express = require 'express' fs = require 'fs' http = require 'http' https = require 'https' open = require 'open' # express.js server for testing the Web application. class XhrServer # Starts up a HTTP server. constructor: (@port, @useHttps) -> @createApp() # Opens the test URL in a browser. openBrowser: (appName) -> open @testUrl(), appName # The URL that should be used to start the tests. testUrl: -> "https://localhost:#{@port}/test/html/browser_test.html" # The self-signed certificate used by this server. sslCertificate: -> return null unless @useHttps keyMaterial = fs.readFileSync 'test/ssl/cert.pem', 'utf8' certIndex = keyMaterial.indexOf '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' keyMaterial.substring certIndex # The key for the self-signed certificate used by this server. sslKey: -> return null unless @useHttps keyMaterial = fs.readFileSync 'test/ssl/cert.pem', 'utf8' certIndex = keyMaterial.indexOf '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' keyMaterial.substring 0, certIndex # The server code. createApp: -> @app = express() ## Middleware. # CORS headers on everything, in case that ever gets implemented. @app.use (request, response, next) -> response.header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*' response.header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'DELETE,GET,POST,PUT' response.header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Authorization' next() @app.use express.static(fs.realpathSync(__dirname + '/../../../'), { dotfiles: 'allow' }) ## Routes @app.all '/_/method', (request, response) -> body = request.method response.header 'Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' response.header 'Content-Length', body.length.toString() response.end body # Echoes the request body. Used to test send(data). '/_/echo', (request, response) -> if request.headers['content-type'] response.header 'Content-Type', request.headers['content-type'] if request.headers['content-length'] response.header 'Content-Length', request.headers['content-length'] request.on 'data', (chunk) -> response.write chunk request.on 'end', -> response.end() # Lists the request headers. Used to test setRequestHeader(). @app.all '/_/headers', (request, response) -> body = JSON.stringify request.headers response.header 'Content-Type', 'application/json' response.header 'Content-Length', body.length.toString() response.end body # Sets the response headers in the request. Used to test getResponse*(). '/_/get_headers', (request, response) -> jsonString = '' request.on 'data', (chunk) -> jsonString += chunk request.on 'end', -> headers = JSON.parse jsonString for name, value of headers response.header name, value response.header 'Content-Length', '0' response.end '' # Sets every response detail. Used for error testing. '/_/response', (request, response) -> jsonString = '' request.on 'data', (chunk) -> jsonString += chunk request.on 'end', -> json = JSON.parse jsonString response.writeHead json.code, json.status, json.headers response.write json.body if json.body response.end() # Sends data in small chunks. Used for event testing. '/_/drip', (request, response) -> request.connection.setNoDelay() jsonString = '' request.on 'data', (chunk) -> jsonString += chunk request.on 'end', -> json = JSON.parse jsonString sentDrips = 0 drip = new Array(json.size + 1).join '.' response.header 'Content-Type', 'text/plain' if json.length response.header 'Content-Length', (json.drips * json.size).toString() sendDrip = => response.write drip sentDrips += 1 if sentDrips >= json.drips response.end() else setTimeout sendDrip, sendDrip() # Returns a HTTP redirect. Used to test the redirection handling code. @app.all '/_/redirect/:status/:next_page', (request, response) => response.statusCode = parseInt(request.params.status) response.header 'Location', "http://#{request.get('host')}/_/#{request.params.next_page}" body = "
This is supposed to have a redirect link
" response.header 'Content-Type', 'text/html' response.header 'Content-Length', body.length.toString() response.header 'X-Redirect-Header', 'should not show up' response.end body # Requested when the browser test suite completes. @app.get '/diediedie', (request, response) => if 'failed' of request.query failed = parseInt request.query['failed'] else failed = 1 total = parseInt request.query['total'] || 0 passed = total - failed exitCode = if failed == 0 then 0 else 1 console.log "#{passed} passed, #{failed} failed" response.header 'Content-Type', 'image/png' response.header 'Content-Length', '0' response.end '' unless 'NO_EXIT' of process.env @server.close() process.exit exitCode if @useHttps options = key: @sslKey(), cert: @sslCertificate() @server = https.createServer options, @app else @server = http.createServer @app @server.listen @port module.exports.https = new XhrServer 8911, true module.exports.http = new XhrServer 8912, false