''' Provide definitions for Bokeh WebSocket prototol versions.

A *protocol specification* is a sequence of tuples of the form:

.. code-block:: python

        (<message_type>, <revision>),
        (<message_type>, <revision>),

Where ``<message_type>`` is string that identifies a message type, e.g,
``'ACK'``, ``'SERVER-INFO-REQ'``, etc. and ``<revision>`` is an integer that
identifies what revision of the message this version of the protocol uses.

A *protocol version* is a string of the form ``'<major>.<minor>'``. The
guidelines for updating the major or minor version are:

    bump when new messages are added or deleted (and reset minor
    version to zero)

    bump when existing message revisions change

.. data:: spec

    A mapping of protocol versions to protocol specifications.

    .. code-block:: python

            "1.0" : (
                ("ACK", 1),
                ("OK", 1),
                ("ERROR", 1),
                ("EVENT", 1),
                ('SERVER-INFO-REPLY', 1),
                ('SERVER-INFO-REQ', 1),
                ('PULL-DOC-REQ', 1),
                ('PULL-DOC-REPLY', 1),
                ('PUSH-DOC', 1),
                ('PATCH-DOC', 1)

from __future__ import absolute_import

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#     ANY update to this file MUST be accompanied by the "PROTOCOL" tag.      #
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# Please update the docstring above if anything here is changed

spec = {

    "1.0" : (
        ("ACK", 1),
        ("OK", 1),
        ("ERROR", 1),
        ("EVENT", 1),
        ('SERVER-INFO-REPLY', 1),
        ('SERVER-INFO-REQ', 1),
        ('PULL-DOC-REQ', 1),
        ('PULL-DOC-REPLY', 1),
        ('PUSH-DOC', 1),
        ('PATCH-DOC', 1)
