# Copyright (c) 2016 Roger Light # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution. # # The Eclipse Public License is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. # # Contributors: # Roger Light - initial API and implementation """ This module provides some helper functions to allow straightforward subscribing to topics and retrieving messages. The two functions are simple(), which returns one or messages matching a set of topics, and callback() which allows you to pass a callback for processing of messages. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from . import client as paho from .. import mqtt def _on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): """Internal callback""" if rc != 0: raise mqtt.MQTTException(paho.connack_string(rc)) if isinstance(userdata['topics'], list): for topic in userdata['topics']: client.subscribe(topic, userdata['qos']) else: client.subscribe(userdata['topics'], userdata['qos']) def _on_message_callback(client, userdata, message): """Internal callback""" userdata['callback'](client, userdata['userdata'], message) def _on_message_simple(client, userdata, message): """Internal callback""" if userdata['msg_count'] == 0: return # Don't process stale retained messages if 'retained' was false if message.retain and not userdata['retained']: return userdata['msg_count'] = userdata['msg_count'] - 1 if userdata['messages'] is None and userdata['msg_count'] == 0: userdata['messages'] = message client.disconnect() return userdata['messages'].append(message) if userdata['msg_count'] == 0: client.disconnect() def callback(callback, topics, qos=0, userdata=None, hostname="localhost", port=1883, client_id="", keepalive=60, will=None, auth=None, tls=None, protocol=paho.MQTTv311, transport="tcp", clean_session=True): """Subscribe to a list of topics and process them in a callback function. This function creates an MQTT client, connects to a broker and subscribes to a list of topics. Incoming messages are processed by the user provided callback. This is a blocking function and will never return. callback : function of the form "on_message(client, userdata, message)" for processing the messages received. topics : either a string containing a single topic to subscribe to, or a list of topics to subscribe to. qos : the qos to use when subscribing. This is applied to all topics. userdata : passed to the callback hostname : a string containing the address of the broker to connect to. Defaults to localhost. port : the port to connect to the broker on. Defaults to 1883. client_id : the MQTT client id to use. If "" or None, the Paho library will generate a client id automatically. keepalive : the keepalive timeout value for the client. Defaults to 60 seconds. will : a dict containing will parameters for the client: will = {'topic': "", 'payload':", 'qos':, 'retain':}. Topic is required, all other parameters are optional and will default to None, 0 and False respectively. Defaults to None, which indicates no will should be used. auth : a dict containing authentication parameters for the client: auth = {'username':"", 'password':""} Username is required, password is optional and will default to None if not provided. Defaults to None, which indicates no authentication is to be used. tls : a dict containing TLS configuration parameters for the client: dict = {'ca_certs':"", 'certfile':"", 'keyfile':"", 'tls_version':"", 'ciphers':", 'insecure':""} ca_certs is required, all other parameters are optional and will default to None if not provided, which results in the client using the default behaviour - see the paho.mqtt.client documentation. Alternatively, tls input can be an SSLContext object, which will be processed using the tls_set_context method. Defaults to None, which indicates that TLS should not be used. transport : set to "tcp" to use the default setting of transport which is raw TCP. Set to "websockets" to use WebSockets as the transport. clean_session : a boolean that determines the client type. If True, the broker will remove all information about this client when it disconnects. If False, the client is a persistent client and subscription information and queued messages will be retained when the client disconnects. Defaults to True. """ if qos < 0 or qos > 2: raise ValueError('qos must be in the range 0-2') callback_userdata = { 'callback':callback, 'topics':topics, 'qos':qos, 'userdata':userdata} client = paho.Client(client_id=client_id, userdata=callback_userdata, protocol=protocol, transport=transport, clean_session=clean_session) client.on_message = _on_message_callback client.on_connect = _on_connect if auth: username = auth.get('username') if username: password = auth.get('password') client.username_pw_set(username, password) else: raise KeyError("The 'username' key was not found, this is " "required for auth") if will is not None: client.will_set(**will) if tls is not None: if isinstance(tls, dict): insecure = tls.pop('insecure', False) client.tls_set(**tls) if insecure: # Must be set *after* the `client.tls_set()` call since it sets # up the SSL context that `client.tls_insecure_set` alters. client.tls_insecure_set(insecure) else: # Assume input is SSLContext object client.tls_set_context(tls) client.connect(hostname, port, keepalive) client.loop_forever() def simple(topics, qos=0, msg_count=1, retained=True, hostname="localhost", port=1883, client_id="", keepalive=60, will=None, auth=None, tls=None, protocol=paho.MQTTv311, transport="tcp", clean_session=True): """Subscribe to a list of topics and return msg_count messages. This function creates an MQTT client, connects to a broker and subscribes to a list of topics. Once "msg_count" messages have been received, it disconnects cleanly from the broker and returns the messages. topics : either a string containing a single topic to subscribe to, or a list of topics to subscribe to. qos : the qos to use when subscribing. This is applied to all topics. msg_count : the number of messages to retrieve from the broker. if msg_count == 1 then a single MQTTMessage will be returned. if msg_count > 1 then a list of MQTTMessages will be returned. retained : If set to True, retained messages will be processed the same as non-retained messages. If set to False, retained messages will be ignored. This means that with retained=False and msg_count=1, the function will return the first message received that does not have the retained flag set. hostname : a string containing the address of the broker to connect to. Defaults to localhost. port : the port to connect to the broker on. Defaults to 1883. client_id : the MQTT client id to use. If "" or None, the Paho library will generate a client id automatically. keepalive : the keepalive timeout value for the client. Defaults to 60 seconds. will : a dict containing will parameters for the client: will = {'topic': "", 'payload':", 'qos':, 'retain':}. Topic is required, all other parameters are optional and will default to None, 0 and False respectively. Defaults to None, which indicates no will should be used. auth : a dict containing authentication parameters for the client: auth = {'username':"", 'password':""} Username is required, password is optional and will default to None if not provided. Defaults to None, which indicates no authentication is to be used. tls : a dict containing TLS configuration parameters for the client: dict = {'ca_certs':"", 'certfile':"", 'keyfile':"", 'tls_version':"", 'ciphers':", 'insecure':""} ca_certs is required, all other parameters are optional and will default to None if not provided, which results in the client using the default behaviour - see the paho.mqtt.client documentation. Alternatively, tls input can be an SSLContext object, which will be processed using the tls_set_context method. Defaults to None, which indicates that TLS should not be used. transport : set to "tcp" to use the default setting of transport which is raw TCP. Set to "websockets" to use WebSockets as the transport. clean_session : a boolean that determines the client type. If True, the broker will remove all information about this client when it disconnects. If False, the client is a persistent client and subscription information and queued messages will be retained when the client disconnects. Defaults to True. """ if msg_count < 1: raise ValueError('msg_count must be > 0') # Set ourselves up to return a single message if msg_count == 1, or a list # if > 1. if msg_count == 1: messages = None else: messages = [] userdata = {'retained':retained, 'msg_count':msg_count, 'messages':messages} callback(_on_message_simple, topics, qos, userdata, hostname, port, client_id, keepalive, will, auth, tls, protocol, transport, clean_session) return userdata['messages']