import operator import re from .vendor import attr, delegator from .environments import PIPENV_INSTALL_TIMEOUT @attr.s class Version(object): major = attr.ib() minor = attr.ib() patch = attr.ib() def __str__(self): parts = [self.major, self.minor] if self.patch is not None: parts.append(self.patch) return '.'.join(str(p) for p in parts) @classmethod def parse(cls, name): """Parse an X.Y.Z or X.Y string into a version tuple. """ match = re.match(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?$', name) if not match: raise ValueError('invalid version name {0!r}'.format(name)) major = int( minor = int( patch = if patch is not None: patch = int(patch) return cls(major, minor, patch) @property def cmpkey(self): """Make the version a comparable tuple. Some old Python versions does not have a patch part, e.g. 2.7.0 is named "2.7" in pyenv. Fix that, otherwise `None` will fail to compare with int. """ return (self.major, self.minor, self.patch or 0) def matches_minor(self, other): """Check whether this version matches the other in (major, minor). """ return (self.major, self.minor) == (other.major, other.minor) class PyenvError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, desc, c): super(PyenvError, self).__init__(desc) self.out = c.out self.err = c.err class Runner(object): def __init__(self, pyenv): self._cmd = pyenv def _pyenv(self, *args, **kwargs): timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', delegator.TIMEOUT) if kwargs: k = list(kwargs.keys())[0] raise TypeError('unexpected keyword argument {0!r}'.format(k)) args = (self._cmd,) + tuple(args) c =, block=False, timeout=timeout) c.block() if c.return_code != 0: raise PyenvError('faild to run {0}'.format(args), c) return c def iter_installable_versions(self): """Iterate through CPython versions available for Pipenv to install. """ for name in self._pyenv('install', '--list').out.splitlines(): try: version = Version.parse(name.strip()) except ValueError: continue yield version def find_version_to_install(self, name): """Find a version in pyenv from the version supplied. A ValueError is raised if a matching version cannot be found. """ version = Version.parse(name) if version.patch is not None: return name try: best_match = max(( inst_version for inst_version in self.iter_installable_versions() if inst_version.matches_minor(version) ), key=operator.attrgetter('cmpkey')) except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'no installable version found for {0!r}'.format(name), ) return best_match def install(self, version): """Install the given version with pyenv. The version must be a ``Version`` instance representing a version found in pyenv. A ValueError is raised if the given version does not have a match in pyenv. A PyenvError is raised if the pyenv command fails. """ c = self._pyenv( 'install', '-s', str(version), timeout=PIPENV_INSTALL_TIMEOUT, ) return c