

Please first read through the [FAQ](

Please ask questions on [StackOverflow](, [Google Group discussion list](!forum/angular), or [Gitter](

Any questions posted to Protractor's Github Issues will be closed with this note:

Please direct general support questions like this one to an appropriate support channel, see

Thank you!


If you have a bug or feature request, please file an issue.
Before submitting an issue, please search the issue archive to help reduce duplicates, and read the

Try running with troubleshooting messages (`protractor --troubleshoot`) against your configuration to make sure that there is not an error with your setup.

When submitting an issue, please include a reproducible case that we can actually run. Protractor has a test Angular application available at `` which you can use for the reproducible test case. If there's an error, please include the error text.

Please format code and markup in your issue using [github markdown](

Contributing to Source Code (Pull Requests)

Loosely, follow the [Angular contribution rules](

 * If your PR changes any behavior or fixes an issue, it should have an associated test.
 * New features should be general and as simple as possible.
 * Breaking changes should be avoided if possible.
 * All pull requests require review. No PR will be merged without a comment from a team member stating LGTM (Looks good to me).

Protractor specific rules

 * JavaScript style should generally follow the [Google JS style guide](
 * Wrap code at 80 chars.
 * Document public methods with jsdoc.
 * Be consistent with the code around you!

Commit Messages

Please write meaningful commit messages - they are used to generate the changelog, so the commit message should tell a user everything they need to know about a commit. Protractor follows AngularJS's [commit message format](

In summary, this style is

    <type>(<scope>): <subject>

Where `<type>` is one of [feat, fix, docs, refactor, test, chore, deps] and
`<scope>` is a quick descriptor of the location of the change, such as cli, clientSideScripts, element.

Testing your changes

Test your changes on your machine by running `npm start` to start up the test application,
then `npm test` to run the test suite. This assumes you have a Selenium Server running
at localhost:4444.

When you submit a PR, tests will also be run on the Continuous Integration environment
through Travis. If your tests fail on Travis, take a look at the logs - if the failures
are known flakes in Internet Explorer or Safari you can ignore them, but otherwise
Travis should pass.