage=True) res = buf.getvalue().splitlines() # excluded column with object dtype, so estimate is accurate assert not re.match(r"memory usage: [^+]+\+", res[-1]) # Test a DataFrame with duplicate columns dtypes = ['int64', 'int64', 'int64', 'float64'] data = {} n = 100 for i, dtype in enumerate(dtypes): data[i] = np.random.randint(2, size=n).astype(dtype) df = DataFrame(data) df.columns = dtypes df_with_object_index = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1]}, index=['foo']) df_with_object_index.info(buf=buf, memory_usage=True) res = buf.getvalue().splitlines() assert re.match(r"memory usage: [^+]+\+", res[-1]) df_with_object_index.info(buf=buf, memory_usage='deep') res = buf.getvalue().splitlines() assert re.match(r"memory usage: [^+]+$", res[-1]) # Ensure df size is as expected # (cols * rows * bytes) + index size df_size = df.memory_usage().sum() exp_size = len(dtypes) * n * 8 + df.index.nbytes assert df_size == exp_size # Ensure number of cols in memory_usage is the same as df size_df = np.size(df.columns.values) + 1 # index=True; default assert size_df == np.size(df.memory_usage()) # assert deep works only on object assert df.memory_usage().sum() == df.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() # test for validity DataFrame(1, index=['a'], columns=['A'] ).memory_usage(index=True) DataFrame(1, index=['a'], columns=['A'] ).index.nbytes df = DataFrame( data=1, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [['a'], range(1000)]), columns=['A'] ) df.index.nbytes df.memory_usage(index=True) df.index.values.nbytes mem = df.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() assert mem > 0 @pytest.mark.skipif(PYPY, reason="on PyPy deep=True doesn't change result") def test_info_memory_usage_deep_not_pypy(self): df_with_object_index = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1]}, index=['foo']) assert (df_with_object_index.memory_usage( index=True, deep=True).sum() > df_with_object_index.memory_usage( index=True).sum()) df_object = pd.DataFrame({'a': ['a']}) assert (df_object.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() > df_object.memory_usage().sum()) @pytest.mark.skipif(not PYPY, reason="on PyPy deep=True does not change result") def test_info_memory_usage_deep_pypy(self): df_with_object_index = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1]}, index=['foo']) assert (df_with_object_index.memory_usage( index=True, deep=True).sum() == df_with_object_index.memory_usage( index=True).sum()) df_object = pd.DataFrame({'a': ['a']}) assert (df_object.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() == df_object.memory_usage().sum()) @pytest.mark.skipif(PYPY, reason="PyPy getsizeof() fails by design") def test_usage_via_getsizeof(self): df = DataFrame( data=1, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [['a'], range(1000)]), columns=['A'] ) mem = df.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() # sys.getsizeof will call the .memory_usage with # deep=True, and add on some GC overhead diff = mem - sys.getsizeof(df) assert abs(diff) < 100 def test_info_memory_usage_qualified(self): buf = StringIO() df = DataFrame(1, columns=list('ab'), index=[1, 2, 3]) df.info(buf=buf) assert '+' not in buf.getvalue() buf = StringIO() df = DataFrame(1, columns=list('ab'), index=list('ABC')) df.info(buf=buf) assert '+' in buf.getvalue() buf = StringIO() df = DataFrame(1, columns=list('ab'), index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [range(3), range(3)])) df.info(buf=buf) assert '+' not in buf.getvalue() buf = StringIO() df = DataFrame(1, columns=list('ab'), index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [range(3), ['foo', 'bar']])) df.info(buf=buf) assert '+' in buf.getvalue() def test_info_memory_usage_bug_on_multiindex(self): # GH 14308 # memory usage introspection should not materialize .values from string import ascii_uppercase as uppercase def memory_usage(f): return f.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() N = 100 M = len(uppercase) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([list(uppercase), pd.date_range('20160101', periods=N)], names=['id', 'date']) df = DataFrame({'value': np.random.randn(N * M)}, index=index) unstacked = df.unstack('id') assert df.values.nbytes == unstacked.values.nbytes assert memory_usage(df) > memory_usage(unstacked) # high upper bound assert memory_usage(unstacked) - memory_usage(df) < 2000 def test_info_categorical(self): # GH14298 idx = pd.CategoricalIndex(['a', 'b']) df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((2, 2)), index=idx, columns=idx) buf = StringIO() df.info(buf=buf)