''' Common enumerations to be used together with |Enum| property. This module provides many pre-defined enumerations, as well as functions for creating new enumerations. New enumerations can be created using the |enumeration| function: .. code-block:: python #: Specify a nautically named side, port or starboard MyEnum = enumeration("port", "starboard") Typically, enumerations are used to define |Enum| properties: .. code-block:: python from bokeh.model import Model from bokeh.core.properties import Enum class MyModel(Model): location = Enum(MyEnum, help=""" Whether the thing should be a port or starboard. """) Enumerations have a defined order and support iteration: .. code-block:: python >>> for loc in MyEnum: ... print(loc) ... port starboard as well as containment tests: .. code-block:: python >>> "port" in MyEnum True Enumerations can be easily documented in Sphinx documentation with the :ref:`bokeh.sphinxext.bokeh_enum` Sphinx extension. ---- .. autofunction:: bokeh.core.enums.enumeration ---- .. |Enum| replace:: :class:`~bokeh.core.properties.Enum` .. |enumeration| replace:: :func:`~bokeh.core.enums.enumeration` ''' from __future__ import absolute_import from six import string_types from .. import colors, palettes class Enumeration(object): ''' Represent an enumerated collection of values. .. note:: Instances of ``Enumeration`` typically should not be constructed directly. Instead, use the |enumeration| function. ''' __slots__ = () def __iter__(self): return iter(self._values) def __contains__(self, value): if not self._case_sensitive: value = value.lower() return value in self._values def __str__(self): return "Enumeration(%s)" % ", ".join(self._values) __repr__ = __str__ def enumeration(*values, **kwargs): ''' Create an |Enumeration| object from a sequence of values. Call ``enumeration`` with a sequence of (unique) strings to create an Enumeration object: .. code-block:: python #: Specify the horizontal alignment for rendering text TextAlign = enumeration("left", "right", "center") Args: values (str) : string enumeration values, passed as positional arguments The order of arguments is the order of the enumeration, and the first element will be considered the default value when used to create |Enum| properties. Keyword Args: case_sensitive (bool, optional) : Whether validation should consider case or not (default: True) Raises: ValueError if values empty, if any value is not a string or not unique Returns: Enumeration ''' if not (values and all(isinstance(value, string_types) and value for value in values)): raise ValueError("expected a non-empty sequence of strings, got %s" % values) if len(values) != len(set(values)): raise ValueError("enumeration items must be unique, got %s" % values) attrs = dict([ (value, value) for value in values ]) attrs.update({ "_values": list(values), "_default": values[0], "_case_sensitive": kwargs.get("case_sensitive", True), }) return type("Enumeration", (Enumeration,), attrs)() #: Specify whether events should be combined or collected as-is when a Document hold is in effect HoldPolicy = enumeration( "combine", "collect") #: Specify whether a dimension or coordinate is latitude or longitude LatLon = enumeration("lat", "lon") #: Specify how stroked lines should be joined together LineJoin = enumeration("miter", "round", "bevel") #: Specify a named dash pattern for stroking lines LineDash = enumeration("solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "dashdot") #: Specify how stroked lines should be terminated LineCap = enumeration("butt", "round", "square") #: Specify the font style for rendering text FontStyle = enumeration("normal", "italic", "bold") #: Specify the vertical alignment for rendering text VerticalAlign = enumeration("top", "middle", "bottom") #: Specify the horizontal alignment for rendering text TextAlign = enumeration("left", "right", "center") #: Specify the baseline location for rendering text TextBaseline = enumeration("top", "middle", "bottom", "alphabetic", "hanging", "ideographic") #: Specify a stroke direction for circles, wedges, etc. Direction = enumeration("clock", "anticlock") #: Specify units for mapping values SpatialUnits = enumeration("screen", "data") #: Specify the units for an angle value AngleUnits = enumeration("deg", "rad") #: Specify a date/time scale DatetimeUnits = enumeration("microseconds", "milliseconds", "seconds", "minsec", "minutes", "hourmin", "hours", "days", "months", "years") #: Specify a vertical/horizontal dimension Dimension = enumeration("width", "height") #: Specify a vertical/horizontal dimensions Dimensions = enumeration("width", "height", "both") #: Specify a vertical/horizontal orientation for something Orientation = enumeration("horizontal", "vertical") #: Specify a fixed location for a Bokeh legend LegendLocation = Anchor = enumeration( "top_left", "top_center", "top_right", "center_left", "center", "center_right", "bottom_left", "bottom_center", "bottom_right") #: Specify a location in plot layouts Location = enumeration("above", "below", "left", "right") #: Specify a vertical location in plot layouts VerticalLocation = enumeration("above", "below") #: Specify a horizontal location in plot layouts HorizontalLocation = enumeration("left", "right") #: Specify an attachment for tooltips TooltipAttachment = enumeration("horizontal", "vertical", "left", "right", "above", "below") #: Specify a named dashing patter for stroking lines DashPattern = enumeration("solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "dashdot") #: Specify a style for button widgets ButtonType = enumeration("default", "primary", "success", "warning", "danger", "link") #: Specify one of the 137 named CSS colors NamedColor = enumeration(*colors.named.__all__, case_sensitive=False) #: Specify the name of a palette from :ref:`bokeh.palettes` Palette = enumeration(*palettes.__palettes__) #: Specify a style for a Google map MapType = enumeration("satellite", "roadmap", "terrain", "hybrid") #: Specify a format for printing dates DateFormat = enumeration("ATOM", "W3C", "RFC-3339", "ISO-8601", "COOKIE", "RFC-822", "RFC-850", "RFC-1036", "RFC-1123", "RFC-2822", "RSS", "TIMESTAMP") #: Specify a policy for how numbers should be rounded RoundingFunction = enumeration("round", "nearest", "floor", "rounddown", "ceil", "roundup") #: Specify a locale for printing numeric values NumeralLanguage = enumeration("be-nl", "chs", "cs", "da-dk", "de-ch", "de", "en", "en-gb", "es-ES", "es", "et", "fi", "fr-CA", "fr-ch", "fr", "hu", "it", "ja", "nl-nl", "pl", "pt-br", "pt-pt", "ru", "ru-UA", "sk", "th", "tr", "uk-UA") #: Specify an output backend to render a plot area onto OutputBackend = enumeration("canvas", "svg", "webgl") #: Specify a position in the render order for a Bokeh renderer RenderLevel = enumeration("image", "underlay", "glyph", "annotation", "overlay") #: Specify a render mode for renderers that support both Canvas or CSS rendering RenderMode = enumeration("canvas", "css") #: Specify a start/end value StartEnd = enumeration("start", "end") #: Specify a mode for stepwise interpolation StepMode = enumeration("before", "after", "center") #: Specify different callback policies for the slider widget SliderCallbackPolicy = enumeration("continuous", "throttle", "mouseup") #: Specify a distribution to use for the Jitter class JitterRandomDistribution = enumeration("uniform", "normal") #: Specify sorting directions SortDirection = enumeration("ascending", "descending") #: Sizing mode policies SizingMode = enumeration("stretch_both", "scale_width", "scale_height", "scale_both", "fixed") #: Specify how a legend should respond to click events LegendClickPolicy = enumeration("none", "hide", "mute") #: Whether range padding should be interpreted a percentage or and absolute quantity PaddingUnits = enumeration("percent", "absolute") #: Specify how axis tick labels are oriented with respect to the axis TickLabelOrientation = enumeration("horizontal", "vertical", "parallel", "normal") #: Specify how a format string for a tooltip field should be interpreted TooltipFieldFormatter = enumeration("numeral", "datetime", "printf")