import collections import contextlib import os import signal import subprocess import sys from .environments import PIPENV_SHELL_EXPLICIT, PIPENV_SHELL, PIPENV_EMULATOR from .vendor.vistir.compat import get_terminal_size, Path from .vendor.vistir.contextmanagers import temp_environ from .vendor import shellingham ShellDetectionFailure = shellingham.ShellDetectionFailure def _build_info(value): return (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(value))[0], value) def detect_info(): if PIPENV_SHELL_EXPLICIT: return _build_info(PIPENV_SHELL_EXPLICIT) try: return shellingham.detect_shell() except (shellingham.ShellDetectionFailure, TypeError): if PIPENV_SHELL: return _build_info(PIPENV_SHELL) raise ShellDetectionFailure def _get_activate_script(cmd, venv): """Returns the string to activate a virtualenv. This is POSIX-only at the moment since the compat (pexpect-based) shell does not work elsewhere anyway. """ # Suffix and source command for other shells. # Support for fish shell. if "fish" in cmd: suffix = ".fish" command = "source" # Support for csh shell. elif "csh" in cmd: suffix = ".csh" command = "source" else: suffix = "" command = "." # Escape any spaces located within the virtualenv path to allow # for proper activation. venv_location = str(venv).replace(" ", r"\ ") # The leading space can make history cleaner in some shells. return " {2} {0}/bin/activate{1}".format(venv_location, suffix, command) def _handover(cmd, args): args = [cmd] + args if != "nt": os.execvp(cmd, args) else: sys.exit(, shell=True, universal_newlines=True)) class Shell(object): def __init__(self, cmd): self.cmd = cmd self.args = [] def __repr__(self): return '{type}(cmd={cmd!r})'.format( type=type(self).__name__, cmd=self.cmd, ) @contextlib.contextmanager def inject_path(self, venv): with temp_environ(): os.environ["PATH"] = "{0}{1}{2}".format( os.pathsep.join(str(p.parent) for p in _iter_python(venv)), os.pathsep, os.environ["PATH"], ) yield def fork(self, venv, cwd, args): # FIXME: This isn't necessarily the correct prompt. We should read the # actual prompt by peeking into the activation script. name = os.path.basename(venv) os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = str(venv) if "PROMPT" in os.environ: os.environ["PROMPT"] = "({0}) {1}".format(name, os.environ["PROMPT"]) if "PS1" in os.environ: os.environ["PS1"] = "({0}) {1}".format(name, os.environ["PS1"]) with self.inject_path(venv): os.chdir(cwd) _handover(self.cmd, self.args + list(args)) def fork_compat(self, venv, cwd, args): from .vendor import pexpect # Grab current terminal dimensions to replace the hardcoded default # dimensions of pexpect. dims = get_terminal_size() with temp_environ(): c = pexpect.spawn(self.cmd, ["-i"], dimensions=(dims.lines, dims.columns)) c.sendline(_get_activate_script(self.cmd, venv)) if args: c.sendline(" ".join(args)) # Handler for terminal resizing events # Must be defined here to have the shell process in its context, since # we can't pass it as an argument def sigwinch_passthrough(sig, data): dims = get_terminal_size() c.setwinsize(dims.lines, dims.columns) signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, sigwinch_passthrough) # Interact with the new shell. c.interact(escape_character=None) c.close() sys.exit(c.exitstatus) POSSIBLE_ENV_PYTHON = [Path("bin", "python"), Path("Scripts", "python.exe")] def _iter_python(venv): for path in POSSIBLE_ENV_PYTHON: full_path = Path(venv, path) if full_path.is_file(): yield full_path class Bash(Shell): def _format_path(self, python): return python.parent.as_posix() # The usual PATH injection technique does not work with Bash. # @contextlib.contextmanager def inject_path(self, venv): from ._compat import NamedTemporaryFile bashrc_path = Path.home().joinpath(".bashrc") with NamedTemporaryFile("w+") as rcfile: if bashrc_path.is_file(): base_rc_src = 'source "{0}"\n'.format(bashrc_path.as_posix()) rcfile.write(base_rc_src) export_path = 'export PATH="{0}:$PATH"\n'.format(":".join( self._format_path(python) for python in _iter_python(venv) )) rcfile.write(export_path) rcfile.flush() self.args.extend(["--rcfile",]) yield class MsysBash(Bash): def _format_path(self, python): s = super(MsysBash, self)._format_path(python) if not return s # Convert "C:/something" to "/c/something". return '/{drive}{path}'.format(drive=s[0].lower(), path=s[2:]) class CmderEmulatedShell(Shell): def fork(self, venv, cwd, args): if cwd: os.environ["CMDER_START"] = cwd super(CmderEmulatedShell, self).fork(venv, cwd, args) class CmderCommandPrompt(CmderEmulatedShell): def fork(self, venv, cwd, args): rc = os.path.expandvars("%CMDER_ROOT%\\vendor\\init.bat") if os.path.exists(rc): self.args.extend(["/k", rc]) super(CmderCommandPrompt, self).fork(venv, cwd, args) class CmderPowershell(Shell): def fork(self, venv, cwd, args): rc = os.path.expandvars("%CMDER_ROOT%\\vendor\\profile.ps1") if os.path.exists(rc): self.args.extend( [ "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-NoExit", "-Command", "Invoke-Expression '. ''{0}'''".format(rc), ] ) super(CmderPowershell, self).fork(venv, cwd, args) # Two dimensional dict. First is the shell type, second is the emulator type. # Example: SHELL_LOOKUP['powershell']['cmder'] => CmderPowershell. SHELL_LOOKUP = collections.defaultdict( lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: Shell), { "bash": collections.defaultdict( lambda: Bash, {"msys": MsysBash}, ), "cmd": collections.defaultdict( lambda: Shell, {"cmder": CmderCommandPrompt}, ), "powershell": collections.defaultdict( lambda: Shell, {"cmder": CmderPowershell}, ), "pwsh": collections.defaultdict( lambda: Shell, {"cmder": CmderPowershell}, ), }, ) def _detect_emulator(): keys = [] if os.environ.get("CMDER_ROOT"): keys.append("cmder") if os.environ.get("MSYSTEM"): keys.append("msys") return ",".join(keys) def choose_shell(): emulator = PIPENV_EMULATOR.lower() or _detect_emulator() type_, command = detect_info() shell_types = SHELL_LOOKUP[type_] for key in emulator.split(","): key = key.strip().lower() if key in shell_types: return shell_types[key](command) return shell_types[""](command)