#include <stdlib.h> #include "ELM327.h" #include "SIM808.h" #define APN_HOST "internet.vodafone.ro" #define APN_USER "internet.vodafone.ro" #define APN_PASS "vodafone" uint8_t uart1Response; uint16_t SIM808_timeout_ms = 1000; char bufferUart3[128]; uint16_t standby_counter_start = 0; uint8_t standby = 0; uint8_t carWasOnline = 0; void setup() { // Start Uart1 & UART3 Serial_begin(38400); SerialUart3_begin(9600); while (!Serial) { } while (!SerialUart3) { } // GPIO SETUP GPIO_setup(); delay(100); GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIOG, GPIO_PIN_1); GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_3); GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_0); delay(2000); GPIO_WriteLow(GPIOG, GPIO_PIN_1); delay(1000); GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIOG, GPIO_PIN_1); delay(3000); //initializeObdElm(); initializeSim808(); // Test uart communication //sendMsgUart1(); } void initializeSim808() { delay(3000); establishContact(); setDebugOn(); delay(10000); setCREG(); setCGATT(); setCANT(); delay(10000); delay(500); enableGPS(); setupAPN1(); setupAPN2(); setupAPN3(); } void initializeObdElm() { ELM327_begin('0', 40); ELM327_sendCommand("STVCAL"); delay(1000); ELM327_sendCommand("STSLVLW >13.10, 5"); delay(1000); ELM327_sendCommand("STSLVLS <13.00, 5"); delay(1000); ELM327_sendCommand("STSLVL on,on"); delay(1000); ELM327_sendCommand("STSLCS"); delay(1000); } // Test initialization functions START void sendMsgUart1() { Serial_println_s("Trimitem in UART1"); delay(200); } void sendMsgUart3() { SerialUart3_println_s("Trimitem in UART3"); delay(200); } // Test initialization functions END // SIM808 functions void establishContact() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT"); } void setDebugOn() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT+CMEE=2"); delay(100); SerialUart3_println_s("AT+CEER"); delay(100); } void setCREG() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT+CREG=1"); delay(100); } void setCGATT() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT+CGATT=1"); delay(100); } void setCANT() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT+CANT=1,1,10"); delay(100); } void enableGPS() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT+CGPSPWR=1"); delay(10000); SerialUart3_println_s("AT+CGPSSTATUS?"); delay(100); SerialUart3_println_s("AT+CGPSINF=?"); } void setupAPN1() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"Contype\", \"GPRS\""); delay(100); } void setupVodafoneAPN() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"APN\", \"vodafone\""); delay(100); } void setupAPN2() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT+CSTT=\"internet.vodafone.ro\",\"internet.vodafone.ro\",\"vodafone\""); delay(100); } void setupAPN3() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT+SAPBR=1,1"); delay(1000); SerialUart3_println_s("AT+SAPBR=2,1"); delay(1000); SerialUart3_println_s("AT+CIFSR"); } uint8_t checkTimeout(uint32_t previousTime) { uint32_t currentTime = millis(); if ((currentTime - previousTime) >= SIM808_timeout_ms) return 1; return 0; } char* SIM808_sendCommand(char *cmd) { char *payloadUart3; uint16_t PAYLOAD_LEN_UART3; uint16_t recBytes; uint32_t currentTime; uint32_t previousTime; uint8_t counter = 0; for (byte i = 0; i < PAYLOAD_LEN_UART3; i++) payloadUart3[i] = '\0'; // reset input buffer and number of received bytes recBytes = 0; // while (SerialUart3_available()) { // SerialUart3_read(); // } previousTime = millis(); currentTime = previousTime; SerialUart3_println_s(cmd); // prime the timeout timer // buffer the response of the ELM327 until either the // end marker is read or a timeout has occurred /* while ((counter < (PAYLOAD_LEN_UART3 + 1)) && !checkTimeout(previousTime)) { Serial_println_s("Test2:"); if (SerialUart3_available()) { Serial_println_s("Test3:"); while(!SerialUart3_available()) { delay(100); } char recChar = SerialUart3_read(); Serial_println_s(recChar); if (recChar == '>') break; else if (isspace(recChar)) continue; payloadUart3[counter] = recChar; counter++; } } */ char response; //Serial_println_s("Test:"); //Serial_println_u(SerialUart3_available()); delay(100); while(!checkTimeout(previousTime)){ response = SerialUart3_read(); //Serial_println_s(response); } recBytes = counter; payloadUart3="test"; return payloadUart3; } void prepateHTTP1() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT+HTTPINIT"); delay(100); } void prepateHTTP2() { delay(1000); SerialUart3_println_s("AT+HTTPPARA=\"CID\",1"); delay(100); } void terminateHttpConnection() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT+HTTPINIT"); delay(100); } void checkStandby() { uint8_t standby_pin = GPIO_ReadInputPin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_1); if (standby_pin >= 1) { carWasOnline = 1; } if (carWasOnline == 1) { if (standby_pin < 1) { if (standby == 1) { GPIO_WriteLow(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_3); } if (standby_counter_start == 0 && standby == 0) { standby_counter_start = millis(); } else { if (millis() - standby_counter_start >= 20000 && standby == 0) { standby_counter_start = 0; standby = 1; } } } else { if (standby == 1) { GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_3); delay(2000); GPIO_WriteLow(GPIOG, GPIO_PIN_1); delay(1000); GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIOG, GPIO_PIN_1); delay(1000); standby = 0; initializeObdElm(); initializeSim808(); } } } } void prepareHttpEndpointUrl() { char data_url[300] = "AT+HTTPPARA=\"URL\",\"\""; char json_para_header[300] = "AT+HTTPPARA=\"CONTENT\",\"application/json\""; // char *bufferSim808; // // sim808_flush_serial(); // // //char float_result[10]; // // sim808_send_cmd("AT+CGPSINF=0"); // sim808_read_buffer(bufferSim808, 32); //Serial_println_s(bufferSim808); // char* float_result = SIM808_sendCommand(); //float obd_result = ELM327_rpm(); // char* float_result = ELM327_rpm(); //sprintf(float_result, "%d", (int)obd_result); //strcat(data_url, bufferSim808); //strcat(data_url, "\""); SerialUart3_println_s(data_url); SerialUart3_println_s(json_para_header); delay(100); } void prepareHTTPBody() { char request_body[100] = "{\"rpm\":100,\"speed\":80,\"fuel\":60}"; char data_command[40] = "AT+HTTPDATA=100,2000"; delay(100); SerialUart3_println_s(data_command); delay(1500); SerialUart3_println_s(request_body); delay(200); } void executeGetRequest() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT+HTTPACTION=0"); delay(100); } void executePostRequest() { SerialUart3_println_s("AT+HTTPACTION=1"); delay(100); } // SIM808 End functions void GPIO_setup(void) { GPIO_DeInit(GPIOG); GPIO_Init(GPIOG, GPIO_PIN_1, GPIO_MODE_OUT_OD_LOW_SLOW); GPIO_DeInit(GPIOA); GPIO_Init(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_3, GPIO_MODE_OUT_PP_LOW_FAST); GPIO_DeInit(GPIOB); GPIO_Init(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_0, GPIO_MODE_OUT_PP_LOW_FAST); } // te auzim void loop() { if (standby == 0) { delay(100); prepateHTTP1(); prepateHTTP2(); prepareHttpEndpointUrl(); prepareHTTPBody(); delay(2000); executePostRequest(); delay(3000); terminateHttpConnection(); delay(500); ELM327_rpm(); } delay(300); checkStandby(); }