""" Thoroughly document Bokeh model classes.

The ``bokeh-model`` directive will automatically document
all the attributes (including Bokeh properties) of a Bokeh
model class. A JSON prototype showing all the possible
JSON fields will also be generated.

This directive takes the path to a Bokeh model class as an

    .. bokeh-model:: Foo
        :module: bokeh.sphinxext.sample


For the following definition of ``bokeh.sphinxext.sample.Foo``::

    class Foo(Model):
        ''' This is a Foo model. '''
        index = Either(Auto, Enum('abc', 'def', 'xzy'), help="doc for index")
        value = Tuple(Float, Float, help="doc for value")

the above usage yields the output:

    .. bokeh-model:: Foo
        :module: bokeh.sphinxext.sample

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import importlib
import json

from docutils.parsers.rst.directives import unchanged

from sphinx.errors import SphinxError

from ..model import MetaModel
from .bokeh_directive import BokehDirective, py_sig_re
from .templates import MODEL_DETAIL

class BokehModelDirective(BokehDirective):

    has_content = True
    required_arguments = 1
    optional_arguments = 2

    option_spec = {
        'module': unchanged

    def run(self):
        sig = " ".join(self.arguments)

        m = py_sig_re.match(sig)
        if m is None:
            raise SphinxError("Unable to parse signature for bokeh-model: %r" % sig)
        name_prefix, model_name, arglist, retann = m.groups()

        module_name = self.options['module']

            module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
        except ImportError:
            raise SphinxError("Unable to generate reference docs for %s, couldn't import module '%s'" % (model_name, module_name))

        model = getattr(module, model_name, None)
        if model is None:
            raise SphinxError("Unable to generate reference docs for %s, no model '%s' in %s" % (model_name, model_name, module_name))

        if type(model) != MetaModel:
            raise SphinxError("Unable to generate reference docs for %s, model '%s' is not of type MetaModel" % (model_name, model_name))

        model_obj = model()

        model_json = json.dumps(
            separators=(',', ': ')

        rst_text = MODEL_DETAIL.render(

        return self._parse(rst_text, "<bokeh-model>")

def setup(app):
    app.add_directive_to_domain('py', 'bokeh-model', BokehModelDirective)