# 5.4.2 ## Features - ([db1b638](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/db1b6381d463c7cecf11dece2bf9412fecbd6f4d)) feat(saucelabs): add sauceRegion support for eu datacenters (#5083) This change allows user to define the backend region from sauce via the `sauceRegion` property, e.g. ```js sauceUser: process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME, sauceKey: process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY, sauceRegion: 'eu', ``` Will run the test against `https://ondemand.eu-central-1.saucelabs.com:443/wd/hub/.` ```js sauceUser: process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME, sauceKey: process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY, sauceRegion: 'us', // the default sauceUser: process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME, sauceKey: process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY, ``` Will run the test against https://ondemand.saucelabs.com:443/wd/hub/ ## Fixes - ([f5dbe13](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f5dbe13ad6755ae812627d8056527e351db8b34c)) fix(deps): @types/node is now a dev dependency # 5.4.1 ## Features - ([7b08083](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7b0808396458fbc2bd46c7e929f4effecb2a3f1e)) feat(driverProvider): Add useExistingWebDriver driver provider (#4756) - ([249e657](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/249e657baa605257c268f09078d56219776db9b1)) feat(example): add examples of usage protractor framework with angular-material components; (#4891) ## Fixes - ([39485ca](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/39485ca49ad751814ae112b224ae054e697e102f)) fix(typo): fixed typo in EC expectation alias (#4952) - ([07fefeb](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/07fefeb9636f8b3506df2eacbdb4ada29f50fbbd)) fix(browser): browser.navigate() return type. (#4932) Changing return type of browser.navigate() to be Navigation instead of any. - ([0b1820c](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/0b1820c6c1d8b13e8fb2e64f27e4fe1d3cbcdd73)) fix(package-lock.json): update package-lock.json to match package.json. (#4931) ## Dependencies - ([2632bb6](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2632bb67c3ac7773e8b769cd5c5ee5c6d7b69f3d)) deps(webdriver_js_extender): update webdriver_js_extender to 2.1 (#4934) # 5.4.0 ## Features - ([03e2209](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/03e22092557240217bbbcf641476db08cc35df77)) feat(driverProvider) Adding browserstackProxy param in BrowserStack driverProvider (#4852) ## Fixes - ([492230a](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/492230ab3445ca3aea3e60f55d27cb9825018ef9)) fix(generate_doc.sh): Use ES6 lib to compile down to ES5 (#4884) - ([ed955e5](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ed955e56a839d7f69da43acb6755763220d3681d)) fix(travisCI): Update Node versions (#4847) - ([3702a70](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/3702a709fe251fed1de9ee1eab38593c2c371e94)) fix(local): Ensure webdriver.gecko.driver path is passed to Selenium (#4502) - ([1c6a1a8](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/1c6a1a82f03f2bd5911dfc37f365329d6f5acb60)) fix(circleci): Switch to using circleci v2 syntax and fix build errors (#4837) ## Dependencies - ([056eec2](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/056eec23a7d1534d5e8624d42a6c9d1f3106cf5d)) deps(webdriver_js_extender): update webdriver_js_extender to 2.0 (#4882) 1. update webdriver_js_extender to 2.0 2. update selenium typing to 3.0.10 # 5.3.2 ## Fixes - ([4e0a57c](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4e0a57cff88b470dc5d05698a1341040f65dceb4)) fix(test): fix async tests Increase the scripts timeout - ([c6703a5](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c6703a5ea8ce7a837193ecf478c2096d8c6e99e9)) fix(doc): Spelling updates to comments in plugin.ts(#4797) Updated some of the spelling errors/ punctuation mistakes for clearer understanding. - ([76324b8](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/76324b80063152ce67c164b6f048682e71771bb6)) fix(cli): add more verbose warning if '_debugger' module cannot be found. (#4800) - ([f8f490a](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f8f490a82d0ed6965248e1f78bd2ac7ca91548d9)) updated CHANGELOG based on sauceSeleniumAddress and sauceSeleniumUseHttp (#4793) - ([6290f27](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/6290f27720816dd574ff7a1eccfec6ade1539b71)) fix(generate-docs): fix generate-docs.sh. (#4765) Ignore generated unstaged files before checking out to new branch; otherwise, the git checkout will fail. ## Dependencies - ([948c7f2](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/948c7f267feebfd4c6997d8bc02485b573100197)) fix(deps): Update saucelabs for security issue. (#4805) # 5.3.1 ## Features - ([cc2234c](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/cc2234c762268acab85b6e5d1c13b6480738651b)) feat(logger): Add log level configuration (#1451) (#4068) ## Fixes - ([c63b99e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c63b99ee029b6730e4b0702ac7c22b4076049e2a)) fix(grep): change excluded tests to disabled instead of pending (#4673) - ([9348ccf](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9348ccfe65a0488d2929f624e70aef585f72e3ab)) docs(page_objects): Remove unnecessary "await" and "async" (#4732) - ([4898db0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4898db0940e0c0084e7c538a40986f94dc21e7ec)) docs(plugins) add protractor-cucumber-steps plugin to plugins.md (#4721) - ([a7411b6](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a7411b6a156d45ec2e61f1b6ec951a19d854f5b2)) docs(page_objects): Add async / await example (#4675) # 5.3.0 ## Features - ([9d87982](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9d8798243d23dd9d338c2eabd11d5a43ab3c31d9)) feat(config): allow to use newer versions of CoffeeScript (#4567) CoffeeScript lost the hyphen in the module name about 9 months ago, all the new versions are going to be released as coffeescript not the coffee-script - ([6ba30e0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/6ba30e0b356fdb980cf1f2870ef0b5c6bb22ec4e)) feat(driverProviders): Add TestObject and Kobiton as driverProviders Add TestObject and Kobiton as driverProviders 1. Add testObject and kobiton to driverProviders 2. Add testObject and kobiton items to cli, config and index 3. Add instructions for using testObject and kobiton to server-setup ## Fixes - ([a62a154](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a62a15417d559346a75fb6e208359ffa5b6b65f1)) fix(script): fix compile-to-es5 script (#4676) make compile-to-es5 script rely on native es6-promise typing - ([964baba](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/964baba5eac52452350bf1d29a191558595c5f1b)) fix(clientsidescript): avoid returning the value of test callback in waitForAngular (#4667) The return value could be interpreted as an error by mistake in some situation Also fix a wrong if-condition in error reporting - ([83e2ba8](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/83e2ba878257e9c85775cd52bf70960f0c45917b)) fix(website): Locator by.name('field_name') (#4653) - ([02746dd](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/02746dd37726b2647f8f8dbeb1152cd7f902acb0)) fix(browser): Add space after full stop in error message. (#4594) Linkifiers interpret the ".If" at the end of the URL as part of the URL. - ([7f968e0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7f968e022a7f7ebcda8955651f2907c1a25ecc22)) fix(direct): Use config's geckoDriver when specified (#4554) This change makes the `firefox` capability more closely match `chrome`'s. The `firefox` capability was not looking for `config_.geckoDriver` like `chrome` was. - ([f9df456](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f9df45619b1744e6615e183965fe093f0e4526e6)) docs(element): fix minor typo in element.ts (#4471) - ([65f206e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/65f206e70a2d13762c841da247557b0ebb7fde7d)) docs(website): updated reference from ignoreSynchronization to waitForAngularEnabled(false). (#4632) ## Dependencies - ([335680f](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/335680f10ab3c5d1de1eab92868c7b30fb7e3d23)) fix(circleCI): lock the currect version of all dependencies (#4669) CircleCI was broken by the new release of gulp-clang-format and jasmine 1. pin the version of gulp-clang-format to 1.0.23 2. pin jasmine version to 2.8.0 3. add lock file # 5.2.2 ## Fixes - ([b3c7404](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b3c7404258db55a71e7bc4520973c0665cb0ff06)) Revert "fix(jasmine): Update Jasmine to support Node8 async/await (#4608)" This reverts commit 5d13b00bca651227eb55616363f7d7eb8a91f8e8. This commit is unnecessary now, revert this commit to avoid breaking changes in 5.2.1 - ([8e5ad1f](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/8e5ad1f9b01ec4629fa079609aa8bedee52f0722)) fix(doc): remove unnecessary config in debugging doc/example (#4622) # 5.2.1 ## Features - ([a62efc6](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a62efc6e401bc1aa7408e3008ccdaa219b528636)) feat(locators): Add support for regex in cssContainingText (#4532) ## Fixes - ([e51f0ec](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/e51f0ecb31b7eb361dbf8feaa201ad2fccf9cf14)) fix(doc): update doc for testing with node 8 async/await and chrome inspector. (#4613) - ([b204a83](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b204a835976088131f209a5f873f9f786fa05a2e)) doc(browser-support) improved Firefox documentation (#4553) - ([8d71a1b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/8d71a1b1b1d314bf0a4ef8c7ecefdd1c7688032e)) docs(page-objects.md): Refactor the existing Page Object example (#4576) - ([95dd3ca](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/95dd3caf4b90b2d42aa1d5b35b0fd48504f802c3)) doc(tutorial): added example for element.getAttribute('value') to read text from an input (#4566) ## Dependencies - ([bb63ab0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/bb63ab00046fc300d898a39c03fb6d974fe20b57)) Update to the latest blocking proxy (#4546) ## Breaking Changes - ([5d13b00](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/5d13b00bca651227eb55616363f7d7eb8a91f8e8)) fix(jasmine): Update Jasmine to support Node8 async/await (#4608) Breaking change for TypeScript: JasmineWD doesn't know anything about async/await, turns off JasmineWD if control flow was disabled. It will affect TypeScript tests that are using async/await and a. miss some await keyword in the test.(Previously, this might cause the test failed silently and be reported as pass), or b. use Promise in jasmine expect function **Before** ```ts await expect(getPromise()).toEqual(42); ``` **After** ```ts expect(await getPromise()).toEqual(42); ``` # 5.2.0 ## Fixes - ([f7e17f3](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f7e17f348e738e1a594870d7ff735f2b7ea1853f)) fix(clientSideScripts): change protractor to support waiting for hybrid app (#4512) - ([4b7cada](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4b7cada1317079c20ddf1bb105303e21adba6e32)) fix(sauce): bring back sauceProxy as a configuration option (#4419) - ([b87159b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b87159b3fcb379b85727a1beb6fd41a914235cf8)) fix(website): fix all locator examples to use `element` over `browser.findElement` (#4413) - ([768fd39](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/768fd393d1084a8da0ec6eeaa57508bf17519a3f)) fix(local): allow local driver provider to use gecko driver from config (#4412) - ([c0b8770](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c0b8770ff1a508205b5cf38b5611918e20028fe3)) docs(website): fix issue 4246 - ([f79938e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f79938e3d138c7bedc66f8c6748704402ea721c4)) docs(plugins): add ng-apimock plugin to plugins.md - ([ab1afb0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ab1afb093107f3a63f6e15f8f315e33576bb414d)) fix(blockingproxy): Start bpRunner strictly after setupDriverEnv - ([b85e7ee](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b85e7ee1c53cdc4cfb23dc3d06d40317a27e50e7)) fix(npmignore): .map files in built directory cause stacktrace lines to nowhere Fixes #4371 - ([299fc8d](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/299fc8d96b3e5daf632a1c584728214ababcebf8)) docs(browser-support): Fixed incorrect example - ([e5a5d59](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/e5a5d59fcabe15860b30944e714bbd8e81ceaeae)) docs(frameworks) align cucumberOpts comments - ([fe8c480](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/fe8c480bd860209cc68768de884d050cbf1a5b27)) docs(frameworks) update cucumber dry run option - ([2e9acf5](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2e9acf58b76b553c558f56b6a38c161ad50324de)) docs(plugins) add protractor-numerator plugin to plugins.md - ([3f861ae](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/3f861ae069df98a06cfa1ede89f56a8d0ec9d5d2)) By.js locator should accept functions ## Dependencies - ([0fbc2c0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/0fbc2c0ac12992bd61712188a96aef6684bef0c1)) chore(release): update selenium-webdriverjs # 5.1.2 ## Features - ([dd2ccbb](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/dd2ccbb1b73b7c90647837cd1c4f6b16b3f6b0ac)) feat(saucelabs): Add Sauce Labs protocol customization support New option `sauceSeleniumUseHttp` available in `protractor.conf.js` If true, uses 'http' instead of 'https' to connect to Sauce Labs defined by `sauceSeleniumAddress` ## Fixes - ([1a47076](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/1a47076875395648038a39fcd258a77bfcabe05c)) fix(ci): Use latest pip on CircleCI - ([fd59c78](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/fd59c78407ced4f17e1b4ed4451ce463439aa3c9)) fix(elementexplorer): Set script breakpoints with cross-platform safe paths. Fixes #4011 - ([1250278](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/12502784b306cbedca8684486c31eeb361da5897)) fix(cli): Correctly parse list chromeOptions Chromedriver requires that certain options always be passed as an array. Optimist passes --single-option as a string instead of an array which is invalid. This ensures that we always pass an array, even if a single option is passed via the cli. Fixes #4050 - ([183cd80](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/183cd803254f7a3ccb3a8650e8ef06b4fff03446)) fix(browser): Fix browser.angularAppRoot() By default, it wasn't returning anything. Now it returns a promise that resolves to internalAngularAppRoot. Fixes #4233 - ([bd534fb](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/bd534fb8b2dfaca9072914dc84ad662891a8c7b2)) fix: Add "stackTrace" option to allowedNames in cli.ts This fixes a problem I encountered similar to #4196 - where `stackTrace` is listed as an option but an error is given saying it's an "unknown extra flag" - ([8249167](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/82491678de71b43311ea68d496ff807e1c72ee5e)) fix: export Runner, not just its type. (#4227) - ([0eb5b76](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/0eb5b7608e4bfb770878fe443d97ed9aa426c070)) fix(navigation): ignore unknown JS errors in IE (#4149) The `err` object doesn't have the `code` property any more (Selenium Server Standalone 3.3.1 + IEDriver win32 3.3.0), so we need a new way to detect those errors. See #841 - ([4752ad1](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4752ad1287af536c6dd442dd8c74546f978627d9)) chore(examples): Fix TSC issues with exampleTypescript (#4132) ## Dependencies - ([a0a1fac](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a0a1fac8568f2bfbd6d5721db438aed390e30d23)) chore(deps): Updating webdriver-manager and jasminewd2 # 5.1.1 ## Features - ([3edd62e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/3edd62eccccb67ec7cb71b8c3d8b2c2921a6f7ca)) feat(saucelabs): Add Sauce Labs HTTPS Support (#4071) - ([29f975a](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/29f975a34f5885a21525c3746bd3e82d5ae0c51e)) feat(plugins): allow plugins to know which browser instance to run against (#4066) Closes https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/4054 ## Dependencies - ([9d69a81](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9d69a819c96e408df2b59589d49811a89af1bc74)) deps(typescript): use typescript@~2.0.0 (#4062) - move noCF tests to install and fix reference to protractor - changed element.ts to not use keyof - remove gulp task tsc:spec ## Breaking Changes - The protocol for a Sauce Labs selenium relay (sauceSeleniumAddress in protractor.conf.js) is 'https' (previously used 'http'). The protocol is not configurable in this version. # 5.1.0 #### Blocking proxy Blocking Proxy is a new experimental feature in Protractor 5 and is behind the `--useBlockingProxy` or `blockingProxyUrl`. See the [lib/config.ts#L100](https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/lib/config.ts#L100). Other ways to start blocking proxy include using the `--highlightDelay` and `--webDriverLogDir` flags See [lib/config.ts#L501](https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/lib/config.ts#L501). This adds two options, both of which are implemented with Blocking Proxy. `--webDriverLogDir` will create a readable log with timing information of webdriver commands in the specified directory. `--highlightDelay` will pause before clicking on elements or sending keys. While paused, the element that's about to be affected will be highlighted. #### Webdriver-manager Webdriver-manager will now by default grab the latest versions of all binaries (standalone, chromedriver, iedriver, gecko driver). Use the `--versions.(binary name)` to pin to a specific version. Selenium standalone 3.0.1 has a bug which prevents it from working with any version of FireFox. We have tested version 3.0.0-beta4 and know that it works with FireFox 51, and we expect that the 3.0.2 release will also work. #### TypeScript support For jasmine users, in order to get all the type declarations that are used in jasminewd2, you'll need to install `@types/jasminewd2` in addition to `@types/jasmine` as dev dependencies. ## Features - ([0cd156d](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/0cd156d6829f23f93403d865b7fdb7eab4f45446)) feat(debugging): Add webdriver logging and highlight delay. (#4039) This adds two options, both of which are implemented with Blocking Proxy. --webDriverLogDir will create a readable log with timing information of webdriver commands in the specified directory. --highlightDelay will pause before clicking on elements or sending keys. While paused, the element that's about to be affected will be highlighted. - ([3d98a16](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/3d98a1668138d36681bf305c9ea67dd1eea38899)) feat(config): Support setting `SELENIUM_PROMISE_MANAGER` flag via the config (#4023) Closes https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/3691 - ([4e40fb1](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4e40fb175e64820bbab24efb376dac80fa6ba2b0)) feat(browser): chain promises in `browser.get` (#4017) Closes https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/3904 - ([33393ca](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/33393cad633e6cb5ce64b3fc8fa5e8a9cae64edd)) feat(browser): chain some promises in `lib/browser.ts` + return promise from `waitForAngularEnabled` (#4021) Minor breaking change since `waitForAngularEnabled` no longer returns a boolean Part of angular#3904 Chaining `browser.get` has proved surprisingly complex, so I'll do that in a different PR Also fixed a minor bug in `lib/clientsidescripts.js` while debuging - ([7cb9739](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7cb9739954bc26f0667d671cdb0083f5bd43f2f6)) feat(browser.ready): make `browser.ready` wait for all async setup work (#4015) Closes https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/3900 - ([b77cb92](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b77cb928301fbe4f77ffcdcace424a490581416e)) feat(restart): `browser.restart` should return a promise (#4008) Also allows `browser.restart` to work when the control flow is disabled, and fixes it for forked browsers. Closes #3899 and #3896 https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/3896 - ([4a59412](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4a59412357eb5df592b06dd282d88d6dbc5e4771)) feat(angularAppRoot): Replace rootEl with browser.angularAppRoot() (#3996) Replace browser.rootEl with browser.angularAppRoot(), which changes the root element in a promise on the control flow. Note that browser.rootEl will immediately return the current value, but browser.angularAppRoot() will return a promise that resolves during the next step in the control flow. Also update to BlockingProxy 0.0.3, which allows changing rootSelector. - ([879aac6](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/879aac6ee6c1c36d005b538472e2754b987b3368)) chore(blockingproxy): Allow using a pre-existing Blocking Proxy instance (#3970) - ([bf123ad](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/bf123adafc442440b2ca10725113b47342ebb24f)) feat(elements): Add isPresent() to ElementArrayFinder. (#3974) ## Bug Fixes - ([f9bee84](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f9bee84bc03b6cd6872522b8780327423b789e19)) fix(restart): preserve waitForAngularEnabled on restart and add promise chaining I noticed I missed `waitForAngularEnabled` in #4037. This commit fixed that. While I was at it I fixed a minor error where the promises implicitly created by setting `rootEl` and `ignoreSynchronization` weren't getting chained properly. Also fixed minor (so minor I think it was impossible to trigger) where browser.plugins_ could be undefined. - ([0b0c224](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/0b0c224e4056368c2c0030064b4ca4235163276b)) fix(plugins): do not force ManagedPromise in plugins.ts (#4036) - ([9c2274d](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9c2274d8f218cabc946dbc6a11d725458c1b4e3a)) fix(restart): preserve properties like `browser.baseUrl` upon restart (#4037) I also fixed a minor issue where `internalRootEl` wasn't being set when blocking proxy was being used. I also just cleaned up our internal uses of `this.rootEl`. Closes #4032 - ([a20c7a7](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a20c7a7cc1df04f96cb1a9dd971df39883ac173b)) fix(element chaining): make element chaining work when the control flow is disabled (#4029) Also added some tests to `spec/ts/noCF/smoke_spec.ts` double checking that the control flow is off - ([7481dee](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7481dee75cab1da9d207909e928eee55a9f5a682)) fix(cli): Make unknown flag check a warning instead of an error. (#4028) - ([40bbeca](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/40bbeca003017901760e10831c66d383cf5accf8)) fix(expectedConditions): Add tests and fix race conditions around visibility (#4006) Add test cases to reproduce the missing element race conditions possible in expected condition methods `visibilityOf`, `textToBePresentInElement`, `textToBePresentInValue` and `elementToBeClickable`. Add error handler `falseIfMissing` to all expected conditions that depend on the presence of an element. Expected conditions check the presence of an element before other checks, but when an element is removed exactly in the moment after the `isPresent` and before `isDisplayed` in `visibilityOf` the condition used to fail. This solution does not handle missing elements in (`isEnable`, `isDisplayed`, `isSelected`) and focused only on expected conditions (see #3972) This problem was also referenced in #3578 and #3777 - ([5856037](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/5856037368ee8d8a21f11eadbfe93d5f46507f60)) fix(cli): Allow frameworks to specify flags they recognize. (#3994) Fix for #3978. Our initial plan to allow setting --disableChecks with an environment variable is insufficient, since the custom framework isn't even require()'d until after the config is parsed. This moves the unknown flag check into the runner, and gives frameworks a way to specify extra flags they accept. - ([e68dcf1](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/e68dcf1bfd7f32c59ebd23fa16ca53e1a53f8ddf)) fix(driverProviders): Check config in the right place. (#3991) - ([eb89920](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/eb899208457f83853f043edea5e56b07e87803bc)) fix(driverProviders): Handle promise rejection when starting selenium (#3989) Fixes #3986. Also error if jvmArgs isn't an array. - ([8d2fc07](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/8d2fc07ed28a1b19c03a9869442f76f2963e40a1)) chore(browser): deprecate `browser.getLocationAbsUrl()`. (#3969) Closes #3185 - ([15a1872](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/15a187204bb8b87255d5f4622094eabc71206315)) fix(firefox): Fix directConnect for Firefox 51+ (#3953) - ([81f56a4](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/81f56a449f8988feba21617ef7533cfa2f06c6f8)) fix(cli): display disableChecks option in extra flags error message (#3964) - ([6a4dc7a](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/6a4dc7a6a5b796e0215e5b9abf99494ac13cb647)) fix: no longer use es6 let statement (#3963) * Currently in Protractor v5 the Angular detection script uses ES6 features like the `let` modifier. This can break Protractor on browsers, which doesn't support those statements. > See https://saucelabs.com/beta/tests/275f75091dac40a0a3374d29d912caee/commands#11 - ([528338c](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/528338c6722219fdcfc51153b0031a02f0fce046)) fix(expectedCondition): fix NoSuchElementError in visibilityOf due to a race condition (#3777) Handle NoSuchElementError in the expected condition visibilityOf, which occurred when an element disappears between the isPresent() and isDisplayed() check. ## Dependencies - ([5899b67](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/5899b676bc2db0005506ae2306350e6ffea3c808)) deps(update): update webdriver-manager to ^12.0.1 (#4042) Running `webdriver-manager update` will now by default grab the latest versions of all binaries (standalone, chromedriver, iedriver, gecko driver). You can continue to pin to a specific versions using the command line option. Example `webdriver-manager update --versions.chrome 2.20`. As of this release the latest versions are: - gecko v0.14.0 - selenium-standalone 3.0.1 is the latest jar file; however, we recommend 3.0.0-beta4. See note below on Firefox support. - chromedriver 2.27 - iedriver 3.0.0 A note on FireFox support: Selenium standalone 3.0.1 has a bug which prevents it from working with any version of FireFox. We have tested version 3.0.0-beta4 and know that it works with FireFox 51, and we expect that the 3.0.2 release will also work. closes #4033 - ([cd084a0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/cd084a0ca29cd73aa3ce1650188adf7ddfdb7962)) deps(jasmine): update jasmine to ^2.5.3 (#3960) # 5.0.0 This version includes big changes around upgrading to selenium-webdriver 3.0.x. See the [selenium-webdriver changelog](https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/master/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/CHANGES.md). For the 5.0.0 release, we are still using the selenium standalone server 2.53.1 and recommend using Firefox 47. Firefox 48+ currently is not supported. ## Breaking Changes - Minimum node version is now 6.9.x. - When testing with Firefox 47, use the capability option `marionette: false` to use the legacy Firefox driver. Before: ``` capabilities: { browserName: 'firefox' } ``` After: ``` capabilities: { browserName: 'firefox', marionette: false } ``` - We moved `@types/jasmine` to a devDependency. This means that Jasmine TypeScript users will need to include the `@types/jasmine` as a project dependency. This is to avoid conflicts for users that prefer mocha typings. After: ``` "dependencies": { "@types/jasmine": "^2.5.38" } ``` - Selenium-webdriver methods removed: `WebDriver.prototype.isElementPresent`, `WebElement.prototype.getRawId`, `WebElement.prototype.getInnerHtml`, and `WebElement.prototype.getOuterHtml`. Before: ``` let isPresent = browser.driver.isElementPresent(By.tagName('a')); let i = element(locator).getInnerHtml(); let o = element(locator).getOuterHtml(); ``` After: ``` let isPresent = element(By.tagName('a')).isPresent(); let i = browser.executeScript("return arguments[0].innerHTML;", element(locator)); let o = browser.executeScript("return arguments[0].outerHTML;", element(locator)); ``` - Selenium-webdriver `ErrorCodes` have been removed. - Adding cookies have been changed: Before: ``` browser.manage().addCookie('testcookie', 'Jane-1234'); ``` After: ``` browser.manage().addCookie({name:'testcookie', value: 'Jane-1234'}); ``` - Removed `protractor.wrapDriver()`. - You can no longer use `repl` command from within `browser.pause()`. Instead, use `browser.explore()` to directly enter the `repl`. - Sending flags that are not recognized by the CLI throws an error. Since flags are a subset of all configuration options, these errors can be silenced with `--disableChecks`. - Auto-detection of the root element. This is a breaking change because it changes the default root element behavior and removes the `config.useAllAngular2AppRoots` flag. Modern angular apps now default to using all app hooks, and ng1 apps now check several places, notably the element the app bootstraps to. - `sauceProxy` configuration field has been removed. Use `webDriverProxy` instead. Before: ``` sauceProxy: 'http://sauceProxy' ``` After: ``` webDriverProxy: 'http://sauceProxy' ``` ## Features - ([ec93c4a](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ec93c4ab882991410ad9d3f52d87c0f5ec947641)) chore(cli): **breaking change** throw errors on unknown flags (#3921) Unknown flags are options sent that is unrecognized by the CLI. For users that encounter this error but would like to silence it, use: `--disableChecks`. closes #3216 - ([bc58332](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/bc583321a233453fc2b89472013b2ec3e1d6b6f9)) feat(rootEl): ***breaking change*** auto-detect the root element better (#3928) This is a breaking change because it changes the default root element behavior and removes the `config.useAllAngular2AppRoots` flag. Modern angular apps now default to using all app hooks, and ng1 apps now check several places, notably the element the app bootstraps to. closes #1742 - ([604fdbf](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/604fdbf064cc2785a2e745747beeaeb45d27f8ed)) cleanup(config): **breaking change** Remove redundant sauceProxy config (#3868) Removes the `sauceProxy` config field, and uses `webDriverProxy` when creating the SauceLabs client. - ([9465b9f](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9465b9f1e667c9590e05d9ddac16fe5143aa93af)) feat(mobile): add extended wd commands for appium (#3860) Also had to make some minor changes to the website to handle longer inheritance chains Closes https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/1940 - ([0e26b21](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/0e26b218d5f385dd9871a40553acc174cfdfe26d)) feat(blockingproxy): Add synchronization with BlockingProxy. (#3813) This adds support for BlockingProxy behind the flag --useBlockingProxy. If set, the driver providers will start a proxy during their setup phase, passing the selenium address to the proxy and starting a webdriver client that talks to the proxy. Starting a proxy for each driver provider isn't strictly necessary. However, when we run with multiple capabilities it's easier to handle the logging if each Protractor instance has it's own proxy. Known issues: - Doesn't work with directConnect. You can get the address of chromedriver by mucking around in Selenium internals, but this probably changed for Selenium 3.0 and I doubt it's worth figuring out until we upgrade. - Doesn't yet work with webDriverProxy (but it's an easy fix) - ([ca4f1ac](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ca4f1acda3672942307d0f102d586c8889dd3d68)) chore(driverProviders): add warnings to extra driver provider parameters (#3873) - builds the driver provider in lib/driverProviders/index instead of lib/runner closes #1945 - ([681b54a](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/681b54a21ee1467d5a95c3693cde148759767d62)) refactor(browser): Remove protractor.wrapDriver() **breaking change** (#3827) Before: Users could create their own selenium driver instance and enable Protractor on it like so: ```js let capabilities = webdriver.Capabilities.chrome(); let driver = new webdriver.Builder().usingServer(seleniumAddress) .withCapabilities(capabilities).build(); let browser = protractor.wrapDriver(driver); ``` Over the years, wrapDriver() has become increasingly broken as Protractor needs extra configuration options that wrapDriver() doesn't set. After: This method is removed. If users need a new browser instance, they can use `browser.forkNewDriverInstance()`. - ([86fd569](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/86fd56917f039efbff8e6f323f4d91fa8bc821a4)) feat(ngUpgrade): Auto detect ngUpgrade apps and make the ng12Hybrid flag unnecessary for most users (#3847) ## Bug fixes - ([de153e7](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/de153e769292f6b9a99b2d5152bd2929ab1c48af)) fix(launcher): running getMultiCapabilities should reject on errors (#3876) closes #3875 - ([1345137](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/1345137dc5173e868de4b9da6ed16b7928e4c50e)) fix(isElementPresent): for un-wrapped `WebElement`s, `browser.isElementPresent` was broken (#3871) Closes #3864 - ([4af3b2e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4af3b2e30e925ea9d8e47537ea0a7fe8f04b579d)) fix(element): Fix typing of ElementFinder.then (#3835) Type `then` as optional on ElementFinder. ## Dependencies - ([4d87c9c](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4d87c9c20d6905189c0e7ea7214cf3e87c8efe91)) deps(update): update tslint and @types/selenium-webdriver (#3941) - use @types/selenium-webdriver ~2.53.39 - fix for tslint closes #3939 - ([7376708](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7376708c723976ef8a0a3ad7c245606bef1221db)) deps(tslint): set tslint to ~4.2 (#3938) - ([cb38ed0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/cb38ed0a8aae2cb862001e0b6f076aa9972f4489)) Refactor element explorer to work with selenium-webdriver 3 (#3828) This implementation now relies mostly on promises explicitly, so the control flow is only used to add one large task to the queue. This should pave the way for the eventual removal of the control flow, as well as getting element explorer to work immediately. BREAKING CHANGE You can no longer use the `repl` command from within `browser.pause()`. Instead, use `browser.explore()` to directly enter the repl. - ([8196059](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/819605933d2dfef70b4332a727b3b3830e306817)) chore(dependency): switch to webdriver-manager 11.1.0 and remove `--versions.chrome 2.26` from circle.yml (#3865) - ([397bf65](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/397bf65e088b640cf3612f9da678180f49939b84)) deps(update): move @types/jasmine to devDependencies (#3795) - update outdated dependencies - move @types/jasmine to devDependencies closes #3792 - ([a3e8b43](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a3e8b4319d3e8b049e55e5c3c64a7fdb5a132ddf)) deps(selenium-webdriver): upgrade to selenium 3 (#3781) Please see the [selenium-webdriver changelog](https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/master/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/CHANGES.md) - Removed method `WebDriver.prototype.isElementPresent` - Removed method `WebElement.prototype.getRawId` - Removed `getInnerHtml` and `getOutterHtml` - Dependency required for upgrade: use `jasminewd2@0.1.0`. - Selenium-webdriver requires node version 6+, updating travis and circle yml to use node 6 and 7. - Use `instanceof` selenium-webdriver error instead of error code. Selenium-webdriver error codes have been deprecated. - Use executor with selenium-webdriver from `lib/http`. Deferred executor has been deprecated. - Fix quitting `driverProviders`. When calling `webdriver.quit`, the control flow is shutdown and will throw an error. - Driver provider for direct connect has been modified to use `ServiceBuilder` and to call the `Service` to `createSession` - Note: Since this upgrade is still using FF 47, direct connect for Firefox is required to pass "marionette: false" in the capabilities. If you do not pass marionette to false, it will look for gecko driver in the PATH. - Added a TODO to support FF after 48+ with direct connect and gecko driver. - Updated `browser.manage().addCookie('testcookie', 'Jane-1234');` to use `browser.manage().addCookie({name:'testcookie', value: 'Jane-1234'});` - Updated debug commons for breakpoint updated to selenium-webdriver `lib/http` line 432. - For mocha tests, `selenium-webdriver/testing` uses the global `it` and cannot be reassigned as Protractor's global `it`. Some code has been copied / modified to `lib/frameworks/mocha` to make this work. - Capabilities for Firefox 47 requires setting marionette to false. - Setup still requires selenium standalone server 2.53.1 for Firefox tests. Firefox version used is 47. - Using selenium standalone server 3, with Firefox 48+ tests fail with gecko driver still do not work. - Selenium standalone 3 + FF 49 + gecko driver 0.11.1 does not work - Selenium standalone 3 + FF 48 + gecko driver 0.11.1 appears to work for a single test but after it quits, selenium standalone no longer works with firefox. When firefox 48 exists, logs show the following: ``` 20:01:14.814 INFO - Executing: [delete session: e353fa1b-e266-4ec3-afb3-88f11a82473a]) [GFX1-]: Receive IPC close with reason=AbnormalShutdown [Child 30665] ###!!! ABORT: Aborting on channel error.: file /builds/slave/m-rel-m64-00000000000000000000/build/src/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp, line 2052 [Child 30665] ###!!! ABORT: Aborting on channel error.: file /builds/slave/m-rel-m64-00000000000000000000/build/src/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp, line 2052 ``` - ([eb31c9c](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/eb31c9c7755399bcd01630158d900e0b940e9c31)) deps(types): update @types/selenium-webdriver dependency (#3886) Fixes issue #3879 and adds the protractor.Key.chord method # 4.0.14 ## Bug Fixes - ([83694f5](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/83694f5e66592c5e229db98af3733ff73dac8392)) fix(types): update for selenium-webdriver types creating transpile errors (#3848) - pin package.json to a specific version of @types/selenium-webdriver - ([ea09be4](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ea09be4ff0750d1d0873677fac9055a9acb630b3)) fix(jasmine): Return the full test name in Jasmine test results. (#3842) Fixes #3510 - ([76cb4b4](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/76cb4b4c2ac892f9785dc1506cbc0b490eea91fe)) fix(element): Fix typing of then function (#3785) - ([5a12d69](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/5a12d69f34fd80234455bbe6457e125a27a07e54)) fix(config): cucumberOpts.require should be an optional Array of strings (#3817) - Both cucumber options require and format now support `string` or `string[]` see #3822 #3817 - Remove no longer available options and fix `dryRun` type - Update comment for `dryRun` ## Features - ([b337a8e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b337a8e8547af0b90663a35b07fd30b55ff61dd0)) feat(config): add seleniumServerStartTimeout (#3791) ## Dependencies - ([688f5d6](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/688f5d6a089275ac99688196cd66f345c64adfec)) deps(update): update vrsource-tslint-rules and webdriver-manager (#3856) - ([c437fd3](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c437fd3315278e7536a8385a9769e4fbd954d0a6)) deps(selenium-webdriver): clean up types selenium-webdriver (#3854) # 4.0.13 ## Bug Fix - ([c3978ec](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c3978ec166760ac07db01e700c4aaaa19d9b5c38)) fix(revert): element(locator).then should not appear in the docs and change reverted. (#3808) - change comments to not be in JSDoc format - reverts change `element(locator).then` # 4.0.12 ## Bug Fixes - ([742f264](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/742f26465ca926c39bf28f03390a45030c15acf3)) fix(driverProviders): quit forked instances w/ local driver provider (#3787) - fix driver provider quit session to not throw error and quit - should fix sauce labs test, enabling expected conditions test with forked instance - checked that chromedriver does not persist in the background - add local driver test with forked instance to test suite - organize attach session and local specs to driverProviders directory closes #3780, closes #3779, closes #3772 - ([7d481d6](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7d481d6886b39cb476b889de5d14186bda6dc066)) fix(ExpectedConditions): non-static ExpectedConditions for browser (#3766) - Update sauce lab binary to run on travis. - Disable expected conditions test that forks the browser. This issue appears to not be specific to sauce labs. Also can reproduce this with a local driver provider. Additional work is required around driver providers and the runner. - Add TODO to enable test in the future when this is resolved. closes #3761 # 4.0.11 ## Features - ([6ebee72](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/6ebee72088016085e93d268effabcbe0b3d0a70f)) feat(config): Add 'random' and 'seed' jasmine config options (#3467) ## Bug Fixes - ([2048182](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2048182206e88dd4cde0e92cfac3ed97cbe38f15)) docs(timeout): Update timeout error message and docs (#3723) - ([f3938f9](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f3938f9fcd1b91272f2f11d4d39e458576fb75b0)) fix(jvmArgs): fixes jvmArgs launching selenium from config (#3698) closes #3697 - ([21d534f](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/21d534fad28f84e8cef166348119387e49661227)) fix(types): Make element.then()'s signature more broad. (#3719) - ([e9061b3](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/e9061b30c3673344d776187682d1c735aaad69f7)) chore(types): make plugins.ts more strongly-typed (#3685) - ([f42e0b3](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f42e0b3dc824404ac0c86364bf5de4b657cf30ea)) fix(globals): Resolve exported globals dynamically. (#3716) fixes #3677 - ([d7fa744](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/d7fa74464709c532d451fdead78bc57b21956784)) fix(util): Fix adding stack traces to Errors thrown as strings (#3687) ## Dependencies - ([a1c8a23](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a1c8a23fea3542eabeae6e7bc59f3c2ffa0fda94)) chore(deps): Downgrade jasmine to 2.4.1 (#3715) Upgrading to 2.5.2 causes #3606. We'll need to wait on a fix for jasmine/jasmine-npm#95 before upgrading. # 4.0.10 ## Features - ([7083426](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/70834269ac375f2be5a6cadf8ec9169cf19abff6)) feat(hybrid): set ng12hybrid flag in the config (#3452) ## Bug Fixes - ([b67d8eb](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b67d8eb4101ee80c53476d1640865ca612793436)) fix(restart): typescript fix for browser.restart (#3658) closes #3648 - ([6626ce7](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/6626ce7690e1120c3b246eff7793a26cb038b091)) fix(launcher) Ignore uncaught exceptions from webdriver. (#3608) - ([5cef1bf](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/5cef1bf20f88a2c3bb8944afbc6a328fc273aedd)) Explicitly remove newlines from getText() (#3618) MSEdge does not properly remove newlines, which causes false negatives when using `textToBePresentInElement()` ## Dependencies - ([c11945a](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c11945a1b67bdc774b267f101887dc3f575ad00b)) deps(outdated): webdriver-manager and @types updated - webdriver-manager 10.2.6 uses the latest chromedriver, version 2.25 # 4.0.9 This version includes a breaking change to the TypeScript import statement. Please see the feature below. ## Features - ([5034c89](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/5034c89242794dd14aba294ba3468937e06a7b69)) feat(typescript): move typescript variable instances from protractor/… (#3565) Breaking change for TypeScript: Instead of importing globals like `browser` from `protractor/globals`, import from `protractor`. Before: ```ts import {browser, element} from 'protractor/globals'; import {ElementFinder} from 'protractor'; describe('my app', () => { myElement: ElementFinder; beforeEach(() => { browser.get('example.com'); myElement = element(by.css('foo')); }); }); ``` After ```ts import {browser, element, ElementFinder} from 'protractor'; describe('my app', () => { myElement: ElementFinder; beforeEach(() => { browser.get('example.com'); myElement = element(by.css('foo')); }); }); ``` Closes #3564 # 4.0.8 ## Bug Fixes - ([58459a9](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/58459a94b9e7a54f4b48614b93c0614177a8a522)) fix(types): do not publish built/globals.d.ts (#3546) - do not publish built/globals.d.ts - remove type interface for HttpProxyAgent and set to to any # 4.0.7 ## Dependencies - ([a68dd3f](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a68dd3f0c6e33f93a5b7e9674197154b0e68cedd)) deps(jasmine): lower jasmine version down to 2.4.1 (#3540) - upgrading to 2.5.x no longer logs jasmine output # 4.0.6 ## Bug Fixes - ([d18bba3](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/d18bba3e288610dd606aac4b656581da0dc65491)) fix(types): remove relative path used for @types/node and @types/jasmine (#3535) ## Dependencies closes #3533 - ([4e7e8ec](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4e7e8ec2c0a018e6159b557decee6b2df53958b5)) deps(outdated): update types/q and jasmine (#3525) ## Other - ([9d5edbe](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9d5edbe315ea70aad1fd0a2eaeff3328a2f8ee93)) chore(node): require the minimum node version 4.2.x required by selenium-webdriver (#3534) # 4.0.5 In this version, there are several small changes that affect TypeScript users from the previous version 4.0.4. Here are some of the steps to resolve any transpiling errors: - In your package.json, use TypeScript 2.0.0. This will allow Protractor to use the `@types/node` and `@types/jasmine` installed in node\_modules. - Remove `jasmine` and `node` from your `typings.json` since these types are already included via `@types`. If these were the only ambient typings installed, remove the `typings.json` file. - If you still have a `typings.json` file, remove `typings` directory and install a fresh set of ambient typings with: `typings install`. ## Features - ([30102fb](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/30102fbdaa6354e8ba1a067c6731799aa0f0ff42)) feat(util): Allow more verbose logging with multiple sessions (#2985). (#3499) ## Bug fixes - ([c5cc75b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c5cc75b41bc1a860061a5da1c23b718d440815ed)) fix(logger): Set the log level based on the config at startup. (#3523) Fixes #3522. Also fix the mocha spec to stop yelling at us about ES6 arrow functions. - ([c7fff5e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c7fff5e9182c5a2a96b57f4f23889b5a5a13f44e)) fix(jasmine): Pass control flow to Jasminewd (#3519) Fixes #3505 and #2790, which is caused by JasmineWd and Protractor using different controlflow instances - ([64b4910](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/64b491034c0373755a2f34db5db1810b8d90187a)) fix(debugger): Fix issues when calling pause() multiple times (#3501) (#3504) - ([143c710](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/143c710b5612667c183eacc7e080b1e172d9f97e)) chore(types): webdriver typings for elements and browser (#3513) - include node and jasmine dependency to built/index.d.ts - update example and spec/install to not need @types/jasmine and @types/node to install - add more selenium-webdriver to gulp task - added an interface in globals for Error to include a code and stack - improve webdriver typings to elements and browser - ([8ca9833](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/8ca98339341434fcff500accd34acfe97b5840e1)) fix(mocha): Wrap it.only with the selenium adapter. (#3512) Fixes #3045. Since mocha 2.4.1, we should be wrapping global.it.only. - ([f23d027](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f23d0277e8796fef4b4679043d52009149e22ce9)) chore(types): webdriver typings for locators (#3507) - temporarily add typings for selenium-webdriver.d.ts - include selenium-webdriver dependency to built/index.d.ts - add webdriver typings to locators - update example and spec/install to not use typings.json - spec test updated to get the tsc test to pass - includes clang formatting fixes - ([e0b151a](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/e0b151a8b4e40364d4b7ac369faf7c5702dcf0a0)) fix(launcher): Handle uncaught exceptions that are strings. (#3506) Also clean up instances where we were throwing strings instead of Errors. # 4.0.4 ## Features - ([c5faf08](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c5faf084b1ad16bda731140d91644487984e4600)) feat(browser): auto-unwrap ElementFinder into WebElement for selenium funtions (#3471) - ([a379b33](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a379b33a6a472ff1a2a1d2da935e11ecb11573d1)) feat(plugins): support onPrepare in plugins (#3483) ## Dependencies - ([d10bc99](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/d10bc99198fa1163356ff5937bd5cbed89d58f8b)) deps(outdated): update types/q and saucelab - ([4252000](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4252000dd847399c5c05c561aaf71a5467f94846)) deps(types): typescript and typings dependencies (#3485) - remove typings dependency, scripts, and gulp task - add @types dependencies - clean up globals.ts from npm publishing - add declaration flag for tsc globals gulp task - ignore globals.d.ts from tsconfig and .gitignore closes #3484 # 4.0.3 ## Bug fixes - ([5f690fe](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/5f690fe0d0526d5ed4cc482fb5915d28eedbe11e)) fix(export): export selenium-webdriver (#3433) - rename to ProtractorBrowser to be able to export selenium-webdriver Browser as Browser - export all selenium-webdriver items and subfolders in ptor - update dependency tests for selenium - add tests when protractor is installed closes #209227 - ([27f7981](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/27f798117fc599ce369026ebbbf28b818bbbaac6)) fix(config): fix interface for functions such as onPrepare (#3434) closes #3431 # 4.0.2 ## Bug fixes - ([767d552](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/767d552c4ba7972085406b8b9f40fc57da1d214f)) fix(types): typescript global reference and type declaration fixes (#3424) # 4.0.1 ## Bug fixes - ([ee8ec91](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ee8ec9124477ed20702d6a09a51274864867da1a)) fix(element): set variables to public in constructor (#3417) closes #3414 - ([7266902](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/72669029636e56911de59ec90f0d893e7406dc1d)) fix(sauce): sauceAgent passed incorrectly to sauce node module (#3415) closes #3410 - ([828e80c](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/828e80c2f14f3d1a4ac9b1b3b0ae0c5cd322e118)) fix(browserstack): mark test suite as failed/passed on BrowserStack (#3409) closes #3256 - ([71532f0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/71532f055c720b533fbf9dab2b3100b657966da6)) fix(hybrid): add flag specifying that an app is an ng1/ng2 hybrid (#3403) Needed for angular2 after rc2 - ([2a3a0dc](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2a3a0dc80edccbb72e6b2ca8c487b1eaacf15a20)) fix(exports): fix type exports and require('protractor') exports (#3404) * fix(package): set main to ptor instead of browser * fix(exports): fix type exports and require('protractor') exports - ([b2eaa29](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b2eaa290bbd1d069fdaf8f25eee5eb3da611b589)) fix(types): output plugin typings (#3389) * output plugin typings * change ProtractorPlugin to an interface * doc clean up closes #3365 - ([d2145b1](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/d2145b129af3e220abf656731c2491cdf29030d1)) fix(launcher): output uncaught exception error (#3390) * split out message and stack to hopefully provide more information to the error closes #3384 - ([d7cf42e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/d7cf42e85f0a3c9288722ee47c15d08f8b8ab115)) fix(protractor): export class definitions under the protractor namespace (#3393) closes #3377 - ([2e83dcd](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2e83dcd95d11e1fd10f011ac2a058bb33a1607ff)) fix(types): add webdriver.promise and webdriver.WebElement to namespace (#3392) * fix(types): add webdriver.promise and webdriver.WebElement to namespace closes #3391 * fix(protractor): export class definitions under the protractor namespace closes #3377 - ([dcbc832](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/dcbc832b6abdbdeb408c1741198bb20b5b9042a2)) fix(types): use protractor from global namespace (#3388) - ([ee038f9](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ee038f945844490e7e57c78a57ee2a049d5a823d)) fix(error message): do not crash of thrown error has made `stack` readonly (#3372) # 4.0.0 This version includes some big changes, so we've decided to make it version 4.0! - webdriver-manager is now it's [own NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/webdriver-manager), so you can use it in your own projects. Protractor depends on it, though, so you shouldn't need to change anything. However, because it is a new dependency you'll need to rerun `webdriver-manager update`. - Protractor has TypeScript typings! See the [example](https://github.com/angular/protractor/tree/master/exampleTypescript) for details on how to use TypeScript in your tests. ## Breaking changes - ([d932ad7](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/d932ad7e853c0bda5d45b478a5c0271d072b6794)) chore(browser): rename protractor to browser and add a protractor namespace (#3214) * added wrapDriver method from the browser.ts and ExpectedConditions to the protractor namespace * imported selenium webdriver ActionSequence, Key, promise, Command, and CommandName to the protractor namespace - Selenium Webdriver has deprecated getInnerHtml and getOuterHtml. You'll need to update your tests to not use these methods. - Protractor node module no longer has a config.json file. This is now handled in the webdriver-manager node module and the files are also downloaded to the webdriver-manager/selenium folder. ## Bug fixes - ([d6910c1](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/d6910c168550da590b3d4db42f5c853e81cf83b6)) fix(edge): Use resetUrl about:blank for MicrosoftEdge (#3267) - ([f205518](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f2055181e60fd358c1764fe716af3d64fc64810b)) fix(launcher): resolve promise for getMultiCapabilities (#3195) closes #3191 - ([f149bd1](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f149bd1e91e749a77e8ee147fdb3881584ae6851)) fix(docs): Change extension for docs links to .ts (#3187) closes #3170 - ([67474e0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/67474e05e73d3facead7c60150c18a2d866185c7)) chore(configParser): allow non-glob file pattern (#2754) Cucumber allows line numbers to be passed in the filename in the form of `features/some.feature:42`. Glob expanding that results in an empty array and nothing being passed to the framework runner. This change checks for glob magic characters and only tries expanding it if found. Otherwise it just passes the filename verbatim. This was previously handled in [#2445] by stripping the line number first, but this is a more generic (non-cucumber) way to do it. Glob needed to be upgraded for this which resulted in a weird [npm 3 bug] (https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/10637). Removing the rimraf package resolved this. It was only used to generate documentation which itself was removed a while ago. - ([f311320](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f311320a1aed09b07d926d0c2aa586202f591b5b)) fix(website): edit getText JSDoc for shortDescription (#3310) closes #3233 - ([ba63a92](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ba63a92de021193c90794c54fefae39d806fba4a)) fix(util): check stack exists before filtering the stack trace (#3309) closes #3224 - ([c86acd4](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c86acd44bca821491558506964fe1ba8ed5b702a)) chore(website): fix website for items to appear properly (#3314) - Fix order for website (see #3163. Does not include $ / $$) - Replace @return with @returns so descriptions will appear - ([e9b49f2](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/e9b49f24f34730e0648d262be1c410a7f585703a)) fix(config): do not flatten capabilities (#3291) This is no longer necessary in the latest version of selenium-webdriver. Without this change, `--capabilities.chromeOptions.binary` will do nothing, for example. Closes #3290 ## Features - ([78f3c64](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/78f3c64e6d466b44174417d4d6fbc382dbad34b1)) chore(exitCodes): adding exit code for browser connect errors (#3133) * add exit code for browser connect errors * add exit code for browserstack error * add browser error for debug with multiple capabilities * use thrown stack traces for errors (instead of creating new ones) with captureStackTrace * allow for errors to suppress exit code for config parser thrown error - ([85209f4](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/85209f42621b8992c777263458e9fc4772968777)) feat(webdriver): extract webdriver-manager into a separate node module (#3068) closes #607, #2402 * Removed the config.json. This will be managed now by webdriver-manager. * Wedriver-manager downloads the file to the node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium folder. This will no longer appear in the protractor directory. - ([8316917](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/83169174243c7ef9767a52d86e649838aa4759f9)) feat(expectedConditions): adding urlIs and urlContains (#3237) * adding urlIs and urlContains * tests for UrlIs and UrlContains ## Dependency Upgrades - ([4353069](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/43530693f6cafd1d3cd3407bd5d1088b51ab8101)) deps(outdated): Update outdated dependencies (#3251) Updated the following outdated packages: body-parser, chai, chai-as-promised, glob, jshint, mocha, request, saucelabs, typescript, typings - ([a6cae73](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a6cae73e2266a20751548047f0d3721a5bd73807)) deps(selenium): upgrade to selenium-webdriver 2.53.2 (#3223) closes #3173, closes #3167, closes #3058 - ([128f8e1](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/128f8e197e28601cc93228d917a0e37d4ab29a15)) dep(webdrivermanager): upgrade to 10.1.0 (#3312) ## Other - ([2a391bc](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2a391bc1264bac2f9906b3cba58b944a42c692e3)) chore(es7): async/await example - ([bb65e5a](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/bb65e5aff2719eaf247d0821bdf48c512cf18602)) chore(website): clean up documentation (#3334) - Remove getInnerHtml and getOuterHtml from inherited WebElement docs. - Remove some of the goog.provide. Only one is required to build the website. - ([f5dc4f9](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f5dc4f9f9a26699b847ed8a89ce64f332ee78d6d)) chore(example): add a protractor typescript example (#3323) # 3.3.0 _The [Protractor Website](http://www.protractortest.org) API docs have been streamlined. We've also, internally, moved to using TypeScript and building down to JS! Also, the logger has been improved._ ## Bug Fixes - ([6f22d5a](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/6f22d5ade48f0d97990cbe69d956da122f2f8358)) fix(bootstrap): fix bootstrap for older versions of angular Trying to use the debug label for window.name fails for versions of angular older than 1.2.24. See [#3115](https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/3115) - ([bd78dfc](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/bd78dfc79b1435d124c994482df6879066079a4d)) fix(protractor): isPresent() should work with out of bounds errors (#3108) - ([88dd568](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/88dd568c5295234a5211a23e12666e199606e437)) fix(NoSuchElementError): add 'new' keyword to instantiate class The class NoSuchElementError is called without the new keyword in the `ElementArrayFinder.prototype.count` causing a `Class constructors cannot be invoked without 'new'` closes #3079 ## Features - ([afdd9d7](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/afdd9d730c198dc97e91bb275c036a754c15140e)) feat(logger): improve logging methods (#3131) - ([5fa94db](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/5fa94db5a9a4787f480389d382eef7e636b45f81)) feat(exitCodes): adding exit codes for configuration file errors (#3128) - ([76861fd](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/76861fdc4c57c2aaa984e05e46ff9789ce750260)) feat(element): equals Easier to use version of webdriver.WebElement.equals - ([582411b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/582411b7ad6c0f9176b231dc51dc328b98affbdf)) feat(driverProvider/sauce) Add build id as a configurable option ## Dependency Upgrades - ([b4d1664](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b4d1664141b609c5e5790108e3003fe777c248ca)) deps(jasminewd2): bump jasminewd2 to 0.0.9 - ([b6f1a63](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b6f1a63da77ec88a3f487e5a099df8febe3742aa)) feat(protractor): Shows locator used when a timeout occurs - ([de4b33e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/de4b33eaab1546d0ef3a746cfd222e80f0ec28a1)) feat(webdriver): Added NO_PROXY environment variable support to webdriver-manager closes #3046 # 3.2.2 _This release is a hotfix for webdriver-manager iedriver_ ## Bug Fix - ([c6a3b5e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c6a3b5eab09d95f9d2170e4aface5559cd6b0132)) fix(webdriver) - fix file type for internet explorer driver file - ([d3bd170](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/d3bd1702040cde5b9d0a3c1578d0d8e16597224c)) fix(bootstrap): enable debug info before setting defer label Note that in most cases, this should not have surfaced as an issue because the base test mock modules will also try to turn on debug info. Closes #3009 # 3.2.1 _This release is a hotfix for modules that require protractor_ ## Bug Fix - ([6e02934](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/6e029341a67cd985bf727285dec2ef10aafe7b6a)) fix(package): Update module main in package.json to use built. # 3.2.0 ## Features - ([cae175c](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/cae175cbe632828172e9a7065aacfe67dd51d8dd)) feat(plugins) Calculate skipAngularStability dynamically. This allows plugins to turn Protractor's default synchronization on and off as needed. - ([7372267](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7372267f23cc8586409f9ef914ab801c78992ccd)) feat(webdriver): add support for custom versions for selenium, chrome driver, and ie driver - ([1cbbe4f](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/1cbbe4fef5c5f2bc0923fd54c53afad71a44af6c)) feat(config): no globals option - ([9608201](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/960820120cf7df08cff8cfe15a5a9f08612c9773)) feat(typescript): adding typescript to protractor Converting a 3 files over to typescript. Adding an `npm prepublish` step that will use gulp to download the typings, transpile the files with tscto the built/ directory and copy the rest of the javascript files from lib/ to the built/ folder. Also adding scripts to package.json for `npm run tsc` and `npm run tsc:w` for transpiling help. - ([a4a7209](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a4a72095d2f95227f1ba293ae047beab28eb761d)) feat(plugins): skipAngularStability ## Dependency Upgrades - ([29627f4](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/29627f42bb7404f66e3a76ba3cbd85256b408fb6)) chore(selenium) - upgrade to selenium webdriver v 2.52.0 See the full changelog at https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/master/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/CHANGES.md#v2520 ## Bug Fixes - ([a2c7a4b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a2c7a4bf1fb2a3a509040ae8ec7737cc002b764e)) fix(config): Do not sort spec keys Fixes #2928 # 3.1.1 ## Bug Fixes - ([4db52f2](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4db52f2a21171ebbc6fed0ca3df760553afc264a)) test(config): add test for config files using only per-capability specs To prevent bugs like #2925 in the future. - ([edfb52f](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/edfb52fadccf10c34d885c37e990dea0efbb0081)) fix(configParser): use all the suites if no other spec sources are provided # 3.1.0 ## Dependency Version Upgrades - ([f699718](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f699718e951c07f18c2e3e5414f92b9a33f7b19c)) updates(selenium): update chromedriver and selenium-standalone Selenium-standalone update to 2.51.0. Update chromedriver to 2.21. Chromedriver changelog: http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.21/notes.txt Selenium changelog: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/master/dotnet/CHANGELOG - ([5930d14](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/5930d1444aef2f053c132eb437d07f9b000d7803)) chore(deps): update various npm dependencies to latest stable releases ## Features - ([3f3805f](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/3f3805f9496fb130ae01b3e3278ee1ea7684d8e7)) feat(attachSession): attach protractor to existing webdriver session Attaching an existing selenium browser session to protractor rather than always creating new one. The session can be passed into the config file as a string via the sessionId. - ([b693256](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b6932560d66730203e0e7b0c65c80a44ad4747de)) feat(webdriver): allow configuration of all SeleniumServer arguments You can now pass a complete object of configuration for the SeleniumServer class. This allows enabling loopback on the selenium server. - ([148f020](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/148f020bf4bbd71e17326581a2f7ed6f4ff55832)) feat(protractor): Add support to allow Protractor to test an Angular application which has debugging info disabled Currently Angular application which for performance reasons, have debug information turn off cannot be tested. This PR allows users to add the Angular debug logging flag to the Protractor run. - ([aa5ceb5](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/aa5ceb576f0283b6591faaa95e342ef3c603c717)) feat(webdriver): add support for selenium webdriver proxy - ([b110ed9](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b110ed92442eb8b14768c512a890bb3ceb0e4973)) feat(debugger): allow multiple browser.pause() After this change, you can put multiple browser.pause() in the code. Each browser.pause() is like a traditional breakpoint. To detach from the debugger, press ^D (CTRL+D). This will continue code execution until it hits the next browser.pause() or code finishes running. This PR also fixes a number of small formatting issues. - ([fb10c5c](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/fb10c5caffb895e909ad91d629e2192c74c8e064)) feat(webdriver): Allow users to use webdriver's disableEnvironmentOverrides Fixes #2300 - ([fa0c692](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/fa0c692414fa98721dff80202ef95e9b3ccadebb)) feat(config): allow onComplete to return a promise Closes #1944 ## Bug Fixes - ([f533341](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f533341085921409d16d577e38ba1745c37a17b7)) bug(driverProvider): fix driver path generation for *nix platforms Makes error messages better # 3.0.0 _We're releasing version 3.0 with some breaking changes. In summary - Jasmine 1.3 is removed, only Jasmine 2 is now supported, old Node.JS support is dropped, and plugins now need to be explicitly required. Full details below._ ## Dependency Version Upgrades - ([18e1f71](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/18e1f71a4dd868709f4e259e05a8a196921e22be)) chore(webdriver): upgrade Protractor to webdriver 2.48.2 - ([1f44a6e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/1f44a6ef3f7ae8680a03a3cc7a7c06f75a8c7d4c)) chore(deps): bump chromedriver and iedriver versions IEDriver from 2.47.0 to 2.48.0 ChromeDriver from 2.19 to 2.20. Changelog: http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.20/notes.txt ## Features - ([97e6703](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/97e6703eb0e7a5dffc1017d0a44f0dfeeb91f327)) feat(protractor): Add protractor.prototype.restart - ([2007f06](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2007f06078b6569a2cfd9f361f17d765c07bc7f8)) feat(protractor): add flag to stop protractor from tracking $timeout - ([a40a4ba](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a40a4ba2a509bc762f1f5937454fdbf074405f07)) feat(ElementArrayFinder#get): Implemented ability to pass promise as index to ElementArrayFinder#get - ([a54c0e0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a54c0e0d72b9d7d1d8364ade5046e5007ff53906)) feat(plugins): Add config option to disable logging of warnings in console plugin Running tests in multiple browsers ends up printing out a lot of useless warnings I'm already aware of. To make skimming through logs in the case of an actual failure easier, I want to be able to disable the logging of warnings in the console plugin. - ([7015010](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7015010188dfb70c1e49e4f2eae19d5ba1126b34)) feat(driver providers): Add BrowserStack support. Also added BrowserStack to CI ## Bug Fixes - ([7cba4ec](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7cba4ecf0f3915dfec33dbc04decd42857744b37)) fix(ng-repeat): properly detect the end of an ng-repeat-start block Discovered while investigating issue #2365 ## Breaking Changes - ([2bde92b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2bde92b3e745e09ad3876932b2d187365e9aaa31)) chore(jasmine): remove jasmine 1.3 and update docs. Also, use jasmine 2 for running all Protractor's unit tests. BREAKING CHANGE: Now, both jasmine and jasmine2 frameworks use jasmine 2.3. Users still using jasmine version <2 will have to upgrade. - ([18e1f71](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/18e1f71a4dd868709f4e259e05a8a196921e22be)) chore(webdriver): upgrade Protractor to webdriver 2.48.2 BREAKING CHANGE: 1) Users will no longer be able to use node versions <4. 2) There is significant changes to the control flow, and tests may need to be modified to be compliant with the new control flow. See https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/master/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/CHANGES.md - ([ac1e21e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ac1e21e7e09a773de981bf9e70b0fcd489d17a83)) chore(plugins): Split first party plugins into seperate repos BREAKING CHANGE: The Accessibility, NgHint, Timeline, and Console plugins are now located in their own separate node modules. You will need to explicitly require each module you use. See https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/docs/plugins.md#first-party-plugins for info for each module. - ([ddb8584](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ddb8584a59343284904676ef6d8db5c1c996b900)) chore(cucumber): Remove cucumber from internal implementation BREAKING CHANGE: Cucumber has been community maintained for a while, and in order to allow it to move faster, it is no longer part of the core Protractor library. It is now published on npm under `protractor-cucumber-framework` and will require setting `frameworkPath` in your configuration file. See https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/docs/frameworks.md#using-cucumber for full instructions on use now. # 2.5.1 _This release is a hotfix for node 0.10 support_ - ([039ffa7](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/039ffa7bfa291084263ae3fa944bbf21394ce9a3)) fix(configParser): Remove path.parse so protractor works with node < v0.12 Closes #2588 # 2.5.0 _This release contains a hotfix for windows path issues and early support for Angular2 apps_ ## Features - ([c5d37c2](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c5d37c2abebf9aa9dd3324df93ac447529eea53b)) feat(lib): add useAllAngularAppRoots option This allows waiting for all angular applications on the page, for angular2 apps only. - ([f246880](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f24688030a63c9de4ce759ac9c6fab79ef773ed5)) feat(lib): add support for waiting for angular2 Use Angular2's testability API, if present, when waiting for stability or loading a page. Closes #2396 ## Bug Fixes - ([d6aebba](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/d6aebbad6e9b191fef141472887637ee4318438e)) fix(config): Fixes absolute path parsing in windows This allows absolute paths absolute paths in to be properly parsed in windows. This should maintain the line-number feature introduced in ff88e without breakage. - ([04e5bfb](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/04e5bfbfcade0cbbef58213bc7b227b5db753d57)) chore(runner): make plugins optional param for createBrowser # 2.4.0 _This release contains only a version update to `selenium-webdriver`, webdriver javascript bindings, and associated bug fixes._ ## Dependency Version Upgrades - ([9a202ab](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9a202ab5573f24c9919639f1b75fd9cd2b383383)) chore(dependencies): update selenium-webdriver to 2.47.0 Along with it, update `jasminewd2` to avoid situations where the control flow gets locked up and hangs. *Potential Breaking Change*: This is passing all existing Protractor tests, but there is a possibility that the changes to the control flow will cause some test flows to hang. If this causes issues, such as tests hanging or commands executing out of order, please revisit your use of functions affecting the control flow, such as `flow.execute`. See the selenium-webdriver changelog at https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/master/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/CHANGES.md ## Bug Fixes - ([f034e01](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f034e010156a85cf1826b95eb7f41f50ef5a1791)) fix(synchronizing): use the same control flow when ignoring sync Previously, the order of frames and tasks on the control flow was different depending on `browser.ignoreSynchronization`. This fixes the inconsistency by creating an empty task when ignoreSynchronization is true. Practically, this fixes the polling spec failing after the update to selenium-webdriver@2.47.0. # 2.3.0 _This release contains updates which fix some issues with dependencies that had gotten stale. However, it does not yet contain an update to the selenium-webdriver dependency, because of potential breaking changes. That update will be done in a separate Protractor@2.4.0 release. See [issue 2245](https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/2245)._ ## Dependency Version Upgrades - ([cfd8d00](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/cfd8d000c2aa1686c4a90164baf4e04976ee0587)) feat(webdriver): update webdriver and chromedriver to latest version Updating Selenium standalone from 2.45.0 to 2.47.0 Updating ChromeDriver from 2.15 to 2.19 Selenium Changelog: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/master/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/CHANGES.md ChromeDriver Changelog: http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.19/notes.txt - ([802b20f](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/802b20f153f2c201d8b37378bf8feb93f649a95f)) chore(selenium): update selenium from 2.47.0 to 2.47.1 - ([7a7aca8](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7a7aca8a264ae07cbbb90e7e7469533a52276488)) chore(jasmine): bump jasmine version from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2 - ([eab828e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/eab828e12c671cbf5cdf9b09df050cc59f0dd862)) chore(travis): test against node 4 Test against node 4 on Travis, and remove support for node 0.10. - ([96def81](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/96def81dc7d364e789fc290e97aee0f898648a10)) chore(saucelabs): updated saucelabs dependency to 1.0.1 to support proxy ## Features - ([c989a7e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c989a7eeed5a0a55d2fbd37dc7278a7967889852)) feat(webdriver-manager): add --ie32 commandline option The new option allows to download the 32-bit version of the IE driver on a 64-bit system, as the 64-bit version has been broken for over a year now (the sendKeys() function works very slowly on it). - ([ff88e96](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ff88e969d55585cc4267d75c12c0cafc78a01895)) feat(cucumber): Allow cucumber tests containing line numbers example: ```js specs: [ 'cucumber/lib.feature:7' ] ``` ## Bug Fixes - ([1487e5a](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/1487e5abf69bc1540226502aacadc8b3b42b0092)) fix(protractor.wrapDriver): allow browser instances to work even if they were not set up through the runner Fixes #2456 - ([2ff7a07](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2ff7a0771b6695dc49566ed81548b3fe2cebf11c)) fix(Chrome Accessibility Plugin): resolving the location of AUDIT_FILE - ([f9b0a92](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f9b0a92079b55384d4560fef9400bb473672ce9c)) fix(debugger): Fix potential debugger lockups # 2.2.0 ## Breaking Changes - If you use the plugin API, it has changed a lot. See [`docs/plugins.md`](docs/plugins.md) for details. The good news is that it is being taken out of beta, so it should be more stable in the future. ## Dependency Version Upgrades - ([786ab05](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/786ab0541bff9b561b35dbbf0ffc1e9d4a788d10)) chore(dependencies): update request to 2.57 Closes #2205 ## Features - ([f2a11a7](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f2a11a7369319edac0f1221a1c6ab0f9a2cc73eb)) feat(plugins): Changed and expanded the plugin API * Changed the plugin API so that it is more uniform (see docs/plugins.md) * Updated existing plugins to the new API * Added the `onPageLoad` and `onPageSync` entry points for plugins for modifying `browser.get` * Added the `waitForPromise` and `waitForCondition` entry points for plugins for modifying `waitForAngular` * Added tests This closes #2126 and helps out @andresdominguez - ([aded26b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/aded26bc9ee6172d6f64361207f6a8b04da09b0d)) feat(webdriver-manager): update download logic with streaming Also adds a content length check to make sure the downloaded binaries are the correct size. This seems to fix up some unreliable download issues that we were previously having. - ([7aeebd6](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7aeebd6543d89b7d8b9474bc45651b88c5c2d396)) feat(plugins): reporting loaded plugins - ([6c10378](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/6c10378b9a4e7cae9ba491a63ae11f942c833100)) feat(protractor): expose pending $http and $timeout on a timeout Now when a test times out while waiting for Angular to be stable, pending $timeout and $http tasks will be reported to the console. ## Bug Fixes - ([c30afdd](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/c30afddb80b6138fc5f648f70f2891067d8eeef4)) fix(test): fixed tests under npm test - ([3508335](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/3508335199fee5dad74c66d9ee19b8bf448c2e62)) fix(element): ElementArrayFinder.count was slow The bug fix for #1903 (https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2a765c76e121de13ff86a279fe3f21cb15c17783) was causing ElementArrayFinder.prototype.count to be slow because of the extranous checks that must be performed. However, the checks could be delayed into the isPresent check, which will mitigate this issue fixes(#2359) - ([b147033](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b14703319c0d6bb6a69b76d0fd3732e2ea1fbebc)) fix(by.exactRepeater): should split by "=" Closes #2335 - ([4c9886b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4c9886b410ea4d82098af322044a37908a112138)) fix(Chrome Accessibility Plugin) No error context If your tests fail because of StaleElementReferenceError then there is no context about where this is coming from. By having the failure be handled inside of the plugin then grunt can fail gracefully. Additionally, this provides context about where the error originated from. Fixes #2331 - ([d15ccdc](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/d15ccdcf82bda29c803c3a5642896f16d7e4f938)) fix(phantomJS): Reset URL cannot be a data url for PhantomJS When trying to use the lates version of Angular with PhantomJS we get a message complaining about "Detected a page unload event". This was fixed in earlier versions of Angular, see issue #85, but reappeared now. The problem is that using data urls to reset the page causes this issue, so we have to do as we do with Safari and use "about:blank" instead - ([e6369ac](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/e6369ac973d58a17415ab1211050af26236c6105)) docs(tutorial): use Jasmine v2 in the tutorial - ([e60dc0f](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/e60dc0ff4fc4a6d22e877d4182605913fae5d5cb)) fix(browser.refresh): use timeout in milliseconds When invoked without arguments browser.refresh used a 10-millisecond timeout, wrongly documented as seconds. It now delegates timeout handling to browser.get, which defaults to DEFAULT_GET_PAGE_TIMEOUT (10 seconds). - ([0262268](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/0262268fa43b9eefac815d986740efa07bb15818)) fix(cucumber): fix beforeFeature event handler call guard Fixes the run failures reported in https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-js/issues/342. # 2.1.0 ## Dependency Version Upgrades - ([25b1fa0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/25b1fa052c195f6f56adcd3f5a116cb5eac238b0)) feat(jasmine): update jasmine dependency to 2.3.1 Updated from 2.1.1. See Jasmine's changelog at https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine/tree/master/release_notes Closes #1795. Closes #2094. Closes #1768. - ([25e3b86](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/25e3b8611f7333f0829aa3c315a0397891bbada7)) chore(chromedrivier): Update chromedriver to 2.15 ## Features - ([45341c9](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/45341c944bf60537849776c7f362ee0442b219e6)) feat(explorer): allow element explorer to start as a server If element explorer is run with a port (i.e. --debuggerServerPort 1234), it will start up a server that listens to command from the port instead of a repl that listens to process.stdin. - ([cf9a26f](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/cf9a26f1b4bdca7d928794d24738786be074619a)) feat(plugins): allow plugins.postTest to know what test just ran - ([0f80696](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/0f806964324cbeb4bceb54c5bd82c639b9f99a49)) feat(plugins): inline plugins - ([de49969](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/de499696eb88721cb073a195025ae48f59cbc905)) feat(debugger): make element explorer work with node 0.12.0 Node has changed its debugger significantly in 0.12.0, and these changes are necessary to get it to work now. Specifically here are the key points to take note: * Before, the process continues running after `process._debugProcess(pid);` is called, but now, the process stops. > To over come this, the call to `process._debugProcess(pid)` is moved from protractor into the debugger client. Secondly, because the process stops after the call, we call `reqContinue` once the debugger connection is established, so that protractor continues into the first break point (for backwards compatibility, we added an extra empty webdriver command so that in earlier versions of node, protractor doesn't go past the first break point from the reqContinue). * Before repl provides '(foobar\n)' when an user inputs 'foobar'. Now it is just 'foobar\n'. > We will parse and strip away both the parenthesis and '\n' to support all versions of node. * Additionally (non-related to node 0.12.0), this change makes debugger processes fail fast if the port is taken. - ([7b96db0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7b96db0ffb06608b12aa14765133cce42a0cad7f)) feat(browser.get): Return a promise that handles errors in browser.get ## Bug Fixes - ([815ff5d](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/815ff5d092c8dda88e2a1d4c5c80f66bf20892fa)) fix(jasmine2): be consistent about passing assertions in output JSON See #2051 - ([e6e668c](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/e6e668c8d7353c8e797f730b30b996c6a6eb770f)) chore(jasmine): update jasminewd2 to 0.0.4 This improves the control flow schedule messages for debugging and fixes an issue with the `this` variable inside tests. See https://github.com/angular/jasminewd/issues/22 - ([e599cf3](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/e599cf301d1ff0fe705b2362fa6b4b17859ab8da)) fix(taskscheduler): label sharded tasks with numbers instead of letters Letters run into a problem with a maximum of 26. See #2042 - ([fda3236](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/fda323664db65a5c8f1590b9841fcfa53d4ab8fd)) fix(config): add sauceAgent property to protractor config Closes #2040 - ([fa699b8](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/fa699b8f1a6b807f2405d6829609797a9a3f8768)) fix(debugger): fix 'getControlFlowText()' broken in webdriver 2.45 - ([b783dd8](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b783dd865dfd16e5099a863d36d497499026b208)) fix(browser): remove subsequent duplicate module browser.removeMockModule() misses next duplicate module because of iteration over an array it's modifying. - ([e3d4ad1](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/e3d4ad164a04451fce3a57f06121355343c97f48)) fix(stacktrace): remove jasmine2 specific stacktraces - ([3cded9b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/3cded9b8da247dc69c78a6fa0e25fe70f6c0f801)) fix(locators): escape query in byExactBinding See http://stackoverflow.com/q/3561711 Closes #1918 - ([e18d499](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/e18d4990878d70f77b29e8678eecbaab7c8cefb5)) fix(cucumber): process no-snippets param for cucumber framework # 2.0.0 _Why is this change version 2.0? Protractor is following semver, and there's some breaking changes here._ ## Dependency Version Upgrades - ([34f0eeb](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/34f0eebd7e73b10e9b990caa06b63b6fd22b2589)) fix(element): update to selenium-webdriver@2.45.1 and remove element.then This change updates the version of WebDriverJS (selenium-webdriver node module) from 2.44 to 2.45.1. See the full changelog at https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/master/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/CHANGES.md - ([8976e75](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/8976e75dc1817817e6bd2dbb0b6cbc78d72035e9)) chore(jasmine): bump version of jasminewd2 ## Features - ([997937d](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/997937d189fb3a9fb51f1b2e4756981c8958ceba)) feat(console plugin): Added new console plugin - ([ef6a09d](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ef6a09d798fd04124224f6ca48eb64d13eb01eff)) feat(webdriver-manager): allow a custom cdn for binaries Added a cdn value for each binary to be overrided by the cli argument `alternate_cdn`. ## Bug Fixes - ([fb92be6](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/fb92be6d588e7302989bd171a064739359bb3c74)) fix(accessibility): improve output for long elements Instead of just printing the first N characters of the element's template, print the first and last N/2. See #1854 - ([2a765c7](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2a765c76e121de13ff86a279fe3f21cb15c17783)) fix(element): return not present when an element disappears - ([8a3412e](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/8a3412e98614bb69978869b34b5b7243619f015d)) fix(bug): by.buttonText() should not be effected by CSS style Closes issue #1904 - ([5d23280](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/5d232807f1e32a9a3ba5a5e4f07ace5d535fc3cd)) fix(debugger): fix issue where output does not display circular dep and functions - ([ef0fbc0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ef0fbc096035bb01d136897ca463892ceca56b73)) fix(debugger): expose require into debugger ## Breaking Changes - ([34f0eeb](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/34f0eebd7e73b10e9b990caa06b63b6fd22b2589)) fix(element): update to selenium-webdriver@2.45.1 and remove element.then This change updates the version of WebDriverJS (selenium-webdriver node module) from 2.44 to 2.45.1. See the full changelog at https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/master/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/CHANGES.md To enable the update and remove confusion, this removes the `element().then` function unless there is an action result. This function is completely unnecessary, because it would always resolve to itself, but the removal may cause breaking changes. Before: ```js element(by.css('foo')).then(function(el) { return el.getText().then(...); }); ``` After: ```js element(by.css('foo')).getText().then(...); ``` In other words, an ElementFinder is now no longer a promise until an action has been called. Before: ```js var el = element(by.css('foo')); protractor.promise.isPromise(el); // true protractor.promise.isPromise(el.click()); // true ``` After: ```js var el = element(by.css('foo')); protractor.promise.isPromise(el); // false protractor.promise.isPromise(el.click()); // true ``` Also, fixes `filter` and `map` to work with the new WebDriverJS. - ([3c04858](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/3c048585ac811726d6c6d493ed6d43f6a3570bee)) chore(config): remove deprecated `chromeOnly` This has been replaced with `directConnect`. - Due to ([1159612](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/1159612ed76bb65612dbb2cc648e45928a251b10)) Due to changes in how scheduling works on the control flow, specs in Jasmine1 will no longer wait for multiple commands scheduled in `onPrepare` or in the global space of the test file. Before: ```js onPrepare: function() { browser.driver.manage().window().maximize(); // This second command will not finish before the specs start. browser.get('http://juliemr.github.io/protractor-demo'); } ``` To fix, return the last promise from onPrepare: After: ```js onPrepare: function() { browser.driver.manage().window().maximize(); return browser.get('http://juliemr.github.io/protractor-demo'); } ``` - Due to ([1159612](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/1159612ed76bb65612dbb2cc648e45928a251b10)) Due to changes in WebDriverJS, `wait` without a timeout will now default to waiting for 0 ms instead of waiting indefinitely. Before: ```js browser.wait(fn); // would wait indefinitely ``` After ```js browser.wait(fn, 8000) // to fix, add an explicit timeout ``` This will be reverted in the [next version of WebDriverJS](https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/blob/master/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/CHANGES.md#v2460-dev). # 1.8.0 ## Dependency Version Upgrades - ([1159612](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/1159612ed76bb65612dbb2cc648e45928a251b10)) fix(webdriver): bump selenium to 2.45.0 Bump the selenium standalone binary to 2.45.0. See https://code.google.com/p/selenium/source/browse/java/CHANGELOG for a full list of changes to the selenium server. Closes #1734 ## Features - ([54163dc](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/54163dcd22cee27cf16685fbb4d53a2712233d26)) feat(a11yPlugin): plugin for integrating with Chrome Accessibility Developer Tools Also includes missing Angular map files. See plugins/accessibility/index.js for usage. - ([658902b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/658902bd04bf809bde2751db79e93ae00de2f810)) feat(plugins): add postTest hook for plugins Additionally, add some tests to make sure that plugins can fail properly. Closes #1842 - ([13d34c9](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/13d34c9192a06634827d89bf356bea33fea75747)) feat(a11yPlugin): add support for Tenon.io - ([5f8cffd](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/5f8cffd95c50ab4e7949376425f10e13747eb922)) feat(plugins): allow plugins to export a name for use in reporting ## Bug Fixes - ([aabdd56](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/aabdd567ee62d0d48fad499ee5decbb5d7d6b939)) fix(debugger): breakpoint isn't set properly for windows - ([361ae21](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/361ae21ee761eb78d1e2c9b2b7d270873a28ef81)) fix(plugins): add a 'test' or 'fail' string to plugins Closes #1843 - ([847e739](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/847e73961e52caa1537df269589d9cfe6373b986)) fix(webdriver-manager): unzipping ie driver should overwrite old version # 1.7.0 ## Dependency Version Upgrades - ([2658865](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2658865640d82617e69208cdb2263a2073a20156)) feat(webdriver): bump chromedriver to 2.14 Chromedriver 2.14 contains support for accessing elements inside the shadow DOM. ## Features - ([d220ecf](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/d220ecf5ebc7ba023eab728d4a684e978ff77c83)) feat(locators): add by.deepCss selector for finding elements in the shadow dom Usage: ``` element(by.deepCss('.foo')) equivalent to 'element(by.css('* /deep/ .foo')) ``` - ([324f69d](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/324f69d6aa7c23ad77f1d50e26e0a56bade40132)) feat(locators): add by.exactRepeater - ([eb9d567](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/eb9d56755fa93401502e7608c7c3d0f16927c082)) feat(frameworks): add support for custom frameworks Usage: ```js exports.config = { framework: 'custom', frameworkPath: '/path/to/your/framework/index.js' } ``` - ([9bc1c53](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9bc1c53e40161521b0c125a810f86235c974f100)) feat(expectedConditions): add helper library for syncing with non-angular apps Usage: ```javascript var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions; var button = $('#xyz'); var isClickable = EC.elementToBeClickable(button); browser.get(URL); browser.wait(isClickable, 5000); //wait for an element to become clickable button.click(); ``` You can also customize the conditions: ```javascript var urlChanged = function() { return browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) { return url != 'http://www.angularjs.org'; }); }; // condition to wait for url to change, title to contain 'foo', and $('abc') element to contain text 'bar' var condition = EC.and(urlChanged, EC.titleContains('foo'), EC.textToBePresentInElement($('abc'), 'bar')); $('navButton').click(); browser.wait(condition, 5000); //wait for condition to be true. // do other things ``` - ([fb099de](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/fb099dedf92a64732d88401dd1b0d4d30b22650d)) feat(elementExplorer): Combine browser.pause with elementExplorer * reuse logic for browser.pause for elementExplorer * introduce browser.enterRepl * allow customization of driver for elementExplorer * fix bug where repl cannot return an ElementFinder (related #1600) Closes #1314, #1315 - ([9def5e0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9def5e0e67e031949010fed4ed47178a534c99e8)) feat(runner): add browser.getProcessedConfig method Now, instances of the `browser` object have a `getProcessedConfig` method which returns a promise that resolves to the current Protractor configuration object for the current runner instance. This means that if multiCapabilities are being used or tests are sharded, `getProcessedConfig` will return an object with the `capabilities` and `specs` property specific to the current instance. Closes #1724 ## Bug Fixes - ([ccb165d](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/ccb165d99b69e1ae66e4c1badd2f4e04f1481e75)) fix(webdriver-manager): unzipping chromedriver should override old version See #1813 # 1.6.1 ## Bug Fixes - ([92c5d17](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/92c5d17844a2b4dc56c483ab4a65e2bf631175f9)) fix(element): test crashes when using certain locators with `fromWebElement_` Protractor crashes when one uses locators with findElementsOverride (i.e. any custom protractor locator like by.binding/repeater/etc) in map/filter/then/each/reduce # 1.6.0 ## Features - ([1e60a95](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/1e60a9504c883a95f3500eafa38e1fc11dc28c9b)) feat(frameworks): add jasmine2 framework Jasmine2.x may now be used by setting `framework: jasmine2` in your config. See https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/docs/jasmine-upgrade.md - ([0b93003](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/0b930035905d1868225667de358222e51394f3ac)) feat(jasmine2): add 'grep' option to jasmine2 Allow users to filter the specs that they want to run using simple string match. To use this feature, either: 1) specify jasmineNodeOpts.grep in your conf.js file or 2) via commandline like "protractor conf.js --grep='pattern to match'" - ([4368842](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4368842da73d4ed501df21b61daf71951e59524b)) feat(wddebugger): enable repl (with autocomplete) for browser.pause See https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/docs/debugging.md for usage. - ([9c9ed31](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9c9ed31591f5a3c552222ad7feb1ecd650973902)) feat(launcher): allow multicapabilities to take array of promises Enables adding `getMultiCapabilities: function(){}` to your configuration file. The function returns either multiCapabilities or a promise of a multiCapabilities that is resolved after `beforeLaunch` and before driver set up. If this is specified, both capabilities and multiCapabilities will be ignored. Also allows specifying `seleniumAddress` in the capabilities/multiCapabilities object, which will override the global `seleniumAddress`. This allows you to use a different `seleniumAddress` per capabilities. Breaking Changes: `capabilities` can no longer be a promise. Use getMultiCapabilities if you need to return a promise. `seleniumAddress` can no longer be a promise. Likewise, use getMultiCapabilities. - ([1670384](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/167038499aacfd5def03472f9f548529b273e1e0)) feat(runner): allow protractor to restart browser between tests Enables adding `restartBrowserBetweenTests: true` to your configuration file. Note that this will slow down test suites considerably. Closes #1435 - ([56beb24](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/56beb24b9473ceedc491f3ca00fbce1bb9a18f29)) feat(protractor): add browser.getRegisteredMockModules() Now `browser.getRegisteredMockModules()` returns a list of the functions or strings that have been registered as mock modules. For troubleshooting. Closes #1434. - ([5a404c2](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/5a404c27326fdb130e5d4ac5c4704b4013c78853)) feat(timeline): add timeline plugin This plugin gathers test timeline information from the protractor test process, the selenium client logs (if available), and sauce labs (if available), and presents the output visually. This improves understanding of where latency issues are in tests. See #674 Usage: Add the plugin to your configuration file: ```js exports.config = { plugins: [{ path: 'node_modules/protractor/plugins/timeline/index.js', // Output json and html will go in this folder. outdir: 'timelines', // Optional - if sauceUser and sauceKey are specified, logs from // SauceLabs will also be parsed after test invocation. sauceUser: 'Jane', sauceKey: 'abcdefg' }], // other configuration settings }; ``` - ([a9d83f7](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a9d83f7ebbce1be7f7f8c2986d1bfebccff1d6f3)) feat(plugins): add postResults hook for plugins Allows plugins to include a postResults function, which will be called after webdriver has been quit and the environment has been torn down. This step may not modify the contents of the test results object. ## Dependency Version Upgrades - ([2b4ac07](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2b4ac07eaccafec2ad88c05747a75268a3529759)) feat(webdriver): version bumps for chromedriver and supported browsers Chromedriver to 2.13. CI browser version bumps for Chrome 39 and Firefox 34. ## Bug Fixes - ([adf30ba](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/adf30ba701d2a1ec992912001723de19366bea57)) fix(test): use a platform agnostic way to run minijasminenode - ([50ee0b4](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/50ee0b4d1a1b93cedf3d099d349b937b25ee9e79)) fix(test): allow to run 'npm start' or 'npm test' from windows too - ([b28355d](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/b28355dabde4c507ac620b973104e98e96279f2a)) fix(cucumber): emit on cucumber scenario instead of step - ([33dcd77](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/33dcd777fe34c6682b64bda0adc4f3595b03394b)) fix(util): webdriver could deadlock when prepare scripts containing promises are wrapped in a flow.execute - ([a877268](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a877268f35cb0df8f34f60b71ad7201fef58d189)) fix(locators): ng-repeat-start should not return extra null element - ([d505249](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/d505249fff773d0eaee8b17435ab751be8fbefa6)) fix(waitforangular): improve error messages when waitForAngular fails Previously, caught errors were being interpreted as an empty object, causing lots of errors such as 'Uncaught exception: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: {}' Now the error message will be displayed, and a more useful custom message will be thrown if the variable 'angular' is not present or the root element is not part of the ng-app. See #1474 ## Breaking Changes - Due to ([9c9ed31](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9c9ed31591f5a3c552222ad7feb1ecd650973902)) feat(launcher): allow multicapabilities to take array of promises Breaking Changes: `capabilities` can no longer be a promise. Use getMultiCapabilities if you need to return a promise. `seleniumAddress` can no longer be a promise. Likewise, use getMultiCapabilities. Why is this breaking change not causing a major version bump? This feature was not fully supported previously and we worked with all known users when making the change. # 1.5.0 ## Features - ([55a91ea](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/55a91ea137395891248db148df75dd6408c3b3a2)) feat(launcher): reorganize launcher + add option to store test results as JSON You may now use `config.resultJsonOutputFile` to specify a location for output. See docs/referenceConf.js for more usage. - ([6a88642](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/6a886425a11b28fce83b6eec1f52296c4f78b7f0)) feat(plugins): basic tools for adding plugins - ([2572feb](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2572febe2c607d459a21e2ba99a1dcece2083d2d)) feat(plugin): ngHint plugin For information on usage, see `plugins/ngHintPlugin.js`. More documentation on plugins will be added soon. - ([0bbfd2b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/0bbfd2b6d38392938781d846ad37b5a0fd964004)) feat(protractor/runner): allow multiple browser in test Closes https://github.com/angular/protractor/issues/381 Usage: `browser.forkNewDriverInstance`. - ([8b5ae8b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/8b5ae8ba3d2b3f1de75c0add91694e39e9c591a8)) feat(troubleshoot): Add more information when the --troubleshoot flag is used Improve error messages and add debug info when - the configuration file cannot be parsed - a webdriver session cannot be started - more than one element is found using `element` Unify format used for warnings and errors. ## Bug Fixes - ([30023f2](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/30023f2689171bc4f51a173d9cfd62a18fe276c5)) fix(runner): setTestPreparer does not work setTestPreparer would always set the testPrepare to config.onprepare during `runner.run()`. This is breaking for code that relies on setTestPreparer directly. - ([47f12ba](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/47f12ba31754346062a1e1d20380346a1c7a0659)) fix(clientsidescripts): make findByCssContainingText tolerate elements with no textContent/innerText - ([6a9b87c](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/6a9b87cac9b85cde6ae464eafe4abbba27e4fe4f)) fix(elementexplorer): eval always treat result as promise - ([289dbb9](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/289dbb91a0676add40c12bb85d134904c57dcefd)) fix(util): properly handle exceptions from onPrepare and onExit - ([a132fac](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/a132fac0afed5dc5fe8e2663e5aa1c1a90586920)) fix(jasmine): fix errors when iit was used Errors were due to Jasmine not calling reportSpecStarting when iit was used, but calling reportSpecResults. Closes #1602 ## Breaking Changes - ([0bbfd2b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/0bbfd2b6d38392938781d846ad37b5a0fd964004)) feat(protractor/runner): allow multiple browser in test `protractor.getInstance()` had been unused (replaced by global `browser` in v0.12.0) and is now removed. Before: ```js var myBrowser2 = protractor.getInstance(); ``` After: ```js // In normal tests, just use the exported global browser var myBrowser2 = browser; ``` If you are creating your own instance of the Protractor class, you may still use `protractor.wrapDriver` as before. # 1.4.0 ## Features - ([adef9b2](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/adef9b208fcba2a9d60347bda38a3fe3fac6bf50)) feat(runner): add a new method of getting browser drivers - directConnect directConnect as an option on the configuration will replace chromeOnly. Now, WebDriverJS allows Firefox to be used directly as well, so directConnect will work for Chrome and Firefox, and throw an error if another browser is used. This change deprecates but does not remove the chromeOnly option. - ([0626963](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/06269636f52f9b3a9c73beb6191ae89a7a376cfb)) feat(config): Option to exclude test for specific capability Add the option to exclude spec files for a specific capability. This way you can ignore spec files for one capability only. For example if the test is known to fail in the capability. Closes #1230 - ([710cad7](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/710cad7c5a2d838a0c4184defa1b7d4240f577f6)) feat(runner/frameworks): Change interface contract of the protractor runner instance so that it returns a promise instead of calling a callback function - ([50f44f4](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/50f44f430851cbd76dbb3a41d6071198f6f479a4)) feat(protractor): add clone methods for ElementFinder and ElementArrayFinder - ([eedf50b](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/eedf50b48ca55f18e8555ce5aa64ad92b03887c8)) feat(launcher): add beforeLaunch and afterLaunch - ([8dd60b7](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/8dd60b73a3013bd29213c8d281819da6e545c7ff)) feat(protractor): wrap negative indices for ElementArrayFinder.get(i) Closes #1213 - ([be236e7](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/be236e7f44c5306df36b62bb21bb3ba940c86944)) feat(debugging): use custom messages when executing scripts to improve stack traces Now, instead of asynchronous events during executeScript all being described as `WebDriver.executeScript`, they have their own custom messages. The schedule shown when debugging will be more informative. ## Dependency Version Upgrades - ([889a5a7](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/889a5a70c1f980d09a615cf1e8ceaea33272ba8e)) feat(webdriver): version bumps for webdriver, chromedriver, webdriverJS Upgrade to WebDriver 2.44.0 and ChromeDriver 2.12. ## Bug Fixes - ([2fbaf52](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/2fbaf52fd59f03929e173ebf760a97de34bf91d4)) fix(element): use the root element only to find the testability API, not scope searches In 9a8f45a a change was introduced which made Protractor's custom locators (by.binding, by.model, etc) use config.rootElement as the root for all their searches. This meant that config.rootElement was used both to specify how to get hold of Angular's injector as well as where to begin searching for elements. This does not work for all cases, for example if a dialog should be searched for elements but is a sibling, not a child, of ng-app. This reverts that change, and uses document as the parent for all searches. This is consistent with the behavior of the native locators by.id, by.css, and friends, which do not scope their search based on config.rootElement. - ([9db5327](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9db5327e4ada7eb3caa271b394bcda0ba5e8fd62)) fix(ElementFinder): ElementFinder should allow null as success handler. Passes the value to the next in the chain. - ([0858280](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/0858280db156f924ef126c3aaeae6973b8d44067)) fix(locators): by.cssContainingText now operates on pre-transformed text Previously, the implementation depended on the browser. Now, it will always operate on the text before text-transform is applied. Closes #1217 - ([1a4eea4](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/1a4eea4eb89362822dc86be6904c1ddfba95661e)) fix(elementexplorer): elementexplorer hangs when returning ElementFinder - ([f4e6b40](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/f4e6b40c597dc1c59dc7eccfe236abcc336a46a9)) fix(runner): webdriver could get into lock when there is async promise - ([cf284b9](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/cf284b994fb6766c8ab34d0af9b4ccf8fd866bd1)) fix(clientsidescripts): by.exactBinding not working because of regex typo Closes #1441 - ([9cc0f63](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/9cc0f6398146ed9bfc757c1efc05d1806bab1e16)) fix(runner): gracefully shutdown browsers after test - ([86ead2c](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/86ead2c5a20d474e59c3b9796b5438dc2090a6ed)) fix(webdriver-manager): Avoid incompatibility between request with callback and pipe. - ([7283fdf](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7283fdfa1e4c69bcab6af8f28f8f1b77634a50fd)) fix(launcher): exit code is always 100 for sharded and 1 for nonsharded tests # 1.3.1 ## Bug Fixes - ([714e4e2](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/714e4e28ab90fb5dfeca4375a68469ef609e2722)) fix(locators): fix regression passing root element to locator scripts Closes #1378 # 1.3.0 ## Features - ([4f1fe68](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/4f1fe68882dedba662752e722b9e7b76bfed19b6)) feat(runner): Allow onCleanup to accept a file - ([548f0c0](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/548f0c09748502cb6ae87e602db09e6df78df348)) feat(webdriver): bump WebDriver to version 2.43 - ([466b383](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/466b3831569dc28c5fc2be31fbdf96574e57c3f0)) feat(protractor): allow advanced features for ElementArrayFinder changed ElementFinder as a subset of an ElementArrayFinder. This enables actions on ElementArrayFinders, such as: `element.all(by.css('.foo')).click()` The function `filter` now returns an ElementArrayFinder, so you may also do: `element.all(by.css('.foo')).filter(filterFn).click()` or `element.all(by.css('.foo')).filter(filterFn).last().click()` - ([7bd2dde](https://github.com/angular/protractor/commit/7bd2dde0a6fca8c8481ad68d0683b4f411d611b9)) chore(angular): upgrade angular to version 1.3. This change updates Protractor's test application from 1.2.9 to 1.3.0-r0. There is a significant behind-the-scenes change in the implementation of locating elements and waiting for the page to be stable. If you are updating your application to Angular 1.3, you may run into some changes you will need to make in your tests: - `by.binding` no longer allows using the surrounding `{{}}`. Previously, these were optional. Before: `var el = element(by.binding('{{foo}}'))` After: `var el = element(by.binding('foo'))` - Prefixes `ng_` and `x-ng-` are no longer allowed for models. Use `ng-model`. - `by.repeater` cannot find elements by row and column which are not children of the row. For example, if your template is `