# testing/assertions.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2018 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # <see AUTHORS file> # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php from __future__ import absolute_import from . import util as testutil from sqlalchemy import pool, orm, util from sqlalchemy.engine import default, url from sqlalchemy.util import decorator, compat from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes, schema, exc as sa_exc import warnings import re from .exclusions import db_spec from . import assertsql from . import config from .util import fail import contextlib from . import mock def expect_warnings(*messages, **kw): """Context manager which expects one or more warnings. With no arguments, squelches all SAWarnings emitted via sqlalchemy.util.warn and sqlalchemy.util.warn_limited. Otherwise pass string expressions that will match selected warnings via regex; all non-matching warnings are sent through. The expect version **asserts** that the warnings were in fact seen. Note that the test suite sets SAWarning warnings to raise exceptions. """ return _expect_warnings(sa_exc.SAWarning, messages, **kw) @contextlib.contextmanager def expect_warnings_on(db, *messages, **kw): """Context manager which expects one or more warnings on specific dialects. The expect version **asserts** that the warnings were in fact seen. """ spec = db_spec(db) if isinstance(db, util.string_types) and not spec(config._current): yield else: with expect_warnings(*messages, **kw): yield def emits_warning(*messages): """Decorator form of expect_warnings(). Note that emits_warning does **not** assert that the warnings were in fact seen. """ @decorator def decorate(fn, *args, **kw): with expect_warnings(assert_=False, *messages): return fn(*args, **kw) return decorate def expect_deprecated(*messages, **kw): return _expect_warnings(sa_exc.SADeprecationWarning, messages, **kw) def emits_warning_on(db, *messages): """Mark a test as emitting a warning on a specific dialect. With no arguments, squelches all SAWarning failures. Or pass one or more strings; these will be matched to the root of the warning description by warnings.filterwarnings(). Note that emits_warning_on does **not** assert that the warnings were in fact seen. """ @decorator def decorate(fn, *args, **kw): with expect_warnings_on(db, assert_=False, *messages): return fn(*args, **kw) return decorate def uses_deprecated(*messages): """Mark a test as immune from fatal deprecation warnings. With no arguments, squelches all SADeprecationWarning failures. Or pass one or more strings; these will be matched to the root of the warning description by warnings.filterwarnings(). As a special case, you may pass a function name prefixed with // and it will be re-written as needed to match the standard warning verbiage emitted by the sqlalchemy.util.deprecated decorator. Note that uses_deprecated does **not** assert that the warnings were in fact seen. """ @decorator def decorate(fn, *args, **kw): with expect_deprecated(*messages, assert_=False): return fn(*args, **kw) return decorate @contextlib.contextmanager def _expect_warnings(exc_cls, messages, regex=True, assert_=True, py2konly=False): if regex: filters = [re.compile(msg, re.I | re.S) for msg in messages] else: filters = messages seen = set(filters) real_warn = warnings.warn def our_warn(msg, *arg, **kw): if isinstance(msg, exc_cls): exception = msg msg = str(exception) elif arg: exception = arg[0] else: exception = None if not exception or not issubclass(exception, exc_cls): return real_warn(msg, *arg, **kw) if not filters: return for filter_ in filters: if (regex and filter_.match(msg)) or \ (not regex and filter_ == msg): seen.discard(filter_) break else: real_warn(msg, *arg, **kw) with mock.patch("warnings.warn", our_warn): yield if assert_ and (not py2konly or not compat.py3k): assert not seen, "Warnings were not seen: %s" % \ ", ".join("%r" % (s.pattern if regex else s) for s in seen) def global_cleanup_assertions(): """Check things that have to be finalized at the end of a test suite. Hardcoded at the moment, a modular system can be built here to support things like PG prepared transactions, tables all dropped, etc. """ _assert_no_stray_pool_connections() _STRAY_CONNECTION_FAILURES = 0 def _assert_no_stray_pool_connections(): global _STRAY_CONNECTION_FAILURES # lazy gc on cPython means "do nothing." pool connections # shouldn't be in cycles, should go away. testutil.lazy_gc() # however, once in awhile, on an EC2 machine usually, # there's a ref in there. usually just one. if pool._refs: # OK, let's be somewhat forgiving. _STRAY_CONNECTION_FAILURES += 1 print("Encountered a stray connection in test cleanup: %s" % str(pool._refs)) # then do a real GC sweep. We shouldn't even be here # so a single sweep should really be doing it, otherwise # there's probably a real unreachable cycle somewhere. testutil.gc_collect() # if we've already had two of these occurrences, or # after a hard gc sweep we still have pool._refs?! # now we have to raise. if pool._refs: err = str(pool._refs) # but clean out the pool refs collection directly, # reset the counter, # so the error doesn't at least keep happening. pool._refs.clear() _STRAY_CONNECTION_FAILURES = 0 warnings.warn( "Stray connection refused to leave " "after gc.collect(): %s" % err) elif _STRAY_CONNECTION_FAILURES > 10: assert False, "Encountered more than 10 stray connections" _STRAY_CONNECTION_FAILURES = 0 def eq_regex(a, b, msg=None): assert re.match(b, a), msg or "%r !~ %r" % (a, b) def eq_(a, b, msg=None): """Assert a == b, with repr messaging on failure.""" assert a == b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b) def ne_(a, b, msg=None): """Assert a != b, with repr messaging on failure.""" assert a != b, msg or "%r == %r" % (a, b) def le_(a, b, msg=None): """Assert a <= b, with repr messaging on failure.""" assert a <= b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b) def is_true(a, msg=None): is_(a, True, msg=msg) def is_false(a, msg=None): is_(a, False, msg=msg) def is_(a, b, msg=None): """Assert a is b, with repr messaging on failure.""" assert a is b, msg or "%r is not %r" % (a, b) def is_not_(a, b, msg=None): """Assert a is not b, with repr messaging on failure.""" assert a is not b, msg or "%r is %r" % (a, b) def in_(a, b, msg=None): """Assert a in b, with repr messaging on failure.""" assert a in b, msg or "%r not in %r" % (a, b) def not_in_(a, b, msg=None): """Assert a in not b, with repr messaging on failure.""" assert a not in b, msg or "%r is in %r" % (a, b) def startswith_(a, fragment, msg=None): """Assert a.startswith(fragment), with repr messaging on failure.""" assert a.startswith(fragment), msg or "%r does not start with %r" % ( a, fragment) def eq_ignore_whitespace(a, b, msg=None): a = re.sub(r'^\s+?|\n', "", a) a = re.sub(r' {2,}', " ", a) b = re.sub(r'^\s+?|\n', "", b) b = re.sub(r' {2,}', " ", b) assert a == b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b) def assert_raises(except_cls, callable_, *args, **kw): try: callable_(*args, **kw) success = False except except_cls: success = True # assert outside the block so it works for AssertionError too ! assert success, "Callable did not raise an exception" def assert_raises_message(except_cls, msg, callable_, *args, **kwargs): try: callable_(*args, **kwargs) assert False, "Callable did not raise an exception" except except_cls as e: assert re.search( msg, util.text_type(e), re.UNICODE), "%r !~ %s" % (msg, e) print(util.text_type(e).encode('utf-8')) class AssertsCompiledSQL(object): def assert_compile(self, clause, result, params=None, checkparams=None, dialect=None, checkpositional=None, check_prefetch=None, use_default_dialect=False, allow_dialect_select=False, literal_binds=False, schema_translate_map=None): if use_default_dialect: dialect = default.DefaultDialect() elif allow_dialect_select: dialect = None else: if dialect is None: dialect = getattr(self, '__dialect__', None) if dialect is None: dialect = config.db.dialect elif dialect == 'default': dialect = default.DefaultDialect() elif dialect == 'default_enhanced': dialect = default.StrCompileDialect() elif isinstance(dialect, util.string_types): dialect = url.URL(dialect).get_dialect()() kw = {} compile_kwargs = {} if schema_translate_map: kw['schema_translate_map'] = schema_translate_map if params is not None: kw['column_keys'] = list(params) if literal_binds: compile_kwargs['literal_binds'] = True if isinstance(clause, orm.Query): context = clause._compile_context() context.statement.use_labels = True clause = context.statement elif isinstance(clause, orm.persistence.BulkUD): with mock.patch.object(clause, "_execute_stmt") as stmt_mock: clause.exec_() clause = stmt_mock.mock_calls[0][1][0] if compile_kwargs: kw['compile_kwargs'] = compile_kwargs c = clause.compile(dialect=dialect, **kw) param_str = repr(getattr(c, 'params', {})) if util.py3k: param_str = param_str.encode('utf-8').decode('ascii', 'ignore') print( ("\nSQL String:\n" + util.text_type(c) + param_str).encode('utf-8')) else: print( "\nSQL String:\n" + util.text_type(c).encode('utf-8') + param_str) cc = re.sub(r'[\n\t]', '', util.text_type(c)) eq_(cc, result, "%r != %r on dialect %r" % (cc, result, dialect)) if checkparams is not None: eq_(c.construct_params(params), checkparams) if checkpositional is not None: p = c.construct_params(params) eq_(tuple([p[x] for x in c.positiontup]), checkpositional) if check_prefetch is not None: eq_(c.prefetch, check_prefetch) class ComparesTables(object): def assert_tables_equal(self, table, reflected_table, strict_types=False): assert len(table.c) == len(reflected_table.c) for c, reflected_c in zip(table.c, reflected_table.c): eq_(c.name, reflected_c.name) assert reflected_c is reflected_table.c[c.name] eq_(c.primary_key, reflected_c.primary_key) eq_(c.nullable, reflected_c.nullable) if strict_types: msg = "Type '%s' doesn't correspond to type '%s'" assert isinstance(reflected_c.type, type(c.type)), \ msg % (reflected_c.type, c.type) else: self.assert_types_base(reflected_c, c) if isinstance(c.type, sqltypes.String): eq_(c.type.length, reflected_c.type.length) eq_( {f.column.name for f in c.foreign_keys}, {f.column.name for f in reflected_c.foreign_keys} ) if c.server_default: assert isinstance(reflected_c.server_default, schema.FetchedValue) assert len(table.primary_key) == len(reflected_table.primary_key) for c in table.primary_key: assert reflected_table.primary_key.columns[c.name] is not None def assert_types_base(self, c1, c2): assert c1.type._compare_type_affinity(c2.type),\ "On column %r, type '%s' doesn't correspond to type '%s'" % \ (c1.name, c1.type, c2.type) class AssertsExecutionResults(object): def assert_result(self, result, class_, *objects): result = list(result) print(repr(result)) self.assert_list(result, class_, objects) def assert_list(self, result, class_, list): self.assert_(len(result) == len(list), "result list is not the same size as test list, " + "for class " + class_.__name__) for i in range(0, len(list)): self.assert_row(class_, result[i], list[i]) def assert_row(self, class_, rowobj, desc): self.assert_(rowobj.__class__ is class_, "item class is not " + repr(class_)) for key, value in desc.items(): if isinstance(value, tuple): if isinstance(value[1], list): self.assert_list(getattr(rowobj, key), value[0], value[1]) else: self.assert_row(value[0], getattr(rowobj, key), value[1]) else: self.assert_(getattr(rowobj, key) == value, "attribute %s value %s does not match %s" % ( key, getattr(rowobj, key), value)) def assert_unordered_result(self, result, cls, *expected): """As assert_result, but the order of objects is not considered. The algorithm is very expensive but not a big deal for the small numbers of rows that the test suite manipulates. """ class immutabledict(dict): def __hash__(self): return id(self) found = util.IdentitySet(result) expected = {immutabledict(e) for e in expected} for wrong in util.itertools_filterfalse(lambda o: isinstance(o, cls), found): fail('Unexpected type "%s", expected "%s"' % ( type(wrong).__name__, cls.__name__)) if len(found) != len(expected): fail('Unexpected object count "%s", expected "%s"' % ( len(found), len(expected))) NOVALUE = object() def _compare_item(obj, spec): for key, value in spec.items(): if isinstance(value, tuple): try: self.assert_unordered_result( getattr(obj, key), value[0], *value[1]) except AssertionError: return False else: if getattr(obj, key, NOVALUE) != value: return False return True for expected_item in expected: for found_item in found: if _compare_item(found_item, expected_item): found.remove(found_item) break else: fail( "Expected %s instance with attributes %s not found." % ( cls.__name__, repr(expected_item))) return True def sql_execution_asserter(self, db=None): if db is None: from . import db as db return assertsql.assert_engine(db) def assert_sql_execution(self, db, callable_, *rules): with self.sql_execution_asserter(db) as asserter: result = callable_() asserter.assert_(*rules) return result def assert_sql(self, db, callable_, rules): newrules = [] for rule in rules: if isinstance(rule, dict): newrule = assertsql.AllOf(*[ assertsql.CompiledSQL(k, v) for k, v in rule.items() ]) else: newrule = assertsql.CompiledSQL(*rule) newrules.append(newrule) return self.assert_sql_execution(db, callable_, *newrules) def assert_sql_count(self, db, callable_, count): self.assert_sql_execution( db, callable_, assertsql.CountStatements(count)) @contextlib.contextmanager def assert_execution(self, db, *rules): with self.sql_execution_asserter(db) as asserter: yield asserter.assert_(*rules) def assert_statement_count(self, db, count): return self.assert_execution(db, assertsql.CountStatements(count))