import logging import six import pytest from tornado.websocket import StreamClosedError, WebSocketClosedError from import WSHandler from bokeh.util.logconfig import basicConfig # needed for caplog tests to function basicConfig() @pytest.mark.skipif(six.PY2, reason="this test doesn't work on Python 2 due to 'fake self' hack.") @pytest.mark.parametrize('exc', [StreamClosedError, WebSocketClosedError]) @pytest.mark.unit def test_send_message_raises(caplog, exc): class ExcMessage(object): def send(self, handler): raise exc() assert len(caplog.records) == 0 with caplog.at_level(logging.WARN): # fake self not great but much easier than setting up a real view ret = WSHandler.send_message("self", ExcMessage()) assert len(caplog.records) == 1 assert caplog.text.endswith("Failed sending message as connection was closed\n") assert ret.result() is None