if typeof window is 'undefined' # node.js global.XMLHttpRequest = require '../../../lib/xhr2' global.ProgressEvent = XMLHttpRequest.ProgressEvent global.NetworkError = XMLHttpRequest.NetworkError global.SecurityError = XMLHttpRequest.SecurityError global.InvalidStateError = XMLHttpRequest.InvalidStateError global.chai = require 'chai' global.assert = global.chai.assert global.expect = global.chai.expect global.sinon = require 'sinon' global.sinonChai = require 'sinon-chai' xhrServer = require './xhr_server' require './xhr2.png.js' https = require 'https' agent = new https.Agent agent.options.rejectUnauthorized = true agent.options.ca = xhrServer.https.sslCertificate() global.XMLHttpRequest.nodejsSet httpsAgent: agent console.log xhrServer.http.testUrl() global.XMLHttpRequest.nodejsSet( baseUrl: xhrServer.http.testUrl().replace('https://', 'http://')) else # browser # HACK(pwnall): the test is first loaded on https so the developer can bypass # the SSL interstitial; however, we need to run the test on http, because # Chrome blocks https -> http XHRs if window.location.href.indexOf('https://') is 0 window.location.href = window.location.href.replace('https://', 'http://'). replace(':8911', ':8912') window.NetworkError = window.Error window.SecurityError = window.Error window.assert = window.chai.assert window.expect = window.chai.expect